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After 3 alerts, it's off until you park. There are visual cues that precede the alert though and these do not count. I don't recall how many there are and for how long, but you start by seeing a message asking to have your hands on the wheel, then a blue line at the top, them the line starts pulsing ,then you've got an audio alert that is the first strike. Three strikes during the same drive and you need to park before using autopilot again.

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That's similar to cruise control. Cruise control can be dangerous because someone could fall asleep (not having to manage your speed can afford up sleepiness) and the car wouldn't slow down.

In my opinion, those options are all the driver's responsibility to know their own limit and understand that the tool is just a tool and you are responsible to making sure your driving is safe for others. Tesla autopilot adds a ton of safety features that avoid a lot of collisions based on lacking attention, sleepiness, and actively avoiding other drivers faults. But it's still just a tool and the driver is responsible of their own car and driving.

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But he did it while feeling it with them

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To be fair, it looks like what happened could have easily happened to a human driver too. Human driver hit a woman, making her fall right in front of another car who stopped when they were over them.

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Expensive wedding

Would make more sense to do that on people in the videos. Prevent child pornography or teen nudes. Let teenagers watch porn, we did that in the 90s

ChatGPT's answer is on point:

A content creator is someone who produces and shares content online, such as videos, blog posts, or social media posts. An influencer, on the other hand, is a person who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority. knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. While content creators may also be influencers, not all influencers are content creators. Some influencers may simply share their opinions or experiences with their audience to influence their decisions.

That's sad though. Sometimes I don't feel like replying to my friends, I know it's the same for them. If they saw my message and haven't replied, I assume they'll reply later or give them a bit more time before reminding them.

To me it's the complete opposite. How can you raise children in the city? They can't go out without a parent watching over them, they don't even have a garden to play outside. By moving to the suburbs, my kids can just get on their bike, scooter or skateboard and meet up with their friends at their home or at the park, even as young as 8, it's a pretty safe place and they've got plenty of outdoors to enjoy. We have room for the pool as well as the trampoline, playing soccer and kids can just walk to school super early.

I moved in to the city when I was 14, after growing in the country/suburbs, when you're a teen, it's fun to take the bus to go watch a movie with your friends without relying on a parent driving you there and back. But younger than that, take your bike and you've got complete freedom!

I couldn't imagine raising my kids in the city so we moved out before having them, now I can't imagine moving into the city ever again, I actually almost never go to the city except to visit friends or some museums, too many people, bricks and asphalt.

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Elon Musk is a hero and we should all praise him, buy Teslas and use autopilot all the time while checking out our phones.

That only works if the Bluetooth device is able to connect to two or more devices at the same time. My headset doesn't, so if I want to switch sources, I need to explicitly disconnect the headset from the phone and manually connect it from the PC (in both cases, open Bluetooth settings, click on theb headset that's paired and click either connect or disconnect). It's a bit of effort but not too bad. Not as bad as pairing though.

If I don't disconnect from the last connected device, my headset will automatically connect to it and only play media from it.

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Not only province, but doctor/hospital but mostly urgency.

If you've got something critical, it's super fast, otherwise it can be pretty slow.

went to the emergency for something stuck in my eye, 3am. Went in, waited 3 minutes to be checked, saw a doctor 15 minutes later, by the 1h mark I was out with 1 nurse and 1 doctor who had seen me and removed what I had and another nurse who had given me a vaccine shot.

On my way out, I talked to someone in the waiting room I had seen at 8PM getting a softball to the side of the eye, she finally saw someone around 11h after getting to the E.R. (they quickly evaluate the urgency when you arrive).

Almost 4 years later, I'm still waiting for my vasectomy appointment.

When the accident is caused by a blatant lack of paying attention, I believe it would. Not paying attention, causing death of someone? 2 years in jail. You're responsible of what you do.

I keep the Bluetooth icon always visible in the system tray, double clicking it opens the paired devices directly. Still working on 11.

I believe this is caused by the fog combined with flashing lights and upward/curved road. The Tesla autopilot system is super impressive in almost all situations but you can clearly see the limits in extreme situations. Here, the drunk driver is definitely at fault, I don't understand why they'd sue Tesla.

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I love it, it tells me either they haven't viewed it, so no need to remind them or need to call them if it's a bit more urgent. If they saw it and didn't reply, depending on timing and situation, I assume/know that either they're too busy right now, working on something before replying or forgot and need a reminder.

Super useful!

To me, autonomous vehicles are like AI (it actually is AI in the case of Tesla): the public perception is that it's way better than it really is because it's really good in 80% of cases. But to get to 90-95% will take many many years still. That doesn't mean we shouldn't use them, neither abandon them. To progress, we have to keep using them with caution. Learn the limits and work within it. Don't start firing people to be replaced with AI because in a few months and years you'll realize that the 20% left to improve will be hurting more than your thought. The same way you shouldn't remove drivers just yet.

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I've got a few creators I subscribe to and only ever look at my subscriptions and never at the recommendations. My YouTube experience has been pretty consistent over the years. Still greatly enjoy it, subscribing to creators once or twice a year.

When I started working, I was dedicated to work and wanted nothing else than to produce lines of code, I just loved it so much. Having a boss that was like this, dedicated and loved hard workers, I'd have loved working for him. Few years later? Fuck that, give me 100% remote, 35h/w with 7 weeks vacations, I'd be truely happy that way!

Want*. He only needs 1

When you drive a Tesla, it's pretty clear what autopilot is. The name is a marketing term, you can't engage it everywhere and anytime, you've got to keep your hands on the wheel or it disables itself, won't stop at stop signs and red lights, won't do line changes, etc.

They're not using the product in the manner approved by the manufacturer at all. Driver is 100% responsible in this case and 23k is an absolute insult to the victims and the judicial system.

We are missing some info regarding why the penalty was so low, though. With the details from the article, the sentence doesn't make any sense.

At least it's different. I can't tell one truck from another. GMC, Ford, Ram, Chevrolet, they look exactly the same.

And why do you want to join a hate train? Love trains are better ❤️

It has become for teens. It's like wearing the right brand. To then, if you're a green bubble, shame on you.

Of course it originates from the degraded experience, but at the moment, it all came down to the color of the bubble without taking into consideration the features/experience.

To the contrary, he's trying to say what he made on Twitter has more credibility than Wikipedia.

This is why AI is a solution, not coding everything. How does one learn how to react in these situations? Either you've learned from watching your parents, by taking lessons, reading the code or by simply following the others. The goal of an AI is to be able to do just that. Coding every single use case is way too complex.

I know Tesla has worked on improving emergency vehicles situations, but I don't know how and what's the current state.

Why are you being downvoted?

Until you drive it. You know the capabilities, you know when you can and cannot activate it, you know how often it tells you to look at the road and if you don't prove you've got your hands on the wheel, it disables itself for the drive (you need to park to reactivate it). No Tesla driver thinks autopilot is more than a lane and distance keeping assistance.

Autopilot is a marketing name, that's it.

I have a different experience with EVs.
I've got an EV with 265mi of range and an ICE car. I almost never use the ICE car, except for 2 reasons: is a 7-seater and sometimes I need both cars at the same time. In 100% of all cases, no matter how short or long the drive is, no matter the temperature outside (I live in an area where we get all the way to -40 and multiple months below 32F/0C.
I've never had any problem with that. I mostly charge home, this is where I agree that it's a lot more convenient if you have a driveway, but all new and recent constructions are required to come with EV plugs in apartment complexes, etc. More and more lvl2 chargers are being installed throughout the city. Spent 5 days at my sister in law's in the city while we lost electricity at home, I simply charged at work during the week and one time I went to charge at the corner of the street (<2min walk) for a few hours. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be.

The range decrease is no real issue during winter, my day starts with 100% of range everyday and in long road trips I will stop more frequently, but only for about 15-20 min max every few hours and will cost about 10$/charge. Super simple.

I thought I'd wanted to keep an ICE car as the second one, but already I see no point in it.

The only concern I think is valid is degradation in the long run. But best EV cars have very little degradation (as you mentioned), but also we technology improves, the batteries get better and better as well as cheaper, so I believe the batteries in 20 years will be incredible compared to today's which is already super impressive. Also the infrastructure will be a lot better. Replacing a battery won't cost as much.

2 years with an EV now and I can't see many reasons to use ICE cars. Only left are heavy lifters (pickup trucks who tow big trailers everyday in winter, that's a 75% range reduction). But this will also improve.

Only if the software is causing the accident or preventing the driver from avoiding one. Here the fault of the software was to not slow down out of the highway (which by experience must be a very specific situation because it most certainly do), the drive could have disengage autopilot or applied brakes to stop at the red light. The software specifically mentions it can't stop at red lights and alerts the driver when it's about to burn one. 100% of fault is the driver here.

My headphones can pair with a lot of devices. It can actively play media from only one source at a time, though. The ability for headsets to play sound from two sources at the same time is still pretty rare. And I'm not even sure playing from 3 sources exists.

I know it's not a common opinion here, but there's nothing remotely close to Tesla in terms of bang for the buck (whole experience, features, autopilot, charging infrastructure, power, range).

What are the ones you have in mind?

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I use it every single day. My phone just died, I have a temporary phone with Jack,, but I know my next one won't have one and I'm afraid of that change.

I've tried using an adapter and the quality sucks.

With decent range, you can charge once or twice a week at a fast charger (while doing groceries or posting video games) or there are public chargers every couple of blocks. No need for a home charger (though it's definitely more convenient).

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Linkin Park too with Lost as the most played song.

The kia is gorgeous! It's incredible how they've improved all of their designs in the last couple of years! I love the ioniq 5 but really dislike the 6 because of its rear.

The built quality of Tesla is greatly exaggerated. Tesla is the most shorted stock so people with big pockets push really hard to make it look worse than it is. Never had any issue with mine, of all my friends with Teslas, never heard any issue except for the old models that were fixed right away in their driveway under warranty.

The whole experience of Tesla with the keyless system (you just walk to your car, open the door, sit, it adjusts the seat and wheel to you, and you just drive away, no button to start, just engage the speed)

The navigation system (reading from your calendar or suggesting based on your habits, sending an address from your phone even hours before you get into your car, selecting from favorites, voice search or typing in that huge responsive screen and it just calculates everything including charging stops based on peak usage to select one with less chance of any waiting time, no other company does that)

The scheduling to get the car ready (heated in winter, cooled in summer), it even defrosts and remove the snow from almost everywhere as it's all glass, incredible!

The charging experience (charging stations everywhere, super reliable, like 3-5x more reliable than others, the speed of it, I almost never have to wait for it because I'm going to get food or emptying my bladder, the streaming services built in with Netflix/Disney/... always available, the games built in with controllers)

The clean inside that now makes me see all other cars as commercial airplanes, the autopilot that makes everyday drives and long road trips a complete pleasure and super relaxing, the constant updated with new features...

Of all this (and more), some other manufacturers get some stuff good, but none gets anything as spot on as Tesla, because they vertically integrate the whole stack, they know software, they know hardware, they know user experience. I can't see myself use any other car than a Tesla until something close gets to the market.

But, I understand not willing to support Musk, just as I don't want to support Apple or Bell.

I'd say influencers business model is to sell stuff (sponsored content/merch) while creators goal is to live from sharing their content, by the means of selling their own merch or using sponsors.

His shares of Tesla (660B), SpaceX (150B), Boring Co (7B) and Neuralink (5B) give him all the credit he needs. Plus he's got some good investor friends (as we saw in the Twitter purchase). He doesn't even need to liquidate any holdings.

I own a Tesla, I can't imagine buying any other make now. The full experience is incredible. Every time I hear what's going on with the new cars, especially EV, my answer to all the issues is always the same: get a Tesla instead.

Also: Musk is a shitshow on legs

When you leave the city, you have your own driveway with your own charger

Right in front of the US embassy, not long after some people from the embassy asked him to leave.

It's not really loitering though, more like "strolling without motive" (which he had). He refused to provide identification when asked.