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Joined 4 months ago

Uplifting: this is objectively a ton of good done for these students

Dystopian: this money was earned by the theft of value produced by working class labor and throwing a few breadcrumbs of it back into the system and acting like it’s some great pure good is pure evil and people will lap it up like dogs

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They are caused by bacterial infection and not stress or capsaicin, so I sure hope he could claim an injury if their cooks are contaminating food lol

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The officers literally instructed hiding children through the door to shout for help during an active shooter situation

This resulted in the direct death of at least one child that would otherwise have survived

The cops literally caused more dead kids than if they never showed up at all, indicated by the parent who fucking Metal Geared past the police line to extract their kids

Not to even mention how their messaging post-incident indicated the cops killed kids with indiscriminate shooting

Someone’s gotta do something about these cops.

No you and that commenter are literally wrong lmfao what do you even mean.

The meme derives humor from the fact that someone who voted for leopards was surprised when leopards hurt them.

The gays in the article supported bigots and was surprised when the bigots started to hurt them.

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Prosecutors, district attorneys, and judges all have a very close relationship with cops. Cops are what physically keep the bodies coming into the prison industrial complex and the rest of the system has political and monetary incentives to keep the treadmill going.

This is why leftists lump them together when saying “ACAB”. The purpose of a system is what it does, and this is impossible to do without the cooperation of those three parties.

This is why you don’t talk to a cop. By initiating a conversation with you, they have already begun acting in bad faith.

It doesn’t matter what lies they legally spew at you, how friendly they act, etc. If a cop talks to you, they are trying to nail you to a cross.

Chinese plants will make whatever the hell you need them to at your desired quality, as long as you meet the market price.

There’s an incredible irony in Americans associating them with poor quality because the American capitalists ordering the goods decided to cheap out and cut corners lmao.

It’s a bit transparent and embarrassing for the DNC to be spinning this up right before the election instead of years ago when this shit was announced.

Look if it makes people realize Repubs are fucking scum, I’m all for it. Let’s flip some seats.

But would it be asking too much for the DNC to stop fucking spitting in my face with the bullshit and disrespect and actually work on reforming the crumbling pillars of our society?

Do they actually expect us to believe this is some kind of heel turn and Republicans haven’t been working towards this goal all along, securing victories for their cause under Dem administrations and through Dem majorities? Like, it’s not some kind of big “go” button. The slide has been happening for 50 years.

Yeah such a great threat to our democracy that they held this campaign in the chamber until Biden needed the boost to stay viable.

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He’s probably actually gonna win off this event

That’s fucking depressing lmao

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Seriously, how are people not seeing this??? We have liberal justices pushing 70, who refused to resign before the “most important election of our lifetimes”.

We have fascists having their old ones resign for young bootlickers while Dems are about to repeat RBG twice.

Oh let me guess, waah the dems didn’t have a majority, how could we expect them to utilize the weapons of politics, waah.

Oh except those times we did have a majority but it doesn’t count because here’s always one spoiler vote that can’t be whipped. Guess we just have to keep watching the slide into fascism as Dems claim to be the great protector of democracy no matter who wins.

And yet some people have the audacity to call it a BotH SiDeS argument.

You know what we called people like these Democrat leaders in times of strife?


And yes, I am am voting blue. So fucking tell me, blue MAGA, what are the dems going to do to stop the slide into fascism?

Let us take this as a reminder for everyone concerned with their own safety in a fascist state.

Guns wont do shit for you unless you regularly practice your marksmanship and keep your equipment in good condition.

A fascist exercised and practiced marksmanship today, did you, dear reader?

Are you able enough to safely operate a forklift? Warehouses in my general-labor overloaded area still pay $10 more than state minimum wage, offer plenty of overtime, and are literally always hiring.

It’s hot, dusty, physical, and usually far from downtown, but typically it’s a decent wage and can hold you down while you look for easier work. Plenty of opportunities to transition to an administrative position, too.

Try see if charitable orgs or colleges near you offer resume and interview assistance. Job hunting is shit, I’ve done it too, there are fake jobs everywhere, but seriously pinch your nose and play the game of capital during interviews. Act like a good little corporate drone, get promotions, use that leverage to lead good teams and help more people.

Hopefully any of that is at least a little helpful. If you’re in a rural area, you may have to consider driving 2hr+ a day to where the work is. It’s hell, this is capitalist hell, but you need to play the game to survive first.

Because even the food safe plastics are proven to leach microplastics and volatile compounds into your water?

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The cruelest part of late stage capitalism is that these immigrants would probably have enjoyed a better life back home.

Sure many are refugees escaping violence or truly desperate conditions.

But many are also normal-ass people that were sold the lie of the Western/American dream. People that struggle to learn English in adulthood (much harder than as a child), have no specialized degree or skill, and no family in the states.

People that could have joined the normal working class at home with less debt, less stress, and less discrimination and led mostly normal lives in their own culture.

Sure the Western consumer has nice electronics and Nike shoes, etc. But everyone seems to be in denial about the impending collapse of the entire economy and how dire the lives of the workers are right now.

It’s going to be a rough century and it’s only getting started.

Oh they could win alright. Literally all they have to do is be leftist.

“We’re gonna keep your kids healthy, in a good daycare while you work, educated and fed, and your fucking boss is gonna pay for it all” is a simple mantra well used by unions.

Except they don’t do that. The purpose of a system is what it does, and liberals have done nothing but protect capital since FDR died.

My favorite part of this debacle are the liberals and conservatives uniting (funny how often they’re doing that these days) to mourn the great senseless smearing of this priceless historical artifact.

The historical artifact that has been completely refurbished, rebuilt, re-assembled with heavy equipment, and literally cast into modern concrete foundations multiple times since the 1960s.

In fact the veracity of the historical thesis is in doubt these days as well, it’s more likely some eccentric ass put these up in relatively modern times a few hundred years ago.

Their efforts are futile and disruptive, yes. So is the fucking climate change that is literally guaranteed to collapse modern civilization within 50 years.

A spaceship, 15,000 years from now:

“This civilization confuses me. Even with their primitive compute engines, they could easily have simulated their own society to identify the glaring flaws preventing the advance of their civilization. It would have been trivial to jump multiple decimals in civilization type.”

“They did see the flaws. The model collapsed in every single simulation on record.”

“Then why did they continue living like this?”

“Who knows. They’re long gone now.”

It’s a bit psychopathic but if you know you need electrolytes, can’t really beat a little salt in some water. Like just a pinch.

Best part is it’s nearly free!

The liberal urge to donate to people who are literally and unapologetically trying to fucking shoot you

La Niña take my energy 🙏

Apple Maps also straight up gives objectively better audio guidance (e.g. “move to the right lane to turn right at the next light” vs “turn right in 300 feet”).

Additionally the “directions” portion of the screen has large font and is clearly visible compared to Google’s tiny font on a window the size of 10% of the screen to show you more ads. (Yes, the reason some business appear at all zoom levels while others only pop up at street level is ads)

What a fall from grace. I remember when Apple Maps would direct people to drive through halfway built overpasses with 500 feet of open air at the end because it’s not built yet.

Mate I’m genuinely not trying to be an ass with this but does your plan specifically include mobile hotspot usage?

T-Mobile has dozens and dozens of different plans from the last decade alone, it’s quite possible your plan has zero hotspot data. Especially as you mention it’s an older grandfathered plan.

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Yet another liberal straw man.

Let me guess, what comes after a liberal gets scratched again?

You are Hamas.

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Oh so now y’all care about standing? Like the case they took about hypothetical damages to a company, that stated they have no interest in pursuing charges, brought to court by an unrelated third party?

What a pathetic attempt to save face. They know it’s already illegal in their territory and blue states would never play ball anyway.

It is genuinely hilarious to see these demons use the tired old propaganda. I would say it doesn’t work anymore, but…

Lmao @ the Americans getting all uncomfortable trying to weasel out of this

Yeah bullshit it’s “not mandatory,” how can you have such a basic denial of reality?

Totally optional, that’s why every time some kid understands and abstains, the teachers and other students bully them mercilessly, give them detention, suspension, expulsion, and it makes national news whenever someone actually tries.

I bet joining the NSDAP was fucking optional too, don’t try to deny your christofascism that everyone just accepts because somehow it’s better when America does it

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It depends what you’re looking for. If you don’t care about story and community, you can purchase a boost right to the endgame (or I guess, start-game of this expansion) and start playing the latest content almost immediately. It’s really not a hard game even at the 2nd hardest content tier. I could regularly out-DPS the DPS players as a healer in pugs.

However, FF14 also famously has some of the best storytelling and communities in the genre. Even catching up to Stormblood would take hundreds of hours and there are like 3 new expansions since then.

Personally the appeal to me was the immersion, working through the story from the start, making bonds and connections with other players and your guild. This takes time and if you have it, the game will show you plenty to do.

Frankly I’m surprised they haven’t already. Colliders absolutely shit out discoveries whenever you open a new more powerful ring. Happened with Fermilab and the LHC.

Makes me laugh at the liberals spewing American exceptionalism bullshit in the other comment chain.

Strong union support? Plenty of vacation? 40 hour work weeks???

Genuinely, what fucking insane liberal bubble are those people living in to say this and act like Democrats are the “other side” rooting for the people and putting these in place.

How can you say with a straight face the Dems have strong support for unions. Maybe the fucking police union, sure.

How can you say we should be happy with the 40 hour work week. I work 55 per week and this is common for STEM degrees. In America, salaried workers don’t even get overtime and often make less than the fucking forklift operator outside.

How can you say, unironically, Dems have given us plenty of vacation days. Even the most liberal strongholds use less vacation than developed countries. Y’all know it’s normal for Europeans to fuck off for an entire month every year?

How fucking dare you liberals spit in my face and tell me bold lies and then demand my vote.

The reason the hypocrisy of liberals is so fucking unbelievable is the realization that liberals don’t actually have beliefs or values. They are truly blue MAGA, that’s all it is. They don’t give a shit about making society better or helping the working class.

And I’m so fucking tired of it. Burn it all down at this point if my choice is between continued hell or the literal apocalypse.

I wonder if this is why Trumps handlers are desperately stopping him from blaming Biden.

It would get the word out that even if it was Biden, it would be perfectly legal.

It’s the game I would have hated as a young adult but absolutely love as a… less young adult.

The fucking airlines are cutting corners on HVAC, too. Do y’all even remember that flights used to be freezing cold start to finish?

Now you sit on the hot tarmac at the gate for an hour with AC off to “save power”, sit on the tarmac in line to takeoff for an hour, sit in a hot humid tube for 8 hours… I used to bring down jackets on flights. Now I wear a t-shirt and still end the flight sticky and sweaty.

Same carrier, same lane. Not like cutting corners on HVAC is a literal health risk or anything.

Although to be fair, cutting safety features in favor of profit is nothing new for the industry since Reagan.

The Americans caused 6 million excess deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan and nobody batted an eye except the leftists that time too.

And yet you see all the liberals today acting like they weren’t cheering for genocide for the last 20 years and Iraq was totally a mistake they totally didn’t vote for.

Genocide is a feature of capitalist democracy, not a failure.

Find someone whose unit worked with the 101st airborne in Iraq and they’ll have more war crime stories than you have time for.

We’re going to remember people like you when this is all over.

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It would be pretty funny if this is how the newest bird flu pandemic starts

Unironically defending genocide by using “antisemitism” as an excuse, implying by your own admission that all Jews are genocidal

Who do you think you’re fooling, bud? Fucking Nazi.

Post salary or gtfo

Yes, I remember clearly the Democrats pushing the “don’t care for who, just vote” campaign.

And then Republicans started winning elections while losing the popular vote and Democrats decided to demonize the left and blame them for every loss afterwards, despite literally winning the vote.

You can even see it here in this very post, where leftists are blamed for liberal apathy.

You seem to be saying US Democrats are leftists. Why are you ignoring everything the DNC has done to villainize, marginalize, and destroy leftists movements in the Big Tent? Are you aware there is no “left” remaining to mobilize?

Civilized countries do exactly this. Workers in non-failed states take 1-3 months of paid time off a year.

It’s a uniquely American perspective to be squeezed year round just for the bourgeois to deal all the value you created.

Sure. Increase property taxes by 400% if the owner does not list the home as their primary residence. This frees up the small homes. If it doesn’t work, keep fucking increasing it.

Implement immediate federal rent controls to tie increases to inflation. Establish a federal rent oversight agency where landlords must file appeals to prove their property value increased or prove they added value to the residence to increase rent beyond inflation.

The crux of this issue is that it requires leftists to be in government. I vote for every leftist on my ballot, local state or federal. And only the leftists.

This doesn’t do anything about the fact that capital has spent the last 80 years violently suppressing global leftism which has left the US with two parties: right-wing extremist, and outright fascist.

See, pretty simple when you don’t act all cute “just asking questions” full well knowing you’re a bad faith actor and will simply handwave away any concrete evidence put forth.

Except you don’t give a shit. Nothing was going to change your mind at all. Yeah sure you “agree” with all that.

Pretty goddamn funny how you ghouls always come in pretending to agree and just seeking one more info on tired old topics that have been addressed thousands of times already.

Here’s a tip, leftists don’t act like that. It’s pretty obvious when you do it.

Interestingly you just regurgitated right wing propaganda without knowing it. Black and Central/East Asians, while certainly not common, casually roamed around Medieval Western Europe on pilgrimages or business and rarely ran into race issues.

It would not be ahistorical at all to run into some Korean pilgrims or African traders.

Medieval European peoples generally cared more about class and wealth than race. Rather ironically, it’s a modern fascist invention. Were you a Hawaiian prince or a peasant from Normandy? King or serf? Race had nothing to do with it for most people.