6 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Do it. With proton the last argument for me to use windows is gone (gaming).

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Bullshit. They make expensive electric cars because thats where the money was. Here in the eu tons of people want to drive electric, but at the prices they offer in this economy, they'll only reach the wealthy.

The only reason these "c level" directors and managers are coming out and saying this is because the easy money is gone and now they really have to innovate. Which is expensive.

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I agree that they should be allowed a profit. However calling it open source when redistributing rhel code causes them to hold the right of canceling you access to the code and binary, eventhough gpl states that redistributing is a right under gpl rubs me the wrong way.

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Very nice! Unionization is the only way to make employera care about workers rights.

The trajectory of climatechange will as is unlock the cascade scenario

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They said "It's not just about open source", implying that its about both open source and about the mentality, just like you said.

I'd advise to use headscale on a vps somewhere. Its tailscale but selfhosted.

Thats why I specified that, for me, that was enough to switch. I agree that proton isnt there yet and 100% compatibility, and we will probably never get to that. But there are enough games on the market for me to do 90% of my gaming on Linux these days.

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I sort of agree in that the fruits of automation shoud be distributed through government and taxes. Its cool that things get more efficient and the world isnt a zero sum game anymore, but if everything in exess of that zero goes to only a few people things won't get better for everyone.

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Use configuration as code. Ansible, puppet, salt, nix or something else. Debian is nice but its a diy ubuntu. You appreciate the effort cononical puts in to take away the rough edges on places. Using debian allows you to craft the OS you want from scratch, which is great! Just make sure you don't have to redo work if your system dies at some point.

Most answers you will read here will have technical reasons at its core. For a normal average user that gew up with it, windows is fine. But as soon as you get a bit more tech savvy and/or privacy minded you suddenly see a lot to be desired. Most people switch to linux because they want more control, because its structure is more technically elegant, more responsive and because they don't trust microsoft to respect their privacy.

Windows is 50GB on disk to install. An insane size for an OS. Windows often calls home without any indicaton or transparancy why. In linux you can control everything yourself. Windows is often slow or inefficient.. On windows you have only limited ways to craft and costomize your desktop experience, which in linux allows fully. And more reasons like these.

As you can see for tech savvy people linux offers the tools to take control over your computing needs, if you have or develop the skills to do so. For more mainstream grade experiences distros like Ubuntu or Pop!OS provide a great environment that allows people to ignore the more technical stuff and get on with their needs. Using linux as your daily driver will require you to leave behind some old habits and learn some new ones, but its worth it in my opinion.

I daily drive PopOS on my gaming rig and whatever distro that catches my fancy on my development homelab labtop.

SteamOS: Alyx will be released before SteamOS 3

Its sad but linux is still a second class citizen. Nvidea drivers have improved greatly over the years, but it can be still flaky especially newer ones.

Multi moniter support too, it has a history troubled with challenges. Its much much better than it used to be but sometimes there are setups and usecases which have problems. It used to be multiple monitors, just having them as a desktop, was impossible. Nowaday I can daily drive Linux and expect to have a good desktop experience across multiple monitors.

Mindyou, every windows update its a dieroll what breaks for my work surface labtop. Often my display or dock behaviour breaks or my bluetooth, or my networking. Not to excuse the bugs in linux, but to show that even MS on their own hardware have bugs like that. Pcs are hard and even MS can't do it flawlessly.

What you describe as simple multimonitor RDP might actually be a very complex task from a technology and display standpoint.

That being said, it totally sucks having a usecase and finding out that for you have problems getting there. I agree that Linux still has major hurdles for general adoption, (although again, it is so much better than it used to be). Look at it this way: if desktop linux had the same amount of money and development time thrown at it as Windows or MacOS, we'd have a very different experience.

As for tips. I recommend to dualboot. Use MS for your usecases that are not a good experience and use Linux for the other things. Keep checking in with the multiple RDP tech/workflow to see if it works. I did the same thing for years. The only reason I used windows was my games. For other things I used Linux and learned my way around the desktop while doing that. Eventually Proton came along and I could switch entirely.

I use open dyslexia as I have dyslexia. Its very nice!

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Buy a nas. You'll be up and running much quicker. Build a separate server instead. Look for low powered intel NUCs and run portainer or proxmox. Or both. Use rsync or nfs to backup relevant data to the bought nas and use Infrastructure as code/gitops to configure the NUC.

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Wtf. Was this just an IP takeover?

Im really curious. I use the gnome that comes with pop now. I really cant wait to explore cosmic.

I use flatpak. Problems for me include the lack of package signing like the standard repos have.

Jeah. A bit ie meme if you ask me

Jeaaaah I made the mistake of building everything myself. 1.5 years and counting and I have no working environment due to free time constraints.

OG cod 2 or mw i guess

Look at your usecase, if it really requires adobe suite, you are out of luck i'm afraid. Perhaps you could research running a VM or wine, but I havent tried any of that myself.

If you conclude that you dont need features exclusive to adobe you might be able to find a foss alternative.

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Yes. Replace tire plz.

Hey thanks for the rant! Very informative. I agree that one should know the fundamentals and not just focus on the cert. I need the cert for my career though. As I always say: Certs are for managers. Any half decent technical knowledgable interviewer will suss out if you know your stuff.

I'm doing microtik training in the autumn to get my network knowledge up. (Why do cisco if networks have standardization). I need the study guides or other resources because they ask about commands I rarely use, or if I use them its only one or two specific commands (i.e. i use ip addr but rarely ip link or ip netns. But having the RHCSA/E checkmarks next to your name does wonders for your marketability. ($€₱£¥ ;-))

I'll drop you a dm for that copy.

Nope! But I am now!:D


I do regularly. I used it a lot and I think knowledge should be free.

Ill take a look!

(Music) Which side are you on boys, which side are you on

I just poked my friends to go with me :-) thx

Thanks for your reply! Very helpful. The image I grabbed from the offial docs here:

I'll do some testing with raid 1 to see if it behaves as I expect. The only way to be properly sure i guess.


Ah my apologies, I used the word formatted incorrectly. I use parted to do: ''' Rm 1 Mkpart primary btrfs 1 3,6T '''

Parted then shows the btrfs filesystem. If I then quit and look at 'lsblk -fs' it shows me the table in my post. I think I do this right. Im going to remove the disk and see how it behaves on another pc.

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Thanks, however language by its very nature is dynamic and changing. If enough people use adhoc in this way it will mean spontaneous ;-).

Care to try and answer my question?

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Why is this downvoted?

Thats what they said avout VR

Back when I smoked and was an unexperienced driver, I was having a cig in my car. I stuck it out of the window to tap off the ash and I drifted off of the road with my right side tires. Instead of slowly moving back I jamked the wheel and almost had a head to head collision with traffic in the oncomming lane. Escaped death by half a meter.

Thanks for the advice. I'll check those out :-).

They are banking on the fallout 76 model. Trying to get people to buy lootboxes and whatever.

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Ah my bad. I remember they having bad dlcs and cashgrabby content at launch. Perhaps i'm misremembering. :-)