8 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

I thought this was an announcement they were moving to the Fediverse.

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Seems to be just a hit piece. I only care if it does cool things and it's open source. None of the investor squabbling matter to me.

It is humming along nicely for those that use it. There could be another speculative pump filled with scams, that would be no surprise.

Same here. Ubuntu user for a loong time. Tried others but Ubuntu is just easy for me.

It's how you used to buy weed.

Make likes and comments have a stronger effect for smaller communities in the listing algorithm. The top of me feed is just c/technology and c/meme.

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I'm not sure what the difference with this and NFTs are.

You wouldn't download a drone sailboat???

I find it odd people who want their social media decentralised but are disgusted when money is decentralised.

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Let's do the Peertube migration.

Corporations trying to take as much money as possible.

Likely bots recommending them.


Lol, somebody could write an opinion piece like this on decentralised social media and be just as wrong as you. Crypto is happily humming along and for some reason you are bitter that people like to use it.

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If people are actually interested in decentralised technology to escape abusive corporations then your insults to cryptocurrency users and assumed bad intentions of cryptocurrency users are not very convincing arguments.

It has some technical differences but it is basically the same. I think the Fediverse is too far ahead for it to ever catch on. I don't think enough people care about extreme censorship resistance.

I agree with all 3

The page you posted is just using the SWIFT network. People who don't trade in USD generally don't use SWIFT. USD is still the dominant currency but I have seen numbers somewhere around 50% not 80%.

That is the exact question I had on my mind when coming to this post.

In the all list or even the subscribed list. I find that my home screen is always full of the same communities while some of the smaller communities have new posts with active discussion that I never get shown on the home screen.

What is the ZigBee controller? Is the Hue Bridge one? Does the Hue bridge not go on the internet?

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I think we need to embrace-extend-extinguish Meta!

That website probably gets a large portion of its clicks from Reddit. Of course it wants to maintain the status quo and bash anything that will affect that.

We did the Twitter to Mastodon migration. Now we are doing the Reddit to Lemmy/kbin migration. When are we doing the YouTube to Peertube migration?

There is a chance that some of the fires were started by arsonists but they are not the reason the fires got out of control. They got out of control because of the lack of rain likely caused by climate changes.

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So exactly like I said.

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Yes. I assume arson is zero or close to zero.

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Thanks for all this info. I'm just planning out what I will use. This gives me a lot to dig into!

I assume you suggest DynDNS because most people's home IP address does not stay static. My home IP has stayed the same for over 3 years. I guess there could be a security concern if the IP changed and another computer assumes my domain name, but that could be changed pretty quick.

If they want to escape the US military they will need their own military.