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Joined 11 months ago

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I had 2 interventions in my life and neither worked. In fact, they made it much worse for me.

I suggest that you go to AlAnon and learn a bit about alcoholism before trying anything (btw, AlAnon is not AA, but is a program to help non-alcoholics understand what they're dealing with.)

Your friend is lucky to have you. Don't give up on them. It truly is hellish, and they'll need your support.

18 more...

Yay! Glad they finally put this to rest. I was hopeful but extremely pessimistic about it, and now we know.

It's so cool to me how many specialists we have around the world, like Jain (the copper-sulfide expert). That's such a very specific thing to be an expert about.

In my work in devops with a start-up, I'm expected to know a bit about everything. I'm a bit jealous of Jain's extremely narrow focus, lol.

7 more...

Did you,... hrm,... did you even take classes about this stuff. Ffs, this is why this career pays well: you have to understand complicated things.

Maybe your issue is with Windows. I suggest moving away from that platform.

Dynamic libraries are essential to computing, and allow us to partition out pieces of the code. One giant library would have to be recompiled with every change.

Codependency. It's okay to not be in a relationship.

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No, not everybody hates ads. Everybody hates today's ads, because they're literally as intrusive and annoying as the designers can make them. I didn't have a problem with ads 15 years ago, but because I have to pay for my bandwidth, and because ads like to literally block what I'm reading with a giant, 100MB, unskippable video, I use an ad blocker.

Advertising shot itself in the foot, and it isn't our fault for being pushed so far that we're fed up with it.

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Agreed. Sorry. I often hear this kind of stuff IRL from my relatives, so I might be prejudiced.

People bragging about their kids is irritating. However, I hope the girl ends up being a Linux guru :-)

RISC-V will supercede it. ARM became quite a nasty company in its later years.

Oh well, good riddance.

I just want a chip manufacturer that isn't gonna bug my home! Hopefully someone comes along, takes the RISC-V specs, and makes a truly open-source chip!

Why have a law about it if you never intend to use said law?

Isn't... isn't everything happening at the speed of time?

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I think about this often. I think that Millennials, and especially Gen Z, will be the best-documented lives in history. Almost everything you've ever done online is sitting on a hard drive somewhere. Once the encryption schemes are broken, posterity will have full access to all of it. They'll probably study us for hundreds of years—possibly thousands (if we even make it that far as a species).

I've also wondered if all of that data collected about a person could be used to recreate them—a digital copy. It probably wouldn't be perfect, but I bet it would be close enough to be useful.

I'm definitely not excited for people to have access to and study my college Facebook account :⁠-⁠P

23 more...

I've been watching Fall of Civilizations and it is incredible how often civilizations rot, decay, and then wither away into nothing due to corruption. Humans never learn the freaking lesson. Carthage lasted ~800 years—the USA is definitely not going to last that long.

Yup, I got rootkitted by those fuckers just installing their bullshit software for my mini-disc player.

6 more...

You were only paying $10/mo. for your modem?? They were charging me $15/mo. for just the television remote! Fuck these companies, seriously (especially Comcast).

Uh, I think those that are inclined have already acknowledged this. The others are very likely a lost cause, if this recent spate of reporting hasn't convinced them that Trump is a freaking manipulator and crook. Where do we go from here? I don't know how so many extremists could possibly just, you know, stop being so extreme. Naively, a civil war could fix the issue, but that is the last thing we need--war is never the answer.

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Very much like humans do. Many people think that somehow their brain is special, but really, you're just neurons behaving as neurons do, which can be modeled mathematically.

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It is crazy that this isn't a United States problem, either. All one has to do is look to Australia, Canada, and the UK to see that fascism is rampant. I'm looking for those brightest minds, because I'm certainly not one of them.

I'm here for it!

Reminds me of a scene from Waterworld. The guy in the back side knows how loud it is.

I don't know shit about The Vatican, the pope, their history, or their dumbass religion (obviously, and on purpose!). Thanks for taking the time to respond to give me some insight. However, your comment reads to the layman like , "They changed their name and are way better now," and it'll read that way to almost anybody without your extensive knowledge of useless things.

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Same, but the community was great. Being around people that understand is so beneficial.

Now, Facebook was evil. But, Facebook was different. The Meta Platforms, Inc., as it exists today, was only established in 2021.

/s, just in case you didn't pick up on my heavy use of it

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You can just keep pressing it to reopen as many closed tabs as you need.

So when it happens, you'll change your mind? My point is that what we have today is based on interactions in the human brain: neural networks. You can say, "They're just guessing the next word based on mathematical models", but isn't that exactly what you're doing?

Point to the reason why what comes out of your mouth is any different. Is it because your network is bigger and more complicated? If that's the case GPT-4 is closer to being human than GPT-3 was, being a larger model.

I just don't get your point at all.

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I like this take. Being a jack-of-all-trades means I always feel like I'm not good at anything. It does take all kinds to make the world go 'round, though.

My hobbies are almost exclusively outdoors activities. I want to be as far away from a computer as possible when I get off work.

Sure, if it isn't copied a million times. You're assuming it is left on the same disk.

It didn't mention this in the article, but I believe that if the martian moons were getting closer to the planet, it would shorten the day (based on my understanding of the Earth/Moon system and how our day has been getting longer as the Moon has moved away). I wonder if they are.

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The spice must flow.

...said the codependent :P

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Years ago, I was looking for something similar. Used turtl for almost a year before switching to Joplin. Joplin was great, but not quite what I needed, and when Logseq came around, I switched again to it. Again, Logseq was just not exactly what I needed (though it is pretty powerful!) and I was worried what would happen when the devs either made it paid or abandoned the project, like so many before it.

The solution to my woes was Emacs. Now, I won't pretend the learning curve isn't steep, but there just isn't anything that compares to it. Org-mode + Org-roam + notdeft is amazing, and I've never even looked for anything else since becoming accustomed to it. Plus, you can easily modify the existing tools or write your own to adapt it to your personal style.

You will never regret the time you invest in Emacs.

I don't even think that matters much, right? Current LLMs already out-compete humans at many tasks. I think we're already past the threshold, at least in some regards. That is to say, I don't think there is a hard line because it depends on what your testing criteria are.

It sounds like you know english words but cannot compose them. I honestly cannot parse what you said.

Many of the programs recommend therapy first. No one wants to drink themselves to death, even though it feels like that sometimes.

That's fair. Adding to my point, with the wealth of information future people will have at their disposal, it could be possible to recreate this time era. That is, to simulate entire cities or countries. Who knows what tech they'll have or what they'll want to do with it. My point is that the info from this time period, between the advent of the internet and the widespread use of quantum-safe crypto, will be easily accessible to them, and contains such an accurate record of our daily activities. I've had the same email address since 2005 and have never deleted messages, so my email alone could probably be used to create a pretty accurate model of a large chunk of my life. Cross-reference that with the information the people I associate with left behind and they definitely could create such a model.

And, adding further, if you were inclined to create such a simulation, you'd likely want to simulate as many people as possible so that the simulation was as realistic as possible.

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Cool, thanks!

If you just want it to work, and you're coming from Windows or Mac, use Ubuntu. It's a nice intro, and the hardware support is excellent.

Maybe it was your tone 🤷‍♂️

I still miss my mini-disc player! I loved using it to record songs from the radio. I felt like I was truly living in the future, having such vast storage space (like, 50 low-quality songs, lol).

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I had a left-handed friend in high-school that just oriented his notebook with the rings on the right (180 degrees rotated).

What I meant was that info already exists. It was sent using older crypto.