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You say that like they didnt legalize gay marriage, elect LGBTQ allies, strengthen and protect abortion laws in response to the roe vs wade overturner, and legalize pot. And that's just to name a few.

Oh and you don't lose your house if you have to go to the hospital without insurance.

Say what you will about Mexico, but in some aspects it's more advanced than United States. At least when it comes to the red states.

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Two wrongs don't make a right. Both sides have done wrong. Isreal has attacked ambulances unprovoked. Hamas attacked Isreal at a music fest. Isreal retaliated by attacking schools and hospitals (aka, people that had nothing to do with said attack) Isreal has been subjugating Gaza to sub-human conditions for 20+ years. The attack on the music fest isn't justified but it is understandable.

Again. Two wrongs don't make a right.

I know, how DARE someone promote inclusivity, positivity, love, and respect for others. The absolute gal. I want my children to be spiteful, hateful, afraid, and depressed! I want them to hate being themselves! I want them to hate the fact they might find someone attractive. It's what Jesus would want!

Golf can use a terrible amount of water, plus keeping it mowed, and cutting forests for it. Places like Canada or the UK might be fine if it's not a drought year. But there's golf courses as far as Mexico. There's places in Mexico that is so dry outside of the summer months that golf courses would use a disgusting amount of water to keep the greens... green... there was a golf course in Mexico I went to that only bothered with the putting area and a bit around that. Everything else was dirt. It wasn't that pleasant of an experience because you do kick up dust when teeing off and whatnot. However, no way to lose your ball I suppose. Still, the water they needed just for the putting area must have been disgusting.

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The 90s had an obsession with slime/goop. Toys, mascots, etc.

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Climate deniers think all the forest fires are some government conspiracy because a bunch of fires starting all at the same time is super sus. Even though it happens all the time after a big heatwave / drought and pine forests are made to burn. Sometimes these trees will just... not spontaneously combust exactly, but pretty much do. Pine forests are built to burn every 2 years or so, it's one of the ways they reproduce - pines are genetically predisposed to catching fire easily and their sap is very very flammable. These forests burn hot and quickly but a fast fire isn't a very destructive fire. These trees often are not burnt to the ground. However, we are so effective at putting fires out so this 2 year burn off isn't happening. So, years of underbrush, etc is building up that otherwise wouldn't be. This makes what is supposed to be a fast burn fire, into a slow burn one. What would be a natural fireline because there is a large gap between some trees, isn't one because all the underbrush connects them.

So it's not just because of climate change, but we are responsible either way. There aren't any easy answers for this one because there are houses scattered all over the places. But there is no helping these Trump worshipping conspiracy theorists and we need to consider them a lost cause. Nothing will shake their faith in their Orange God so we must bolster against them and move on without them.

US has the highest domestic violence / death by gun rates in the entire world.

There is no such thing as good guy with a gun. Look at the victory parade just last week. People with guns everywhere just ran away for their lives instead of shooting the bad guy with the gun they love boasting about.

The worst mass shooting in Canada in history was 12 dead. What's the worst death toll in the US?

The last school shooting in Canada was about 20 years ago, when was the last one in the US?

If this Australian couple had guns, 90% chance she would have been shot and killed by beer husband instead of whatever means he used. The police should have done their jobs.

That is the reality.

No no, you see the true cause of hurricanes and other natural disasters is wokeness and the LGBT community. Hie's doing a great job tackling the real issues.


I used to have a neighbor who was one of those massive truck, baseball cap, toxic macho men. He would often talk loudly in his driveway and keep me up at night.

He claimed his dog was a wolf hybrid. This dog was extremely aggressive and would attack children if given the chance. I NEVER saw that dog outside of the house. Being taken to walks, nothing. I only ever saw the dog through the door a couple times and every time it was the super aggressive barking. Not the normal bark, the one combined with bearing teeth, growling. Stuff from nightmares.

I don't know it that dog was a wolf dog, apparently they are legal to keep in Canada but may be banned on a municipal level. I wouldn't put it past a toxic macho man to own a dangerous animal, not train it to scare children away and make himself look like a "tough guy".

No one that I know of got hurt by this dog. And the dog was isolated enough that it being a "wolf dog" was the only rumor. The guy claimed that he walked the dog super early in the morning -before anyone was out and about to avoid conflict with people and other dogs, but I never saw it.

But I never seen him interact with his dog, never let it out. Never play with it. It's not a pet at that point. It's a dangerous doorbell.

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It was more than just managers and redundant positions that were laid off. And it was mostly blizzard employees laid off specifically.


/no please don't attack this innocent multi trillion dollar company

Yup, classic case of realism not always making the game better.

I went to earth to check it out, I know the lore of why it is a giant sand ball but that also disappoints me. I walked around the approximate area of where I am from and found a small cave. But there was nothing in the cave except some abandoned drugs. I couldn't interact with the glowing mushrooms, mine any minerals, etc. I was hoping for a sprawling cavern or something and just... nope. I might go back to earth to explore it some more but it's so bland.

What do you think is behind that rock?

Another rock.

I think there ie a middle ground as a rule but a lot of games use dlc as an excuse to sell the game for more.

Sims is a great example. It costs over $1k to buy everything for Sims 4 and the Sims 4 stans will defend it going "you're not SUPPOSED to guy every pack". Sims 3 vs Sims 4 is something as well. Sims 3 didn't get as much dlc, but each one had so much more content and gameplay than Sims 4. 9 years and like 50 packs later, Sims 3 STILL has more content overall. The game was just poorly optimized and badly coded and is only now becoming playable in terms of load times and lag. A lot of the Sims 4 packs don't even work that well together, or the opposite where they release a feature and you need another pack to fully utilize it. (The goats and sheep in the horses dlc don't do anything without cottage living. And they already didn't do much WITH it)

The Weather expansion with Sims 2 made sense at the time. Weather was a mechanic that not many games had and quite the milestone, it was groundbreaking for the time. Weather dlc for Sims 3 you could begrudgingly forgive, since it's such a big thing and the base for Sims 3 was so big. But Weather being sold as an add on for Sims 4 was just unacceptable. The game was barren, weather is a base feature for every single game within that kind of genre. It feels like they remove the feature to sell it later. And you see this with the pets packs too. Sims 3 you had cats, dogs, horses, and small animals. With Sims 4 you have cats and dogs, my first pets stuff, cottage living (for the small animals, it does FINALLY add SOMETHING new with the cows/lamas and chickens), and horse ranch- for the same experience Sims 3 pets gave - and even THEN there is less gameplay and features. No unicorns, no wild horses, no pet jobs (I think) since you can't control them, no nothing. Sims 4 still doesn't have fairies somehow but there's rumbles that they might be the next occult and they could bring unicorns but... you won't be able to do anything with the unicorns without horse ranch.

So, it's not even than Sims 4 costs more than 3, you are getting an objectively worse and more barren experience even when you do buy everything. The dlc for Sims 3 made sense and added so much, barring maybe the weather one as an arguable one. Almost none of the dlc in Sims 4 makes sense to be sold to the player instead of in the base game. City living, island living, cottage living, the vacation one... for that's about it really. But becausethey are supposed to bring new content and gamellay experiences. But the dlc for Sims 4 was just such an obvious money cash cow that they are like "what pieces of the same dlc can we upsell as separate packs?" They barely add anything new.

I have no problem with dlc like how it is with Witcher 3 was with new stories, gameplay experiences, quests, etc, rather than selling base features of a game for morr.

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You make it sound like thats unique to the US and a foreign concept to the rest of the world.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean you won't face consequences of what you say.

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My first thought was Never Alone

It is a puzzle platform adventure and the main character is a little girl probably around your daughter's age who befriends an arctic fox. It's an educational game about the IƱupiat people and their culture.

I dont know if there's any scary scenes but since the main character is a child and the main focus of the game is to be educational, I doubt there will be anything too inappropriate. There will probably be things that she won't understand but just about everything will have things here and there she wont understand - she's 5.

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Yup, I watched part of a Tim Cast (never heard of him before the yt recommendation, nor consumed any similar content previously) video, a lot of it was unhinged and I clicked out quickly with the ramping hatred intensity and rage baiting.

It took like a year for yt to stop recommending me similar far alt-right bullshit because I watched maybe five or ten minutes of a Tim Cast video

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The thing is, most of the accounts participating this year were bots made specifically for this. Yes it's a burst of traffic, but it's a burst of traffic that will drop off a cliff as soon as it's over.

The botting was so bad this year that a small community or a single person couldn't do anything, I tried to mess around with an 8 pixel space and as soon as I put a pixel down, it was undone.

The Germans had something like 50k or more bots set up for this. That's why there were so many German flags everywhere.

Mods are a different beast and not representative of the game, devs, or player base. Mods like this often get removed from big modding sites like Nexus, forcing them to be mostly in their own spaces. (There is/was a bg3 mod overhaul that makes every black npc white, some lesbian npcs into men so they are straight couples, the ability to change your gender and lock it to the body types. Etc and so on. But you can't find it on Nexus. I remember the white Wyll mod but it got removed within 3 days)

It's another matter entirely when a developer bakes this kind of shit into the game. Not every game has mod support and not everyone mods.

Mexico has a large medical tourism industry. Mostly for dental but other things too.

You can go on a ferry and get a nice vacation in a fairly tropical area, and get your needs met medically and go home for less than it would cost in the states with insurance.

The social media at home (ie Twitter, Facebook, reddit) have been manipulating all citizens into destabilizing democracy with all the right-wing propaganda and it is getting worse every day. I can go to Twitter any day of the week and see some slander in the "What's hot" section for any democratic/liberal leader while ass licking every conservative one depending on which country you are from. And the posts are mostly made by young Russian/etc bots. The problem is it seems to be working.

It's not just tik tok thats used for this shit. But the others are OK because they are 'MURICAN? It's a double standard. I'm not defending tik tok, but I personally think Twitter, etc need to be sold as well.

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When I first started messing with it, I was kind of neat and fun. I like making characters so I was using it for like story prompts and general outlines. Some were better than others, but it was neat for some inspiration and fleshing out. I never took it's outputs 1:1.

But when I messed with it again recently. It was a lot worse. Like it ignored parts of my prompt. Like as an example a prompt was about a romance story, but the story was about character A and their family. The love interest character was barely a footnote and could have been removed entirely and nothing would have changed with the story outlines it was giving me.

I thought maybe it doesnt like romance prompts, so I tried less specific and more broad prompts from there, and it was the same thing of just... not outputting what I was asking it to. It got worse and worse and sometimes wouldn't output anything at all.

Gabe won't live forever and usually someone new wants to put their vision up, and make their changes and feel special and then bam.


Wyll, the warlock.

I been in Mexico and if you have an iphone/iPad it will disappear.

I d9nt know of a single person who kept their apple products aside the laptops) for more than a few weeks.

You could leave your androids out in the open and they wont go anywhere. But Apple? Say bye bye.

Yall need another party that actually matters in the race. Libertarians are crazy too and don't matter. And There's no 4th option.

Misgender them back and when they complain, bring up that they misgender you every time.

If that doesn't work, take it to whomever the highest person in charge that you can.

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Most AAA games are being priced at this now. And since people are buying it, it is going to continue.

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I agree, but alot of people don't see it that way. As an example, Sakimichan is a very popular artist, they have been active for like 20 years now, maybe more. As a result they had alot of art on the web. Their style was shnthed a lot, without their permission. If you generate art, you're very likely to get something that looks like their art as a result.

They cannot keep up with the instant result of AI art synching their stuff. They used to just do tasteful pinups. Now they are doing full on porn in order to compete with the AI blight on their career. And it's very obvious to me that they do not enjoy drawing that kind of stuff.

Sakimichan is not the only one seeing the fallout of AI art, a lot of artists are having trouble. And it is getting harder and harder to tell what is made by AI. Then you have photoshop's thing that can enhance your art with AI...whatever thst means. Art communities have joked for years that PS had a "make art better" button when asked how people draw so well. Now it actually has one.

Honey, you don't need to outright say something for the implications and subtext to be there.

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What if you like Nintendo games?

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Oh I suppose my diseased father's small channel with a few of his live music performances will be deleted. Lovely.

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Yeah, if I stopped using/buying a product just because the company behind it did something slightly shitty, I wouldn't have any belongings, food, etc.

I use Firefox just as much as I use opera gx, I use them on each of my browsers. Opera gx is more primary but yeah...

I dont know what I would replace it with. Brave, I guess?

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Twitter, etc isn't Canadian but it sure does has an opinion about who the Canadian Prime Minister should be.

I dont feel good about any of these social media platforms having a stake in this propaganda. Tik Tok, Twitter, reddit,'s all the same to me.

Russia, etc will use any platform they can for this shit. It doesn't matter where the site is based. I don't think banning tik tok or forcing it to sell will change anything. Facebook will still be a cesspool of right ring propaganda.

Of course, fathers are just breadwinner - that's their only value and purpose. They don't "love" their families. Their lives are meaningless and they are violent terrorists.


Currently never, but that's because i dont go out much. If I went out more, even just for jogging. I would be extremely frustrated that my current phone doesn't have a jack. Currently I have to have to so everyone around me can hear my phone as I don't have a converted or a wireless headphone.

Nintendo is famous for never going on sale. Used can be hit or miss, game may not work at all depending on how the store vets it.

Nintendo isnt the only company that never puts their games on sale, just the biggest one. They also don't reduce the prices of the game after xx years. In fact, when they re-released older games, they priced them the same as newer ones. I really think Nintendo is sleazy and their games are mid-to-bad but everyone loves them so. /shrug

Then, there's mmos. If you like mmos and care about them, you can't wait for sales if they price hike. By the time it is on sale, the expansion is nearly over and it can be extremely difficult to nigh impossible to catch up. After all, there's like 1-2 years of content you need to do. These sales are only to bring new and returning people in. Not to be viable options for anyone that actually plays the mmo endgame.

This is going to be the new price point eventually. Because most people can't wait and most people aren't paitent. It does make the game pass more valuable to me, I suppose. Because I can't really afford $70+ games. Games haven't really inflated like everything else has but we really just need to raise wages because we are being priced out of affording anything.

This is why I wish linear/act structures games would make a comeback

They care more about putting a dumb whatever the heck on some random ass mountain with nothing else on it and boring exploration so you can claim your game is "an open world xxx% bigger than Skyrim/red dead redemption/etc"

Red dead is one of the only games I think does open world well because the story was still linear and had acts. You could have just released the prologue and the valentine area as early access and people would have tested everything out and have fun with it. Similar with bg3 and act 1.

The other one is genshin impact actually, but that game is live service and released the world in parts. So each part of the world feels like it has meaningful exploration since there's more than just a korok on this random ass mountain. There will be at least 5 puzzles, the zones have their own stories, quests, and plot lines, and doing that let's you explore a good majority of the zone. If you were to speed rush the msq on a lot of these open world games you would only really explore 10% of the world.

The older I get the more I hate these open world games. They feel directionless. In terms of world building the newest (open world) pokemon game was easily the worst. The gym leaders and rival gangs had no agency wnd very little personality and impact because you could "defeat them in any order*" (*not really)

When I saw the Witcher 1 remake was not going to be linear anymore I pretty much lost all interest in it.

Ah! Darn. I'm sorry.

Hope you figure something out!

Oh man, I feel this one. I moved to a colder climate with my cat in winter and every time I pet her, if I got close to her ears... zap. She was always like ?????? About it.

One day it just stopped happening one day and I'm not sure why. So I don't really have any advice.

You could try rubber soled footwear instead?

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Do you have access to those super thick insulated socks? Could allow you to wear those house slippers with a rubber sole.

I live in Canada and those socks are too hot in the dead of winter for me.

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In your opinion what would be too scary? I tend to have higher thresholds and limits than most people to what I call appropriate so I am curious.