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I feel bad for the folks that need and deserve that money from the settlement, but it was unconscionable to allow the Sackler fucks to walk away immune with their billions. Fuck that family. I hope they get sued all the way to the poor house and found criminally liable.

To be more blunt, the comment was an outright mischaracterization, and if not out of ignorance, then a pure lie. Typical bullshit used to discredit people offhand.

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Pff, imagine living a life where you try to delay your death.

Anyone who had been planning on investing in the upcoming IPO is likely now thinking again.

I hope that's true.

Which is irrelevant. I paid for the ticket. Whatever costs have been covered. If I choose not to use it, that's my prerogative.

Could be that both texts are provided to the phone, which would then pick the appropriate version. Seems more reasonable than trying to keep track or query millions of phones of different make and manufacturer for a language setting.

Also, I found the depiction of the Indian guy funny at first but it quickly got racist and never got better, they just kept piling on the racism

Interesting. I didn't like it for a very similar reason. Their depiction of nerds or geniuses or whatever you want to call them was pretty offensive. I could never get into it.

Edit: to be clear, I'm not saying that I'm a genius or even particularly intelligent. I'm not. But the barrage of stupid nerd stereotypes was just obnoxious and offensive.

I would argue that anyone who says C++ provides a similar level of memory safety as rust hasn’t done serious development work in either language.

I’ve only ever purchased a single gun at a gun show, but they had a big ass table full of guns (and other junk) and I was not subject to a background check. This is definitely going to force more background checks, which is a good thing.

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This is a straw man. Nobody is saying they're a monopoly. They're saying Microsoft has a history of anti competitive behavior.

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And then you can go through and delete all your comments, lessening the value of Reddit as a platform.

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Huh? What do you think they promised that wasn’t delivered that would’ve made this anything that a phone app couldn’t do better? Fundamentally, talking to things sucks, but phones support that anyway. The gimmicky interface is worse than just a touch screen. You have to wear the fucking thing which makes it useless if I’m in bed or whatever. The AI was shit but could just as easily be integrated into an app. It was a shit product from design to execution.

Wait until they make Peter files

It's more sinister than that. The article points out that the way the ownership of the yacht is controlled allows Crow to claim operating expenses as losses on his taxes, lowering his already low tax burden. Essentially, this bribery is occurring at the expense of taxpayers.

The court didn’t answer the question of whether or not Trump engaged in insurrection. The question is whether or not a state can kick candidates off the ballet under section 3 of the 14th amendment and the court found that they could not.

Appreciate you correcting your post, just one more needed.

ms = milliseconds

us = microseconds

Nah, smart TV with media box. You get the ad adjusted price, you merely don't hook it up to the Internet.

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I have USAA, and if you use that app you’re eligible for discounts on your insurance.

They probably aren't insured at all. These aren't billion dollar satellites, so they're probably just launched at risk.

Lemmy drag Deez nuts across your face?

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Agreed. Dude should be treated the same as anyone else.

I'm pretty hard against applying disclosure laws and shit to family members merely for being related. You don't get to choose your mom and dad. It seems unreasonable to force someone to follow standards of government office because they were born.

You both need to stop saying the 21st amendment. Hard to take the rest of your history lessons seriously when you’re saying Lincoln repealed prohibition. It was the 13th amendment.

It's a reference to an old video.

Chromecast, Kodi, Roku, Apple TV, Nvidia shield, fire TV, etc.

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Mine is also a cuddler

The article points out that a lot of these recalls for Tesla are OTA updates that don't require you to bring the car in. It's basically transparent to you as the owner of the vehicle.

That’s a pretty significant “if”. This was a gun show in Phoenix 5+ years ago. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it’s unlikely they were openly violating the law at such a large event.

I'm really not sure what your argument is. Sometimes journalists and whistleblowers have to break the law? Sure. However, they are still breaking the law. Certainly, an adult who is breaking the law should know that they are subject to consequences and need to suck it up and live with those consequences. Rosa Parks had her day in court and was convicted of a crime. She accepted that she broke the law, regardless of how unjust it was, and did the time. That was enough to affect change.

If Assange, or anyone else, insists on breaking the law to be able to publish information, then they need to accept that they will be held accountable. Chelsea Manning served her time. Assange finally had his day in court. Snowden, hopefully, will get his day in court as well.

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By all means. But "smart" TVs come at a discount because they believe they'll have opportunities to make revenue off of those features. However, if you prevent the thing from connecting to the Internet then you get the best of both worlds. Cheaper and ad free.

Which is a fine stance in the large, but not applicable to the current story. Assisting someone in leaking classified information being illegal is not some moral injustice.

Look, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here in assuming you're asking that question honestly and not trying to start a debate about whether or not this dishonest nature of the comment constitutes a lie.

So why was she protesting the building of a wind farm a few weeks ago?

I find it funny how her protesting something hugely beneficial was met with general silence.

The comment is set up to try and make Greta appear hypocritical. She's supposed to be an environmentalist and she's protesting wind farms? The comment goes on to extrapolate that to the entire environmentalist community being hypocrites because the protest "was met with general silence".

What it leaves out is the context of the protest, which had absolutely nothing to do with the windmill, but rather the development of land use by peoples who don't have the political power to prevent it.

It's akin to you protesting a children's hospital being put in your backyard and then being accused of hating sick children.

In other comments, OP says "I work in the industry and windmills aren't a problem", blah, blah, blah. This purposely misses the point that the problem is development of these people's land against their will, whether it be a windmill or a Walmart. You can be an environmentalist who is pro windfarm and still have an issue with exploiting people, even if that exploitation is to put up wind farms.

Does it? I've never had one. I have a Kodi box and a Chromecast. I'll be sure to avoid the fire brand, then.

I've got about a decade on arch. Just never saw a compelling reason to switch once I hit it. Now it's on my laptop and 4 raspberry Pi's around the house. It'll be on my gaming rig as soon as I get around to ditching windows.

Same thing in Arizona. No excuse needed, anyone can get a mail in ballot. Let's you sit on your couch and do research while you fill out it. When you're ready, just put it in the mailbox.

Now that I live in Texas, I miss that system a ton.

Both open and closed source software share this problem, so this doesn't really answer the question.

Yes, it's literally a straw man. OP constructed an argument (Microsoft is a monopoly) that was not present in any comments nor the article, and then attacked that.

That’s a straw man. We’re talking about journalists enticing someone to break the law. I already provided Greenwald and Poitras as examples of journalists who had a far larger impact with their coverage and did so without breaking the law.

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That’s journalism.

Uh, no it fucking isn’t. Journalists absolutely are not permitted to entice people to commit crimes more than any other person. This is exactly why Greenwald and Poitras were not indicted, they didn’t ask Snowden to do anything, they just reported what he had already stolen.

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No shit, those are called laws. Journalists do not get a free pass to break laws. Imagine that was the case for a second. How quickly would the Sun or any other shit rag convince someone to murder someone so they can report on it?

This is an absurd stance. The dude broke the law, he has now had his day in court.

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