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Adding to all the reasons already listed, Russia isn't striving. For example, right now there is a number of towns and cities experiencing outages in central heating (with houses designed around central heating so basically no other option to heat their appartments) while the weather dips to -20°C (around -4°F). All because the centralized boiler facilities weren't properly maintained due to the lack of money (or, to be more precise, due to money being diverted towards the war).

There are other signs, like plains malfunctioning and flights getting delayed because some component broke and cannot be replaced due to sanctions, and they happen more and more often. Also the less noticeable stuff like prices of common goods increasing by a factor of two in the last couple of years while salaries barely increased at all.

So yeah, Russia is keeping itself afloat, but it isn't thriving at all

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Vocaloids were invented in 2000, with commercial release in 2004. Human singers aren't extinct yet.

It may be possible in the future for a synthetic voice to sound fully human with a full range of emotions. But I believe that human actors and voice actors will still be used because 1) it's easier to explain what to do to a human professional, 2) unions exist and they will push back against it.

Acting is an art. What world is it where robots do art while humans do the tedious manual labor?

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This is bi erasure and I won't stand by it

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One has tried to destroy democracy and the other will just give up the democracy for the first one to destroy and won't fight for it.

To be clear, the best thing to do is to vote for a democrat in the election, but it would be much better if said democrat isn't Biden

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Uhhh, yes. It was 3am when I wrote this, so my brain probably farted hard

Conservatives are much more hateful than any stereotype

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If there's nothing wrong with people losing jobs, then go on, resign from your job. Be the change you want to see in this world.

To summarize:

There was a dude called Igor Girkin, he was in the Russian military. His crimes include, but aren't limited to:

  1. Shooting down Malaysia Airline MH17 in 2014
  2. Torturing and executing Ukrainians
  3. Terrorism in Eastern Ukraine under guise of separarism
  4. Involvement in the annexation of Crimea (at least illegally crossing the border as a part of military force and threatening citizens)

is arrested in Russia for saying that the Russian army is performing poorly in Ukraine and Putin and Shoigu (minister of defence) are not managing the situation appropriately.

It shows that in Russia, showing honesty about war is more of a crime than murder and terrorism. Combined

If it's the only option, then the democracy is already dead and voting for Biden is pointless. Democracy entails that the government represents the will of the people. And you're suggesting that because some old fart decided to cling to power, everyone should stop demanding that their will is represented and start kissing that old fart's ass. "That's the only person you can vote for to preserve democracy" is a self-defeating statement...

I meant that these things aren't as noticeable from outside of the country. Like, foreign news outlets probably won't report on it much. Plus, eggs are more of an exception because of sudden shortage and prices rising rapidly. For most of the other goods the price grows more gradually and isn't as obvious. Like in that metaphor about slowly boiling a frog.

Another problem that is noticeable from inside the country (at least by those affected by it) is that certain medications are vanishing from the pharmacies because they are no longer imported and they were never produced locally, or the local production is insufficient to meet the needs. I don't know the full list, but the stock of ADHD meds is definitely low, and I've heard from friends that they had to switch to a different antidepressant due to shortages.

Well, I meant it more like "can you imagine how horrible such a world is?" Not just "can you imagine it?"

Because yeah, you barely need to imagine it at all

I also live in Russia, and in my experience certain VPNs just get blocked by the ISP. Like, I just can't connect to certain VPNs, the connection either gets stuck in an infinine loop or fails with an error. But some other VPNs still work without any problems.

Plus, since the beginning of this month, it's prohibited to promote/advertise "means to avoid blocked internet resources", i.e. proxies/VPNs/etc, so it can be called "partially restricted"

Does this suck? To my ears, it doesn't. Not unmistakably human by any stretch, but still pretty good. And that's 9 years ago

And by "AI singing" do you mean "a famous voice overlaid on another singer's performanse" or something closer to text-to-speech (text-to-song)?

Vocaloids are far from perfect, but they can be damn good in hands of a good producer. Plus, isn't that the original point? "AI VA were invented so soon all VAs will be AI"?

And to produce the example you provided, it required a big voice bank from people who are very experienced in voicework. Top Gear/The Grand Tour have over 200 episodes where the hosts have basically the same characters throughout the show spanning like 20 years. And it still ain't perfect. It's damn good, but there are hiccups here and there.

So to produce a good AI voiceover, you'll need experienced people doing a lot of work. And to get experienced human actors you will need humans acting. Hence, my point

They increased players' attack and defence a little, probably by 10% or something. They didn't remove any bosses or even bosses' attacks, they didn't replace standard dodge with Bloodhound step or do anything drastic. I don't understand what you are so mad about

How am I generalizing, beyond pointing out the defining cause behind the movement?

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Well... if a conservative:

  • supports gay marriage
  • doesn't believe in ROGD or the notion that people become transgender because of social contagion
  • is okay with sex education that includes homosexuality
  • supports transgender athletes
  • supports transgender people using bathrooms according to their gender
  • is okay with drag shows and doesn't believe they're automatically unsuitable for children
  • doesn't believe that people of color are inherently more violent/stupid/dangerous/filthy/etc
  • supports schools in teaching even the unsightly parts of the country's history
  • supports immigration
  • supports diversity and inclusion
  • doesn't believe that young people are lazy ungrateful brats
  • doesn't support patriarchy
  • defends women's rights to abortion
  • believes that government should spend more money on helping homeless, drug addicts, disabled, orphans, etc

Is this person still a conservative?

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Yeah. There's a lot of things that conservatives hate, that's what I was saying since the beginning. And I didn't even mention the hate of non-christians, for example, or for socialists.

And if you support some things but not the others, you're still supporting policies based on hate, so my point stands

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Can you give me one singular reason to oppose gay marriage that isn't based on hate?

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Ok, so you do admit that opposition to gay marriage is based on hate. Good.

And the discussion was about the fact that the vast majority of conservative policies are dictated by fear. Have you forgotten?

I should be what? A conservative? No, thank you, I live in reality and I'm not scared of made-up culture war bullshit

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Yeah, modern conservatives are ridiculous. Haven't you heard?

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Oh, yeah, you should be hateful of intolerance. If you aren't, you're hurting those who are getting hatecrimed by conservatives

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People say that Bloodfiend nerf isn't significant, like 220 -> 195 bleed buildup or somewhere along those lines. So it's probably still viable