1 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

the /kbin admins haven't deleted my account yet. hopefully before 2025?

Why was Hitler's birthplace considered a fun trivia question suitable for a large event? That's the real question I have here.

Yeah, she basically wants all gay and trans people to die. Her .NFOs in her releases are completely unhinged and really into the “anti-woke” culture war.

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It would be really cool if you linked to the thing you're talking about, lol. I had no clue what you were referring to. For others, it's this:

GitHub page here:

I've never used it so I can't say anything about it, but actually having information about the topic in your posts will help you in the future.

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The family’s home was being monitored by state police, but the officers had been sent to another call in the area when the suspect dropped off the note.

Why even bother if you're just going to send them to a random call after stationing them there? This girl easily could've been killed due to this decision - there are a lot of offenders that don't have fingerprints on file.

This really doesn't surprise me. Trump is geriatric and gross. Of course he fucking smells, almost all old people smell. The real question is how bad does he smell? Haha.

Yeah, I got GTA V free from Epic years ago and it was so frustrating to have to deal with 3 layers of DRM (Epic launcher, Rockstar launcher, and Social Club) that I just pirated it. Fuck that.

As a poly and bisexual trans person, I really don't believe that poly people are or should be part of the LGBT community. The vast majority of poly people are straight and cisgender and are either unaffected by or apathetic towards the attacks on the rights of LGBT people.

I think that including other groups like poly people and furries (which you didn't mention, but I have seen others advocate for) into the larger community "umbrella" isn't appropriate and, in my opinion, distracts from the real violence and oppression that many of us still face. People who are in sexual minority groups absolutely deserve support and respect but I don't think that the best way to do that is to call them LGBT.

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Never underestimate the desire of imperial powers to exercise reproductive control over marginalized groups, I guess.

I finally got around to playing the Mass Effect trilogy (the Legendary Edition remasters, anyway). It's excellent.

In 2011, I gave up on ME1 after getting to a very difficult combat encounter that I was not prepared for and having no other saves to go back to. I essentially rage-quit the trilogy for over 10 years, lol.

Still about halfway through ME3 but I am already planning my second playthrough. Truly a God-tier set of games, IMO.

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Her first album didn't come out until 2006, in 2001 she would have been 12 or 13. Maybe you're thinking of Christina Aguilera or something.

Hopefully this means that they have enough evidence to convict them. Quantic Dream also has this issue and they are based in France too, so it would be great if French authorities pursued them after this lol. This investigation may also send a message to other executives in the industry outside of France; a video game development studio is still a workplace and harassing your colleagues is generally illegal regardless of how laidback the environment is.

I'm struggling to think of a use case for this. Why not just reply and put an emoji in there?

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Doesn't seem to work with Artemis is the only one I've heard of so far that is actually supporting kbin and it's not ready yet. ;n;

Why not write everything down on paper, by that logic? Why not just memorize everything? Why not communicate exclusively in grunts?

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Sonarr is a TV show downloading interface that connects with various indexers to provide content. It has been hit or miss for me. I don't like some of the features and there's no dark theme. I recently tried it again after a few years and I unfortunately found that it looked and behaved almost the exact same.

I thought auto-renaming would be cool, but if you seed things for a long time like I do, you end up with duplicate copies of everything because it can't delete or rename the original files since they're in use by your torrent client.

I also thought importing my watchlist from Trakt would be cool, but then it started auto-downloading everything I hadn't already watched with no way to pick and choose during the import. I had to do it manually after deleting all of the torrents Sonarr had automatically sent to qBittorrent, which sort of defeated the purpose of having it do all these things for me.

I dunno, maybe I'm just an idiot, but Sonarr seems not to have the level of fine-tuning that I would prefer. It's nearly easier for me to do it myself.

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You can follow @FMHY here on kbin for updates, that's currently the FMHY Mastodon account.

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The 106 women were from a single province of Afghanistan and not the entire country, just so you know. There are 34 provinces. The numbers are likely even higher than reported due to data suppression.

I agree with your interpretation, but I really wish publishers would go back to calling additional levels or story content an "expansion" instead of DLC. It's a lot more clear and differentiates from other types of content like a character costume or a soundtrack.

Lol, this might be enough to make Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation quit The Escapist; if that happens, they're likely done soon after.

That's not the case in many places. Lots of children are born whose fathers are unknown or whose mothers are married to someone who isn't the father - that information is often used instead. In some jurisdictions, the spouse of the mother is automatically considered the father by law.

In the US, specifically, there are many cases of men being falsely named as fathers on a birth certificate so that a mother can collect child support from a more preferable person (for example, they have a better-paying job, so the calculated payment will be higher) than the actual father.

Yeah, as someone living in Ontario, Canada, the disability benefit is about $1200 (maximum, many people are receiving a modified/lower amount). The average rent for a bachelor apartment is just under that and single rooms are about $700, if not more. Have fun starving all month and not having internet, a phone, or money for the bus.

There just isn't enough to live on, but many disabled people can't work or can't find jobs that will accommodate their needs. It makes a lot of financial sense for Canada to encourage these people to kill themselves. It's a true shit show because we refuse to increase the corporate progressive tax rate and promote real estate/home ownership as an investment that will give you the financial stability for retirement, which hasn't been true for most people for a long time.

IRC works almost the exact same way, there are bots that you can use to request content. It seems like you're asking for suggestions only to shoot them down without even knowing what the suggestion is.

Torrenting also works really well as long as you have your client set up correctly - there are many, many YouTube videos about how to set up qBittorrent, Deluge, Transmission, etc.

This post should be step 1 for you, no one is going to give you instructions because you didn't ask for them.

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Disney owns Marvel and has since 2009 so I don't think they particularly care as they likely made the decision themselves.

Disney also owns a lot of things that have nothing to do with media or entertainment, so they can fail for several years straight without needing to change course. Money can buy success in many, many cases.

I'm pretty surprised by this. Israel has a lot of wealthy allies and an already robust military propped up by defense manufacturing and compulsory military service. This is going to lead to even more Palestinian casualties than were already happening... every Arab in or near the West Bank is at risk of being executed right now. I'm really curious why Hamas decided to do this given how the global north has been giving Palestine the cold shoulder and actively arming Israel for decades.

I live in Canada and I know that we are already giving military aid to Israel - we are probably going to increase that after this, and I'm sure that the USA and UK will do the same. There are already mainstream organizations that refuse to acknowledge Palestine whatsoever, so I'm really concerned about the possibility of the apartheid turning into a genocide and no one really caring because "they deserved it," especially given the aggressive anti-Palestinian propaganda in right-wing Israeli institutions and social circles.

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Yeah, it seems obvious that it would become a haven for CP. Not sure how that was unexpected for OP, but I guess it is sort of sad that there's no actual way to prevent it without aggressive (and probably human) moderation. Very expensive and time-consuming.

Not really, that's like saying that a fitness spreadsheet is the same as something like MyFitnessPal. It might offer a lot of the same data, but the UX will be entirely different and the ease of use is much lower for someone who is used to an application-based experience.

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It would be nice to have F-Droid and other app repos available on the Play Store. Or some other solution that puts alternative app sources on a more level playing field.

Why should I use an Android emulator to run an app on PC instead of the many browser front ends for YouTube?

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What? That's not at all what I'm saying, I'm an anti-Zionist - I literally called the situation apartheid.

I just don't think it's likely that Palestine will end up benefitting from this this given how large the Israeli lobby is. Your quip seems inappropriate.

Keygens are quite rare these days. Downloading from trusted uploaders only is pretty easy if you know what to look for, that's why the piracy megathread from FMHY exists.

If you want to do this for free, you could always use a dynamic DNS provider like NO-IP or DuckDNS to get a free hostname.

Then you can use a static site generator to generate a site and use NGINX, Traefik, or similar to create a simple web server (with a reverse proxy that uses SSL to provide HTTPS) to host the content directly from your computer.

Currently, I use this method to host a couple of services that my friends and I use, such as Kavita, qBittorrent web UI, and a simple kanban board.

Why military? Isn't that a cause/group that isn't part of the judicial, executive, or legislative branches of the US government?

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THC isn't normally water-soluble but you would probably have success if you were willing to make infused cream, milk, oil, or butter to use in the tea.

There are many, many tutorials on this - it's quite easy, just smelly and a bit messy.

Looks like an AI-driven captcha solver for 4chan. The reviews mention something about not having to buy a pass so I guess 4chan charges to get around the captchas. Lol.

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Is it better to accept "who you are?" Generally speaking, that leads to suicide. So does non-acceptance.

Read things, like books and trans perspectives and scientific studies, instead of shitting all over the comment section with hateful rhetoric you made up.

You might find that knowledge and compassion turn you into a better person with real hobbies and beliefs and who is actually worth something.

Yep, I love it. I use it for comics, manga, and epubs. It also connects to Tachiyomi and FBReader so I can read stuff on my tablet through the apps I prefer (though I've heard the built-in reader is good). The dev, Joe, is great too.

  • Kavita

  • Komga

  • Calibre-web

  • Audiobookshelf with ePub plugin

Those are the main ones I know about. I only use Kavita and I like it, but it's not perfect so you should try them all.

The amount of medical and bodily autonomy being denied to women in Texas and other states is absolutely staggering.

You're not sick enough to get an abortion so you deserve to have your newborn die in hospice? Disgusting and callous treatment. And Rick Santorum still being a piece of shit. When are we going to admit that most conservatives are selfish and controlling people that shouldn't be in government?

I know some outwardly nice ones in my personal life, but they're still judgmental people that secretly dislike that others have differing opinions and free will. It's the type of person who is absolutely convinced that all people get more conservative (i.e., think more like they do) as they age. How can you reason or compromise with someone like that?

I've never had that issue with Piped or Invidious, though sometimes I've had a specific instance not load. There are literal dozens of instances though.

However, I've had numerous issues with Bluestacks and it's a huge memory hog, not to mention it's overkill to install an entire OS just for 1 singular purpose that can be done just fine on your native OS.

It's a layer of abstraction that's almost entirely unnecessary except for 1 use case: watching YouTube without ads.

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That's interesting. I wonder what the differences are between nitrogen hypoxia and helium hypoxia (an increasingly popular suicide method).

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