4 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

It’s the folly of humanity, to believe the problem will always be the next generation’s problem. Selfish desire first, concern second.

Hate to jump in on someone else’s question and ask for advice, but what would you suggest for around or under $100? On a budget but getting back into gaming. TIA.

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Guess you’re right on the headphones, any suggestions? There’s so many brands these days and I’ll assume most are garbage 😂

This reminded me of the stroke in my teens, in coma dream I was told by what seemed to be a 4th dimensional person, I will survive but will die at the age of 42… or in ‘42 (2042). I can’t remember which, as I just suffered a massive stroke lol.

Now, I’m not one to believe in premonitions, but that coma dream has haunted me and I’m not even a spiritual person.

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42 lol.

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I'm failing to see the camp here.

Oh, it’s more of a concentration camp than your traditional summer camp.

I used to moderate an older forum site 2 decades ago, (the place is still up and running) they asked me to sign an NDA after realizing I never signed one.

Which seemed reasonable, until I realized, I was an unpaid employee, working in my free time. So, immediately quit and suddenly faced backlash from my fellow moderators in front of users.

Suffice to say, all mods had alt accounts that they used to psychologically torture other board members. This site was owned my a major television broadcaster. My point is, don’t ever work a job someone should be getting paid for.

Really. Like we’re supposed to care about the company run by another shell company, whose second shell company put the first company into this mess in the first place?

If you drastically hike up prices during a pandemic to make a profit, and follow up with never lowering them back down again, you’re gonna have a bad time.

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Bite me and rot in hell, American, Delta, United and three other carriers, along with their industry trade group.

In the AppStore, search Vinegar. Works for me. 👍

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lol No shit CNN. What story is next, Water is wet, or maybe, Don’t stare at the sun?

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The Super Bowl was pre-taped four months ago in the same Nevada hangar where they faked the moon landing.

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Damn… I can remember doing this and just finding it easier to buy a ringtone when they were cheap.

I see these as stubby, colorful male genitalia.

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Sad to say, 1/3 of humanity would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches.

Don’t be afraid to be wrong and take accountability for your actions. I personally admired my grandpa for telling me this before his passing, there’s no shame in diligently striving for honor.

Most importantly, fight for those who can’t fight for themselves, you might never see the results of your actions; but you’ll be able to sleep soundly at night.

It’s a QR code for Animal Crossing for the Nintendo 2DS/3DS.

Yup. We’re back to the old days where Microsoft didn’t give a damn and enabled things by default.

It’ll take less than a decade before they get sued, yet again. By then, the penalty will be <5% of what they’ve made, but the merry go round will circle back and start all over.

Assuredly, it will be real sticky situation.

No kidding, childhood is the free trial for life.

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Alphabet, finally devouring Google Search. 🙄

They ruin everything they touch. By now the OP’s name and particulars have been fed into every laptop, desktop, mainframe and supermarket scanner that collectively makes up the global information conspiracy. Otherwise known as, “The Beast.”

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It’s nice to rarely deal with trolls. I say rarely, as I’ve seen a few users recently argue, just to be assholes.

Ironically, both appear to be very heavy Lemmy posters, and one seems to be downvoting me, still.

That said, I’ve actually met users I run into semi regularly in others posts, which is a nice change.

You had someone stick their hand up you butt on camera when you were a child too?

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A friend who worked in the government said something eerily similar, a little like their common murder assumption of the spouse doing it.

The first time doing mine I was nervous, but I quickly realized most the problems are from people not using common sense.

Not to mention the sociopolitical climate and the skin color of the protesters.

It reminds me of the art piece statue in Beetlejuice.

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It sadly feels like this could summarize 98+% of the planets population right now.

Thanks, it certainly isn’t an fake name.

It feels like Republicans have realized the only way to retake a majority vote is to ensure the maximum number of deaths; aka a culling.

Followed by waiting out a generation of unnecessary/preventable deaths in the working class, and ensure the next generations are even worse uninformed. Leaving few aware of how the world used to be.

Thankfully, a brave select few are driving our species off a cliff. So, our industrial age will be a plastic skid-mark in the underwear of Earth’s fossil record for the next major species to find. /s

I won’t lie, I am intrigued my tiny homes. But I somehow have negative construction experience lol.

Never going to happen, since the mainstream media is also in service/under control of those taking our rights.

Bingo, the mainstream media hasn’t been trustworthy for roughly 2 decades. It’s just canned propaganda brought to you from billionaires.

It’s like the sociopath business owners are daring workers to rise up and over throw them at this point.

Pretty sure in the past, nature of the world itself had a lot to do with a vast majority of the deaths. Not a lot of time to consider suicide, when disease, nature and starvation are killing faster than we breed.

These days humanity has too much time to get into our own heads. Nature never intended for an animal to be as successful and destructive as humans today.

This is sadly the new Christianity, they throw some much shit at the wall, something is bound to be missed and will stick to the wall.

How’s gaming on Linux working out lately? I have a newer Windows 11 machine and looking to jump ship, asap.

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I met a bear, his breath smelled of rotted flesh and death. So make sure you bring a ton of tic-tac’s.

Being excited to die means you lived a good life

The problem is, most of the current generation is well aware they haven’t lived good lives. Not to mention, the conundrum of living longer implies a chance for an accumulation of more misdeeds. Personally, the most likely scenario is almost everyone becomes aware there is likely nothing afterwards at some point. Religion is more there like the bumpers for kids cosmic bowling, ensuring zero gutter balls. Keeping you playing, until the day you’re old enough to remove them and pay taxes, revealing life is a subscription, and childhood was a free trial all along.

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