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Joined 1 years ago

I hope so, but I don't care. The same with the bird site. I chose to delete my barely-used bird account when that idiot bought it, and to explore mastadon and lemmy when I could no longer use Apollo to view reddit. Two or 3 times I've popped over to reddit to see what's going on, and check on any other subreddits that have moved to lemmy, and using the official reddit browser or app just reinforces why I left. It's shit, and getting shittier.

Basically I like the mantra "not my circus, not my monkeys."

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I watched The Princess Bride and couldn’t understand why it gets so much love. I found it really gruesome and unfunny, and Robin Wright’s princess was bland and unlikable.

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This isn’t news, it just underscores how out-of-touch some demographics are to what most of us deal with.

Report them to the state attorney general


I remember years ago, meeting some Ayn Rand fans, and many of us who knew them considered them deluded and selfish. I remember the despair I felt when drump’s election proved that the deluded and selfish had increased and risen. And then the pandemic shone a spotlight on just how many had become proud of their delusion and selfishness. And yes, I sometimes get very depressed about this, but find ways to see the good and positive, and continue to hope.

I remember someone saying that and how much it hurt. Because I feel if I know the answer, I am compelled to share it. I see it as a need on their side that I should fulfill. I am a “how can I fix it” mentality. But some people are complaining or speaking just to be heard. They want commiseration, not answers.

If it’s someone close to you, then speak about it — “I’m sorry, I thought you wanted an answer or suggestion, I feel I should provide if I can. Is that not what you’re looking for?”

If it’s someone else, whose opinion is not necessary, you can make a mental note to let them have their delusions, just maybe not with you around.

Nuts & gum.

Part of it is the mantra “out of my control, out of my concern.” Or “not my circus, not my monkeys.” That doesn’t mean I don’t care. It means I do what I can do, and try not to despair about what I can’t change.

Another possibility — are you drinking enough water? I will wake up with a migraine if I’m dehydrated. Unfortunately, as you age and the bladder loses resiliency, it becomes a balance of enough water to not get dehydrated, but not so much that you’re waking up at 2 am to pee.

Hard to run from jail (please)

It’s so natural you might even say it’s super-natural

Any ad that runs on youtube. Literally. All of them. You have paid for the privilege of ruining my enjoyment of whatever I was trying to see. Eff you and the product you rode in on.

The Guardian has excellent coverage and stories for the world and for US. I read stories about stuff going on here in America that I don’t see in other sources! Plus it’s not paywalled, although you should contribute or subscribe.

Without A Clue

Enjoyable take on Sherlock Holmes with Ben Kingsley as Watson, who is the real genius, but creates a character for his stories, and hires an actor to play Sherlock Holmes, played by Michael Cain. Never got the attention it should have, with two fabulous actors and a clever script, plus music by Henry Mancini.

It’s one of those movies that we watch again and again.

Often, to read non-paywalled articles.

I will bounce in every week or so, but since I can’t use Apollo for quick, clean, ad-free, non-intrusive browsing, I get sick of it all pretty quickly.

I am trying other sources for news. Someone mentioned GroundNews app, and it’s pretty nifty, even without going to pro version. I am also using The Guardian app more often.

Even FB just sux so bad, I can’t stay on it for long.

Except for the damn reels. Argh.

Anyway, we all need to post more here, and also on other new playforms. Discuit is pretty cool.

Best ones I’ve heard of were 3 named: FBI Surveillance Van #1

FBI Surveillance Van #2

FBI Surveillance Van #4

It comes in waves. It will be (832)xx-xxxx for example. We have a landline at the business and 95% of our calls are spam.

Yes, Burger Street! Spouse LOVED their olive burger!

Yelp not only “lets” businesses pay, they harass them until they pay, or switch the algorithm to show more negative reviews.

Re: Amazon, I always look at recent 1-star reviews to get the truth.

I also search online for reviews/ratings. Consumer Reports remains reputable and you can join and cancel month-to-month easily. I also understand Good Housekeeping only allows items to be marked by them for a year at a time, so they also seem to be reputable.

I just wish Amazon would also review search tags. It’s so frustrating to be looking for something and have the results full of unrelated products, duplicates, and other crap. I mean, if I’m looking for a replacement elongated toilet seat, don’t show me round ones, towel holders, and shower steamers!

Oh my gawd!! Looking into this now! Because of my job, I constantly need to carry far too many keys around, including my damn car key fob — meaning when I lean over, I sometimes end up pressing a button on my fob! These look like problem solvers!

When I was younger, right up through college age, I’d occasionally have precog dreams. Not dejavu — I’d dream an event, a place, a person, and then the event would happen, we’d go by that place, I’d meet that person. Our society does not believe in these types of things, so there is no way to learn how to maintain or build on these abilities, so they faded away.

Very first one I really remember, our TV was out for repairs and I dreamt we got it back and my dad was watching my favorite show. I told my mom that morning about the dream, and she said, “they haven’t fixed it, we don’t know when we will get the TV back.” Came home from school and the TV was back!

Which is one of the reasons cats and dogs hate each other — they speak completely different languages. Not just the belly example, but when a dog wags its tail, it’s friendly. When a cat waves its tail, watch out!

Cats and dogs raised together eventually work this out.

Yeah, sometimes, but I remember: Stress is not what happens to you; it’s how you react to what happens to you.

A lot of the little things that wear you down can be negative because of the way you look at them, or the amount of importance you give them. Looking at it another way, or comparing it to something more important, can change how depressing it could be.

Making breakfast and I drop something on the floor: what the hell, now the whole breakfast is ruined! OR well that was clumsy, let’s see what alternative meal I can come up with, challenge accepted.

Wake up with a headache: aw hell, this is a miserable start to the day, well, I’m sure it’s only gonna go downhill from here. OR Well, I guess I let myself get dehydrated. Drink some water, take some Excedrin, and lie back down for 15 minutes, and then on with my day.

You can train yourself to not wallow, and find that your mindset will change to be more positive, and/or less dramatic. Maybe not now, but every new setback is a new chance to try.

All that being said, sometimes I’ll just slam the bedroom door and lie down in bed and cuddle my cats for awhile.

Hang in there!

Not for a retail purchase such as that. It’s just the default screen in many payment systems now.

I see some folks commenting that they don’t tip fo “to-go” — I always do, usually about 15%, because an employee went through the process of putting your order together and putting it into containers that cost that business money. And if it’s a place I order from often, they often remember that and are extra nice.

In the Texas, you can ask for “half and half” tea. You’ll get a mixture of sweet and unsweet iced tea. In a huge glass with plenty of ice. And free refills.

If you want hot tea, you need to ask for hot tea. Most places will bring you a couple selections of bagged tea and a too-small pot of not-hot-enough water. Hotel restaurants are known for bringing out a huge caddy of various tea bags for you to chose from. If you want milk/cream in your hot tea, you’ll have to ask for it, it’s not assumed.

That’s exactly what I was going to suggest.

I have gotten so frustrated by the shittification of google search and youtube that I’ve installed duckduckgo on all my devices. So far I’ve been significantly happier. I still use google drive, sheets, docs, etc. but the search feature has become totally useless.

That is awesome! Thanks!

I am on medium to follow one person, ecause I hate using the Reddit app, which is the other way to read them. I have tried reading other stories, but always hit a paywall. So I think it’s pointless, just my two bits.

Not on youtube, download PlutoTV app. Paramount’s old stuff, including game shows, Star Trek, Twilight Zone, lots of ‘60s and ‘70s shows, plus some documentary and DIY shows. All free and really easy to waste LOTS of time watching!

The Texas cities one democrat, but the rural areas go stupid. So we elect stupid. Keep trying, though.

This is fabulous! Downloading and sharing this with others!

I have opened all of those to check! Thanks!

I walked into an iPhone repair shop when my old iPhone’s battery went puffy and they offered me $100 cash. That made me very happy!

Pistachio nuts!

I need to send this idea to our new nephew-in-law. Our niece walked down the aisle to the music from the movie!

Ice Wine!

Actually, Kirby vacuums worked amazingly well and worked for years, if not decades. But they weighed a ton and could NOT handle pet hair.