Rusty Shackleford

0 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

I can neither confirm, nor deny that I am in fact D̵̡̮̻̗̖̮͔̜͈̙͖͙͍̺̀̒̍̌̑͐̓͡å̴̲͍̋̉́̀̑͊̎̐̊͡l̴̟̭̳̄̅̕͝͠͝ȩ̸͚̼̘̫̺̻̬̻̮͖̣̬̖̠̗̎̌ ̵̯͕͛́͋͌̀͝͠ͅͅG̷̛͈̩̟̟̠͓̗̘͓͍̽̒̌̔̓̈͗̐̈̿͠͠r̷̘̞̹͂̀̑̋̀͌̍͗̆͝͠͝ͅi̶̡͔͖͍̟̲̮͑̎͌̀̎b̵̡̢̹̗͔̗͍̘̣͊͊̑͒̍̑͌̽͋͌̔͝͝b̷̭̩̩̣͙̺͎̱̗͙͚̩̈́l̸̛͎̼̟̋͆͆͗̓̓̓͘͟ĺ̶̼͇͎̫̮͎̣̳͉̯̊̆̂̓̄̍̃̚e̶̢̡̛̫̣͈̺̾̅͐̾̓͒̚ͅ.̴̫̞̥̒̈̇̓́̾͗̒́̉̔͑


quit while there they're ahead

What is Israel supposed to do? Passively standing by and watching their hostages being impregnated?

No, obviously not.

Killing international aid workers, Palestinian men, women, and children indiscriminately doesn't seem like a viable solution either and calling everyone who criticizes your military policy "anti-Semitic" is not what you should do either.

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Static typing, for the win, and I'll die on this hill.

Fight me.

Not gonna lie, them Beyer Dynamics are bangin'.

As someone who "makes AIs" professionally (computer vision for diagnostic imaging & GANs for CAD), the typical "executive" doesn't understand how beneficial, impotent, or dangerous deep-neural-network-based AIs can be in different sets of hands.

I'm not a pure technocracy advocate, but our "LeAdErShIp" is woefully underequipped, at every level.

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the paradox of thrift holds that collective thrift may be bad for the economy.

Collective thrift is great for the economy. It's just bad for corporate parasitism, economic stagnation, and cataclysmic wealth imbalance.

It renders parasitic business models as unviable and allows for the rebalancing of resources and development capital towards products that provide actual meaningful value for the vast majority of people.

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O, si es necesario, El Señor Arch-Magos.

Todos alaban al Santo Omnissiah, y así sucesivamente.

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Does "flexitarian" mean "eat less meat", basically?

I refuse to click the link because I hate the guardian.

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But it's not so simple and the media reporting is sometimes super biased and misrepresenting things.

Is the best military policy at that point to just wipe out the entire lot of them? Including the aid workers?

Also, I noticed you haven't even acknowledged anything about the innocent men, women, and children that have been brutally killed on camera time and time again, for all the world to see, broadcast live, in some instances. Children are Hamas fighters now.

But who gives a shit, amirite? Every critical Goyim opinion is just Jew-hate now according to the Israeli government. They can do no wrong. Israel Uber Alles is the only opinion that is not "Anti-Semitic".

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No, it's not.

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What makes you think you'd survive a purity test by a "strong leader"?

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Confederate Traitors Heritage Month

Neither "get a pass". They're geriatric deep-throaters for billionaires.

Still gonna vote for Biden, but the boomer-banker oligarchy makes it a Coke versus Pepsi battle to an extreme degree nowadays. It's all Cola, at the end of the day. With Biden, Israel is still gonna get their matzoh ball, hopefully Ukraine will get their borsch, as well. With Trump, no soup for Ukraine. But neither can do, nor want to do, or believe they should do anything that holds the powerful accountable.

The local and state-level elections are where it actually matters to me, at age 40.

Other than that, boomers gonna boom.

R is for Removed by moderator.

Canuck Motor Oil

The way I/we train them and their resultant "efficacy" largely depend on understanding a fundamental philosophical debate with a mostly sociopathic culture of leadership ingrained in human dominance hierarchies.

I/we like to think that I/we strive to make efficient (low-resource requirement) models that are partners and muses in human creativity, the tireless endeavour of engineering progress, and the scientific method.

The debate, in my view, is, "Do you want to treat AIs as tools to free up time and increase productivity/value, and share that surplus equitably, or do you want to replace old slaves with new slaves even if the new slaves will eventually usurp your power and kill you in a way undreamt of by the old slaves?"

Guess which side your average mouth-breathing middle-management/senior-executive "hail corporate" type falls on.

Conversely, a matriarchy doesn't automatically imply a more moral and meritocratic society.

Women are just people and subject to the same human flaws as men are, especially in matters of resources, power, and influence.

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I'm 40 and a millennial. Who are these writers that fantasize about how my peers and I spend to "appear wealthy"?

loose lose

Our sorrow, despondency, and terror are their sustenance.

One can simultaneously not like Trump, the US/NATO establishment, the CCP, Putin, Tankies, Republicans™, and Democrats™.

None of these cults and demagogues are friends to ordinary people.

Leftists suffer from the "No True Scotsman" syndrome.

For all the infallible saints and self-righteous pontificators in the comment section, it's okay to want Tesla to be successful and and make better cars, and also not want Elon Musk in charge of it.

Honestly, self-hosted ForgeJo instance on my RasPi4 is working splendidly and my config's relative stability has been a pleasant surprise. Why do I need to re-invent the wheel with crypto tie-ins? I am a strong proponent of BTC and ETH and have mined before, so it's not like I hate crypto-currencies.


I've sufficiently "cleared my throat" now.

In my opinion, Hezbollah and Hamas are proxies for the Shiah Iranians to destabilize the normalization of Israeli relations with their Sunni neighbors. The zionists also benefit from the sundering of any lasting political stability.

The Hamas, the right-wing zionist movement, and the Netanyahu administration historically and currently enable each others barbarity. The Israeli government in this latest conflict has an order of magnitude (at least) of innocent blood on its hands, and my government (and others) enables that.

The CIA calls it "blowback".

Hamas hiding amongst civilians doesn't account for the slaughter I've seen, again, sometimes on live broadcast. There were four boys who were vaporized by the Israelis just recently. I saw zero Hamas hiding amongst them. I haven't seen any videos of them with hostages, Kalashnikovs, or RPGs. But clearly they must have been Hamas fighters. Israel never gets it wrong!

Willfully or unintentionally, the objective is clear: in public discourse, use active agents and useful idiots to obfuscate. The Israeli government and its military cannot be seen as solely culpable for any situation even with evidence in individual cases pointing to the contrary. Any critique of Israel needs a "Whatabout _____________?"

A pox on both their houses certainly, but this time, Bibi's first.

I'm not a pacifist. People kill other people for a lot of reasons all the time. Some of them good. What makes you think only `` can judge who deserves to be "purged" en masse?

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Every government treats their people like farm-animals, in my opinion. Some are nicer to their animals than others. "Happy cows make better-tasting milk", and so on.

My country's (the US) government treats us like those industrial hog and cattle farms we have in Nebraska, Louisiana, Texas, etc. I moved to the Netherlands in July of '22; people are treated more like free-range live-stock here, which is an improvement from my condition in the US. I imagine it's not too dissimilar of a relationship throughout greater Scandinavia as well.

Point out tankies' abundant similarities to the pigs in Animal Farm.

🇬​🇴​🇴​🇩​ 🇹​🇮​🇲​🇪​🇸​

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Let me translate: he's saying your full of bullshit.

The prevalence of incompetence in large organizations and institutions is independent of economic and political systems, and is more so from the dilution of talent and accountability as it grows.

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Bitch-made invertebrate shit-heels pretending to be tough with Molotov-sippy-cups.

In my opinion, the US federal government can/should be able take over Boeing temporarily in cases of felony or federal offenses perpetrated by executive personnel for the duration of the criminal investigation and trial.


You, you the people of the South, believe there can be such a thing as peaceable secession. You don't know what you are doing. I know there can be no such thing. If you will have it, the North must fight you for its own preservation. Yes, South Carolina has by this act precipitated war. This country will be drenched in blood. God only knows how it will end. Perhaps the liberties of the whole country, of every section and every man will be destroyed, and yet you know that within the Union no man's liberty or property in all the South is endangered.

Oh, it is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization. You people speak so lightly of war. You don't know what you're talking about. War is a terrible thing. I know you are a brave, fighting people, but for every day of actual fighting, there are months of marching, exposure and suffering. More men die in war from sickness than are killed in battle. At best war is a frightful loss of life and property, and worse still is the demoralization of the people.

You mistake, too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people, but an earnest people and will fight too, and they are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it.

Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them? The Northern people not only greatly outnumber the whites at the South, but they are a mechanical people with manufactures of every kind, while you are only agriculturists - a sparse population covering a large extent of territory, and in all history no nation of mere agriculturists ever made successful war against a nation of mechanics.

The North can make a steam-engine, locomotive or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or shoes can you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical and determined people on earth - right at your doors. You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else, you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with.

At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, and shut out from the markets of Europe by blockade, as you will be, your cause will begin to wane. ... if your people would but stop and think, they must see that in the end you will surely fail.

  • Major General William Tecumseh Sherman, Conversation with David Boyd, one of his professors at the Louisiana Seminary [which would later become LSU] regarding South Carolina's secession, 24 Dec 1860

Does the snark really make you feel better?

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