3 Post – 145 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don’t have any reason to not trust OP, but the likelihood of this conversation happening at ALL seems incredibly unlikely. Never mind that it is described as successful.

If true, this is amazing.

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I’d love to know who actually has this honor - I would guess Trump myself, but Elmu is a good guess too

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“Let me agitate my potato in peace, for crissake”

  • you, probably
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$16.25 for a kids size pasta dish?

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iPhone gets you more like 10 years of security updates

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I suppose I could be convinced, but my gut reaction is this is a bad idea. Most people aren’t security oriented, and would put themselves at risk with poorly updated websites that are an attack vector for bad actors… There’s a lot more at stake in regards to what personal data lives on your phone… the richest concentration of your PII.

Also, my battery life is already precious. And what if you’re out of cell range or the network is overloaded? Your site just stops working?

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security updates

They last (rocking a solid 4 year old phone)

They are rugged

The 3rd party apps are better

The interoperability with other Apple products is great

They are fast enough

Great accessory market

I’m familiar with the os

The os works well enough for my needs

Privacy - I am not the product

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they haven’t aged well

This sort of humor in general hasn’t aged well. I think this sort of thing is still funny when it’s a surprise, ie used sparingly.

I think so; except leaning more heavily on promiscuity?

No one mentions Adele?

The chick from paramore

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Honest question - do you think there are more conservatives than liberals in the US?

How do you think republican candidates would fare without gerrymandering and the current state of the electoral college?


Owning Apple products feels less wasteful, somehow. I don’t replace them often.

Is the internet still kept in Big Ben?

The Breakers - this is the Rockefeller’s summer home in Newport. It’s open for tours, and though I don’t recall the prices being crazy, it’s definitely been a while.

It’s so ostentatious and over the top, but beautiful, and full of wonderfully made things.

I think it’s interesting to consider our modern billionaire class as equivalents to Rockefeller’s gilded age.

Oh, and while you’re in RI make sure to get a Del’s frozen lemonade.

A crowd pleasing karaoke song!

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Just wait until the folks next door to one side open a crematorium, and on the other side an adult book store.


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Does anyone remember Theranos? I'll believe it when they provide objective results.

I choose to interpret your statement to mean you will believe this statement once theranos provides objective results.

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My music collection, about 12TB of high bit rate music.

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Henceforth, ye shall be known as bananahands

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It’s been a long time since I switched to 1Password, but I used to use keepass. I’m not sure whether keepass has a browser extension, but otherwise (if I recall) it checks your other boxes.

1Password is great, even though it’s not open source, and you get to a spot in life where $3/mo is feasible.

Retirement… omg, retirement

I have used this phrase a lot, but in the last couple of years I’ve seen usage of this phrase by folks who aren’t Native Americans start to come under fire. I think it’s because it appropriates and makes light of Native American culture.

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I successfully made a checklist of work tasks, and checked several of them off

Don’t forget the sea-rise, seaweed blobs, and red tides!

Do you think it’s fair to say that one size does not fit all, so a giant list of self hosted options for people to choose from, is itself awesome?

The benefit of self hosting boils down to being able to make your own choices. Having a full list of options to choose from and make your own decision fits this community better (for better or worse) than someone else curating that thing for you.

You need a rice cooker. My instant pot suffices as a rice cooker, and it’s perfect every time.

To be fair, this often happened on Reddit as well. I was subscribed to 6 virtual reality subs, and at least that many 3d printing.

One issue I’ve found with this model is that content is being cross posted pretty heavily, meaning I’ll see the same post by the same person 5 times in the matter of a few minutes.

I’m trying to keep in mind that it’s still early, and communities are still finding their way. The ones that form an identity will have a larger base, and will become the de facto place that posts are made.

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After and before!

Sure, what’s the issue here? The article doesn’t say Apple is charging anyone for the appointment. This sounds like a premium experience for prospective customers with $3500 to blow that might not want to figure all of the initial setup stuff out themselves.

They’ll take these opportunities to figure out how to make the self-service as smooth as possible, and start selling without an appointment once that’s been smoothed out.

I’ve got Sir Mixalot’s “I like big butts” on lock

I prefer to encourage active reading, by forcing them to move the mouse along as they read.

Did op edit the post? He didn’t mention specific language at all from what I can see now. Or maybe he said so in a comment elsewhere?

There was a somewhat passionate discussion on this on a post about 10 days ago, with the maintainer participating

(Sorry for the http, still working out how to post lemmy style links)

You didnt answer the question, though.

What legendary thing happened to you. Not, what legendary life do you lead.

Is there a card I can sign?

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Risky name

I see you

I know you said hidden gems, but I’m fairly new, so I admittedly use more popular apps.

  • arc browser changed my relationship with the web
  • hand mirror for checking that I’m not a hot mess before my next meeting
  • karabiner for keyboard tweaking
  • tot - dead simple quick note app
  • fucking keyboard maestro!!