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Joined 6 months ago

Basically they’re saying, “Shut up and take it or we’ll kill you.” That is not a political platform. It’s extra-Overton. It’s domestic enemy-making.

Who gives a shit?

I agree. It should be limited to one marquee public office per surname, please.


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France is a MAJOR ally of the US. They’re our OG ally. It’s also an important democracy in the community of those, and they play an important part in defending our shared interests. The potential incoming French government is seriously unsympathetic to any of these alliances, democratic values, etc.

In other words, an old friend may be about to turn Mr. Hyde on us. There’s not much we can do.

He grew up on a steady diet of Soviet propaganda that leaned HEAVILY on that point. You’re probably right.

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It’s only in John.

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We’ve understood this forever. What MAGA people all have in common is that they’re terrible people. It’s the seven deadly sins all rolled up into one voting block.

Worst job I’ve ever had. Just an endless stream of people with no self control asking for “moaarr!” More chicken, more more more. And then their burrito is too fucking fat to wrap it up, so you wrap a big pile of slop into a little square of foil that’s busting at the seams. It’s a gross trough of slop that people stand over and gleet into with their mouth noises while poking the glass pointing at ingredients with their dirty fingers.

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Hmm, I just can’t tell the difference between this normal US President and this psychotic shrieking banshee. I guess they’re just bowls of poison. Oh well.

Our alliance with Israel is rapidly turning into a tumor-like situation in the body.

Just more normal governance from the non-criminal GOP.

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The problem is that this sounds like a very sexy shopping list to people on the other side. Some of these are enticing even to a lot of democrats, especially the ones about crime in cities. We know it’s a bullshit promise that would fail spectacularly, but the idea of it is scintillating to some. I fear for their votes.

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Arrest Charles Koch for mass murder.

That’s not exactly what happened if you read the article behind the bad headline. They were sowing doubt in the Chinese vaccine specifically in the Philippines, not vaccines in general.

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And on top of that, he was AIPAC’s first success story. Look at him now. I’m very proud of Dick Durbin.

Plans? That’s the scandal. By wiping out the stability of the climate, these oil fuckers have nullified ALL of our plans. Effectively they have ruined everyone’s ability to plan for ANYTHING going forward. It’s a crime against time and it’s inhabitants. The scale of the violation is incomprehensible.


Growing up, we always had a rotating selection of newspaper cartoons on the fridge. I think it’s the same.

The only one I remember was a three cell cartoon, each frame identical, with a goldfish in a bowl just looking out. In the third frame he has a thought bubble: “I keep thinking it’s Tuesday.”

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US and New Zealand

Violating sanctions

That’s why I dropped out. Haven’t been able to escape shitty hourly wage jobs ever since.

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Leonard Leo is an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a branch of government.

“Come see about me, baby love.” -The Supreme Court


They only paid for the lowest-tier subscription with ads.



Wow! That’s it!


These esoteric news sources are problematic.

If I’m allowed to control who enters my home, then why isn’t a sovereign nation similarly able?

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Fine with us. We don’t want cowards walking around, quivering and jumpy.

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