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Joined 1 years ago

Actually the sample size checks out. I love it when people see "Smol number not as big as big number, therefore sample size bad" and I am going to pull a very elitist argument here and say that people at Harvard University likely know more about polling than you do, just saying.

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The good mods are almost universally already gone, what was left until this point was powermods who didn't care about any of the communities they moderated to begin with.

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What the actual fuck?

Does not make it ethical, though. I hope he doesn't pay because I imagine DMs between admins and powermods are included in this data pack, and oh boy if those do get leaked it's not going to look good for either side.

So we're going to build more nuclear and hydro right instead of relying on shitass wind power (like Germany, worked out real well for them)? Right? Oh, no, we're probably going to double-down against nuclear while people like Gates fly around in private jets telling us to stop eating meat.

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I can agree to an extent, but I don't think you should have to suffer for the sake of those jackasses. Lol I am waiting for the billionaire simps to flood in and defend people like Gates, they tend to flood in on topics like this.

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Or just silently purge all of the subreddit's content behind the cloak of the blackout before stepping down permanently or even outright deleting the subreddit.

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Funny thing on Reddit there quite literally was an astroturfing campaign paid for by CTR/Shareblue. That's why r/politics turned into the toxic cesspit it remains today.

I imagine with the safe-spacification of college statistics is no longer a required elective in many programs.

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I would recommend not reducing your quality of life to offset the output of the very people telling you to stop enjoying life. You taking a flight on a mass transit jet pollutes almost nothing in comparison to these jackasses flying around on private jets to virtue signal about the climate. When they at the very least decide to fly business class instead of taking their own jets I will take them at least somewhat seriously, but that'd mean they have the possibility of interacting with us normal folk so that'll never happen.

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It can be bad to fly around in a private jet and to eat beef at the same time.

So there's the billionaire simps. No, jetting around everywhere is much worse than enjoying a steak, and guess what these elitist assholes do? Both of these things. Are you actually going to be happy eating soy or bug burgers for the rest of your life while they enjoy fillet mignons? Why does the "eat the rich" rhetoric suddenly die out in this particular debate?

Just because someone else isn't walking the walk, that doesn't make it meaningless for you to do so.

Except it kinda does as their continued burn of private jet fuel yearly is worse than every single flight I've taken in the last decade combined multiplied by a factor of 100. You have to remember when a peon such as yourself takes a 747 your CO2 output is shared between every single person on that plane plus any potential cargo (including dead bodies, this is more common than you think) meaning your impact is actually not that much. When Bill Gates jet sets to Davos to tell you to eat the bugs and live in the pod that fuel burned is used solely on him meaning his impact is much larger than yours ever could be.

Also, notice how none of these rich asshats are investing in electric or hydrogen aircraft? Or lab grown meat? That would literally solve the climate issue while still allowing us peons to enjoy life a little bit. It actually might even bring down the cost of flying so that even more people can enjoy things. They don't support these things because it's not about the environment, it's not about climate change, it's about controlling you. It's about making you live the lowest quality of life possible to enrich them which again it's funny how the "eat the rich" narrative vanishes during this specific debate.

That's where eating less meat, especially beef, comes from. (Also it's just unsustainable for people to eat as much meat as the average American, for reasons beyond climate change.)

Yeah so do you know how polluting your average vegetable is in terms of the climate? Are you also willing to only eat veggies that are grown in your local vicinity during their on-season? That means if beans just aren't grown close to you, or it's not the on-season for growing beans in your area, you're just not allowed to eat beans because that'd mean trucking them in and trucks burn fuel which is bad for the planet!

You can't be selective just because you may not personally eat meat. It's either all or nothing or else you start to become hypocritical.

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There's scripts and bots that go in and automatically scrub your entire Reddit history, you don't need to do it manually.

What would be the point of that? Reddit admins at the end of the day can just remove mods as they please they wouldn't need to go through someone else's account to do anything they could just install puppets or even directly open the subreddit back up.

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Moderators should just stop being moderators

and give up the only semblance of power they have in their lives? That'll never fucking happen. You do realize Steve used these peoples' hunger for power specifically against them, right? They'll fall in line line like good little powermods.

Except the numbers work out, and studies have made very very sweeping generalizations based on much smaller sample sizes of much larger demographics (for example the 1 in 5 myth comes from a study that had less than 100 respondents). This study is a dream compared to those.

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Allegedly they're reverting/restoring comments.

We could summarize your entire comment as you not wanting to do anything yourself because you can't easily do everything yourself.

So you'd be wrong. You can do things without reducing your quality of life to aid the rich which is 100% what you're advocating for (because you're a billionaire simp).

To rapid fire respond to the rest of it: investors are putting money into hydrogen and electric planes, they are putting money into lab grown meat, lab grown meat would not literally solve the problem (vegetables and grains would), and you can still enjoy life without eating a beef burger.

Ahhh yes, we should be barred from eating any and all meat, soy and bugs only, but the billionaires should still be able to enjoy steaks and burgers right? Also, why don't you give up everything you enjoy? Cut off all of your streaming subscriptions because data centers are huge environmental concerns in of themselves! Sell your house because I am sure that's bad for the planet somehow. You should be restricted to a pod all hours of the day that you're not slaving away at your job!

Also, you clearly don't know how dirty your average produce is lol lmao. How do you think you're able to go to the grocery store and pick up a carrot no matter what part of the year it is? So following your ruleset, unless you want to be hypocritical, you should only be allowed to purchase veggies that are currently growing locally.

If billionaires controlled either of us, do you think I'm more under their control by eating vegetables and chicken patties than you are eating the beef they sold you instead?

So that would be you given you're simping for them and playing right into their hand. Also, drop the disingenuous argument, we all know the likes of Gates aren't the ones selling me a burger. People like those in the Mars family (one of the richest families in the food industry) aren't jetsetting around telling us to have no enjoyment out of life.

Do you think billionaires wouldn't profit off of you flying in an airplane more?

Again, not the same billionaires that would be enriched with my consumption. Though Bombardier's CEO is on the climate virtue signal train just in case you needed some extra juicy irony, and I don't exactly see him investing into selling a hydrogen powered private jet. I will never have any interaction with any one of their products.

Do you think climate friendly transportation options like public transit and cycling stand to make billionaires more money than the likes of cars and commercial flights?

This is where I think you fail to see the point entirely. It's not about making them money, lol lmao, it's about further enrichment of themselves at your detriment. Why do you think the people who can most afford the things that they demand us to do are the ones least likely to do them? Because πŸ‘ it's πŸ‘ about πŸ‘ control πŸ‘ not πŸ‘ about πŸ‘ the πŸ‘ climate. It's why you see Gates enjoying a big juicy steak while at the same time telling you you don't deserve to have a steak.

I feel like we're more under corporate control ignoring climate advice than we are following it.

Just ignore the fact that climate activists were funded by corporations such as the oil corps.

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Having the subreddit taken away from the mods would be a good thing, actually. Up until recently powermods with over 100 subreddits under their moderation belt were the main thing ruining the site.

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Political Compass Memes and he's bsing lol. Ironic people bash the hardest on one of the few non-toxic subs where you could at least have a little fun.

Cybernetic enhancements, yes Cyberpunk 2077 style.

Well, the main powermods were directly appointed by spez and worked very closely with the admins. So yeah dick riders.

Nuclear power only takes a long time due to government red tape pushed by idiot environmentalists (who, ironically, got major financial backing from oil corps). Literally most of the time taken to build nuclear is clearing regulatory hurdles. Also, you should see what shutting down nuclear in favor of wind has done to Germany. They literally had to go back and restart coal plants because, guess what, wind fucking sucks and Germany doesn't have the geography for hydro.

Oh, and the time to build nuclear can be further reduced (pending removal of red tape) by converting coal plants to nuclear. I think people forget a nuclear power plant is just a steam turbine powered by a hot rock, and a coal power plant is a steam generator powered by burning a rock. The majority of the construction is building the actual turbine component so you can literally just swap out the power source for said component.

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This is partially covered here by public modlogs. The previous Reddit Powermods at least won't touch Kbin with this in place; Bardfinn even tried to claim public modlogs would violate the ADA. That's not to say other powermods who don't care about the public logs wouldn't come into play.

Reddit has been on a rapid slide downhill since 2016. It's funny how they don't even give you a real message when they permaban you anymore. I remember in 2014 my account was false flagged and I actually was able to respond to the suspension message. I did and an admin actually replied back. We swapped a few messages, he took a look at things, and actually unsuspended my account.

I was talking more about flying which is associated with vacations and travel which 100% does affect quality of life.

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I don't see many of the main powermods giving up their fake internet power, they'll kowtow.

Lol I actually got one of my Reddit accounts banned for reporting his content for spam, the reason was "false reporting" which I am sure is the only instance that TOS was cited for a ban.

Huh I wonder why the general opinion on China would be negative.... /s

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Where did I say making sweeping statements equals correctness? Man people are getting so emotional over this because it turns out the majority don't agree with them. Guess it shreds the narrative that they're the majority.

I am betting that you'll be the first to switch to bug burgers and give up your home for a pod. So here's the thing, when you live in a location for tourism (as I do, by the way) it gets kinda boring due to this little fact that you live there. The point of traveling/vacations is to see something new, to have diverse experiences, you can't really have that in your home turf so to speak. Sure, you can go out and do things for fun on days off or whatever, but to actually vacation you're going to want to go out of your home turf. Hitting the same hiking trail for the 1000th time doesn't really hit the same as going somewhere you've never been before, or somewhere you've not visited much.

I think FDS has been, very thankfully, inactive for the better part of a year. They ragequit because they got triggered that the TOS applied to them for once.

So you liked him when he agreed with your politics, and now that he took away your safe space to shit on certain demographics scot-free suddenly he's bad.

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Yet all of your effort is obliterated by a single private jet flight.

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Inb4 your account is permabanned for harassment.

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The fact that people who still do take stats classes likely know what they're talking about is not contradictory to the point that these classes may no longer be required in most degrees. Hope this helps! Try not to blow a head gasket trying to process this info.

Can he just purge all of the alphabet agencies? Start with the FBI but follow right up with the ATF. Nothing of value would be lost.

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realized what they do.

Make college more expensive?

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There was a definite change in the way discourse was had in r/politics, r/news

There was a huge astroturfing campaign carried out by CTR/ShareBlue during the 2016 US election cycle. Someone even exposed this and was permabanned like 2 days later.

Or, they should have just purged the subreddits outright at the very start of the blackout before deleting the subreddit 1 week later. That would require them stepping down from their power, though, so they'd never do anything like that.

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