2 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


WhatsApp vulnerability

lets governments see who you message

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Fuck it, give the students maps

Give the teacher maps

Everyone gets a map!

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As AMD, Intel, Tenstorrent, and other companies develop better hardware, more software developers will be inclined to design for these platforms, and Nvidia's CUDA dominance could ease over time.

This seems a bit optimistic to me. CUDA is currently the de facto method of utilising a GPU's power efficiently. This makes them an easy choice for anyone with serious compute power needs. The other manufacturers are fighting an uphill battle trying to create an alternative that won't be used until it is definitively better.

This just seems like a catch 22 to me

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The day we can use biocomputers like that is when criminals start hiding URLs in their DNA to rickroll the police chasing them

If its really intelligent it will know better and just leave us to suffer

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Not a whole lot of experience distro-hopping here (went from Ubuntu to Endeavour and haven't really changed since) but from what I know it seems like most distros have their place. Arch is highly customisable and all rolling release distros are good for gamers and those who need the latest software. Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, and other LTS distros are good for servers and newcomers (fewer big updates and therefore fewer potential crises)

For the sake of answering the question, I'd say Ubuntu is my least favourite. Its pretty bloated, and then there's the whole snap fiasco

Endeavour is fairly easy to run and maintain, aside from not having a GUI package manager installed by default (I say this as someone who has been running it for about 2 years now, and still considers themselves a Linux noob)

One underrated feature is the Welcome tab, which also notifies you if there's some critical error in the latest update so that you know to use caution and take certain steps when updating

Other than that, running yay or sudo pacman -Syu is most of the maintenance you'll need to do

You can install Heroic Games launcher, which is an alternative Epic + GOG front-end (it also works on Windows and is apparently better than the real thing). You can use it to manage the compatibility layers similarly to Steam, but in my experience its function is on a game-by-game basis

As another commenter has said, go through ProtonDB and check all the games you can't live without

Lemuroid emulates most handhelds, and works pretty well in my experience (S9, to give an idea of performance)

This is like how in Boku no Hero Academia where the first quirk was a baby that was born emitting light

Boku no Hero Macaque

The shadiness of the leaders aside, I've always thought that, with how prevalent PEDs are in competitive sports despite all the restrictions, it would be interesting to see how far humans can go if all restrictions are lifted

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Bigger number better


I browse Reddit occasionally without logging in (I also shredded my account after the API changes) and I see many posts that make me worried about the sort of data LLMs will collect once Reddit management allows that

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Haven't played Gostwire Tokyo, so I'm not sure exactly how it plays, but you might also enjoy the Witcher 3 and Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor/War. They both have good combat systems and skill trees (although they work quite differently), as well as an open explorable world. I've played Shadow of Mordor (Steam version), so I know that works fine on Linux

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I needed User-Agent Switcher a few days ago. But I'm glad I have it now!

Not an expert, but to me it sounds like the issue is that "on demand" uses the iGPU for regular desktop parts and calls for the dGPU when you switch to something requiring more horsepower

The problem with this might be that the execution of this is slow and there's a few seconds between the iGPU switching off and the dGPU switching on

Technically plants do respire oxygen and produce CO2, its just that the photosynthesis process produces more O2 than they need, so its a net offset 🤓

There have been experiments done since the 1800s proving that plants can survive in a closed environment, presumably by regulating the amount they photosynthesise, so there probably wouldn't be a global loss of plant life

I have no mouth and I must scream

Off-topic, but there's a cat that lives nearby that has your name

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Played it in the v6-7 days.

It introduces multiple new fleshed out factions with really good balancing. Obviously there isn't going to be a lot of voice acting for characters not in the movies, but that's a pretty minor setback, all things considered

I've used phind a few times and it's pretty good. I'm not sure if it's open source, though

The stutter fest from a late-game Phantom Lancer?

Sometimes my PC also starts annoyingly long shader caching as I'm trying to play a game. If you cancel the shader caching, does the game not launch?

Otherwise if you suspect the issue is with Proton,you could use an older version and see if that helps?

When you've clicked on the show and its showing you all the seasons/episodes you have, click on the settings (three dots) and select "Identify"

It'll bring up a menu where you can input the name of the show, or its iMDb code, or a few other identifiers and it'll show the matches it can find. From there you can select the correct show and it'll populate the metadata accordingly

I knew this because of 'How I met your mother'!

Do you use a service for the relays, or is it possible to self-host?

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I can't. He wears it too well

Off topic a bit, but how is the Nvidia + Wayland experience?

Are the horror stories true? Do you use multiple monitors?