
1 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

How many fucking letters can I use? I'm sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.

Well yeah fuck that guy and this program and it's implications, but this particular issue doesn't sound too unexpected considering the scope of the procedure.

I'm all for the science, but you know this is going to be some directly streamed ads hellspace we'll never escape from if it comes to fruition.

Here's a good rule for this sort of thing to move forward: No implants before right to privacy and freedom from advertising.

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If we want to get conservatives on board with environmental protections, we should just start a conspiracy that the perceived rise in trans people, gays, and autistics is due to plastic ester groups in the environment. Then tell them that these groups are represented in the media so much now because the petrolium companies don't want us to see it as a problem when the science breaks.

Brb, gotta go convince some trumpers single use plastic is making their kids gay.

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They're little bits of debris and fibrous points in the gel matrix of your eye. They don't go away ever, but they float to a part of your eye you don't pay as much attention to. They tend to "go away" in people who consistently sleep on the same side. If you're a back sleeper, or move around a lot, they tend to stick near your macula (your main focal point).

When I run ocular scans on people I can see them drifting around. They're not a problem unless they're dense or dark, then they might be blood due to a retinal tear or diabetic retinopathy.

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I'm a 6'5 reasonably muscular male running two offices entirely staffed by women, except for two gay guys. There's no masculine competition, which is nice, and communication is much more personal. Due to my strict rule of not considering any of my coworkers potential partners, I make sure I'm as supportive as possible without being threatening to any of the girls or their respective partners. It's very interesting seeing how patients act towards me vs the other workers. They seem to treat me as an authority figure, and take what I say at face value, even if I'm just confirming what one of the women already told them. The girls have to convince patients they're professional and not jerking them around, where I can just state something and they'll believe me. I'm viewed as a scientist, and the women are viewed as salesmen or interns.

I mentioned my stature earlier, because it's led to me being the office protector. I will defuse situations, defend my workers, and even fire patients if they offend anyone else in the office. If a rep for a company talks down to any of the women, or only wants to speak to me, I won't do business with them.

Ive hired men before, but they never last. They either make the girls uncomfortable, try to start relationships, or try to butt heads with me as if they hold authority over anyone else. It's very easy to see how someone with less feministic views could easily take advantage of the situation I'm in.

Edit: they're always fucking cold though. 73 degrees is not fucking cold Donna. I'm wearing a suit. Put on a sweater.

A search engine that filters out ai generated sites and content. Or just works at all.

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Is that legit? The thumbs are on the bottom, so that has to be on purpose. If he was holding something in front of him the thumbs would be up.

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Got medicated and suddenly started finishing everything. Built a streaming server, hacked my phone and TV, built a toolbench, lost a bunch of weight, started refurbishing antiques, started fixing things in my house, ran out of stuff to fix and started fixing my sisters house, became a reliable master at my office, started designing furniture, making toys for friends kids, rebuilding old powertools to fill a shop with, all since September.

Go to a doctor or folks. I didn't have insurance and the appointment and meds cost like 200$

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  1. If he's that good at building furniture, good on him, keep it up.
  2. Never would have been illegal to sell lies to poor people.
  3. Fuck rich people.
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I don't know what he is capable of thinking, but that's a kind of fucked up thing to put him through.

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Guys wearing florescent orange or yellow knee high socks with Adidas slides and shorts that was all over a few years ago.

Dudes setting flat billed hats on top of their head way too high.

Yeti stickers on trucks. Glad you like your cooler dude.

Repping brands. Like tshirts that say Oakley or under armor on them. Why are you wearing a shirt that says under armour, but isn't the actual under armour? You paid them to advertise for them you rube. Seeing Oakley gear kills me, I have very in depth inside knowledge of the optical industry, and Oakley's aren't even good glasses. You paid too much for the privilege of looking like a tool.

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House DeWalt: The Builders

House Ryobi: The Slapjobs

House Milwaukee: The wishes they were house DeWalt

House Makita: Quality prevails regardless of how little I use my tools.


House Bosch: House Makita but doesn't like Asians

House Metabo: House Milwaukee but green

House Rigid: wow these are fuckin cheap

House Worx: Tools take a backseat to Yardwork

House Metabo HPT: My wife says they're great

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I'm an ABOA advanced optician, I've helped with lens designs, I've made my own line of frames, worked with every insurance company, and know the technical details of virtually every product on the market.

If it's going to cost the same either way, do not get the online glasses. The 250 in store is discounted from probably 1200$, and the difference is immediately noticable.

The online glasses will not be measured to fit you properly, the focal point will be a best guess, which makes progressives have a ton of distortion, the frame won't be adjusted and have no standards of material and shitty spring hinges, the transitions will be an old off brand composited lens that will delaminate after some time, the antireflective will be the cheapest, smudging crap possible, and the lenses will be thicker and heavier.

Go to a local optical, not any chain you've ever heard of. No corporate execs to pay means actual paid professionals helping you see better, as opposed to collision salesman trying to rip you off.

Online glasses are for single vision rx's for children, not anybody who really needs glasses.

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Not wanting unnecessary “features“ that are just thinly veiled spyware that overcomplicate every aspect of driving is not a boomer opinion. Wanting buttons you can feel without looking for instead of a giant screen that has automatic updates and needs to have access to your cellphone for basic functionality is not a boomer opinion.

Knowing that tacking voice activation onto every 'smart' device, including vehicles, is just an excuse for companies to record everything you say for their shitty marketing isn't a boomer opinion.

In my experience doing tech work, boomers love that shit and fall for all of it, and it all fucks up in some way much more quickly than should be allowed.

My water pressure is so high I can swish and spit

Where im at, if I didn't mow until June my lawn would be three feet tall and i'd have several tickets. Still, I don't mow until may, and then just the front for another few weeks.

You want biodiversity? Don't weed, don't spread any pesticides or growth chemicals, and don't let the natural grass go so long it chokes out the other plants. And the real key, is don't do any of those things for years. From the street, my yard looks like a yard. It's a different color than the neighbors, but it's still green. Up close, it's a salad. More violets, Moss, clover, flowers, wild lettuce, and a hundred things I can't identify than grass. Its full of bees, caterpillars, beetles, butterflies, and stick bugs.

I got my neighbor on board, and we're single handedly keeping fireflies alive in the city. I started seeing bugs I haven't seen since I was a kid.

As an added bonus, since it's a smaller proportion grass, I don't have to mow half as often to keep it looking 'nice'.

I'm not an ecologist, but I feel like it's a solid step in the right direction.

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And the answer to vacant cells is to congragulate the population on their low crime rate, but the for profit system in the US just finds reasons to put more people in jail and keep them there longer.

Stop paying attention to the media and do something rewarding. Build stuff, draw, read books, learn to cook, play an instrument, raise chickens, start camping. Do anything other than dwell in your misery. The world will continue regardless of you watching it. If you think everything is terrible, you already know which side of politics is evil, so just vote against them when the the me comes and don't bother following what's happening. You can't effect it and it will only drive you crazy. It's all just a distraction feeding a dopamine addiction you'll never be ready to let go of. Social media especially. Play some slick jams and do the dishes, it's very therapeutic.

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I'm mostly face blind. I work in optical, so I remember people by their glasses and how they move/walk. I have to have seen someone numerous times before I.can memorize their face enough to identify them, and even then if they look like a celebrity even a little bit my memory will corrupt and I'll just see the celebrity in my head and forget what they look like.

I've just gotten very good at bullshitting through conversations

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The most impactful examples to me are architecture and furniture. Art deco and nuveau buildings were beautiful, even minute details were meant to be looked at. The same goes for craftsman and machine age furniture. Everything has become so minimalist and utilitarian since the eighties.

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The man in question:

Sounds like what tsa should be doing. Either security is necessary or it isn't. The airport is the most classist place in the country.

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The description of that device and subscription is so fucking stupid I'm not even mad. If you fell for it that hard, you deserve whatever they throw at you.

Oh fuck yeah I'm ready to not know what happened to my entire Saturday

Vyvanse. It felt like I was on molly for a week, then it became so subtle I didn't even notice when it took effect or wore off. It allowed me to learn how to be motivated, so now even if I forget a dose, I still get shit done.

You're supposed to vaguely imply the existence of those, not just give away secrets in public bruh

Cool. I want zero if these features. Leave my shit alone.

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Seems like something along the lines of "everything is hopeless so don't bother trying."

But what about the pharmaceutical company shareholders? Don't they get any say in how long we need their products? Yes one person might be in terrible pain for years, but at least twelve people will make a lot of money.

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(It cuts out the middle man of having to find facts on your own)

I'm sure that's just a perk and not indicative of the new age of captured information wer're currently living through.

I've played most of the metroid games, and i know theres a ton of nostalgia for super metroid, but to this day nothing has matched the feeling of exploration and awe from Metroid Prime. Every place in the game was so radically different, and the ability to scan and learn about the environment was so unique, and exactly what i didn't know i needed. Learning the lore and finding out what happened to the planet only by analyzing everything made the world feel like it had died, and it's death was a tragedy. All the enemies you encounter are just local animals that don't know better, or had been corrupted by pollution. That is, until about halfway through the game when you meet actually hostile, malicious intelligence, and the combat steps up exponentially.

It's fantastic. I still remember being amazed at the fogging and raindrops showing up on the visor the first time you step off your ship on Talon IV. I had never seen graphocs so good, and such attention to detail, and the game was already 4 years old.

The only game i've ever played that felt similar was subnautica, and while it had the wonder, it lacked the melancholy and insane combat.

Prime is the best in the series, hands down.

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I had never considered that and am now adopting it

I've been using a tuning app that's similar through 4 phones now. It was taken off the store like 7 years ago, but I kept the apk and keep gimping it along.

The lack of support is actually great, because all the ads went away a few years ago.

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He's also a firearm instructor. Fuckin rough combination for an active shooter.

I may be interested in being a dj/random song info guy. I'll have to think about it for a few days, and see if I can make a regular appearance.

As a Semi pro, I run Metabo HPT for power tools and beat the hell out of them and get free batteries. Never had a tool or battery die in several years.

For groundskeeping I go with worx. They're great but aftermarket batteries suck ass.

Any plug in tools that aren't antiques are rigid, their warranty is nuts, and their mitre saw has the widest range of any I've ever used. Plus free service and parts for life.

My coworker runs Milwaukee, lots of variety, but he's had two drills and three batteries die in 3 years of basic use, so I'm not sure if I trust them wholly. The packout is nice, but there are better options out there for portable tool chests now, like flex and toughbuilt.

I know a few pros who switched to flex tools and swear by them, but they're too fresh to market to know for sure, although the company has been around forever supposedly.

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Worked like a charm. About an hour of fiddling around and learning ADB and now I feel like I own my TV. Thanks for giving me a solution outside of 'build/buy a different device'.

While I do appreciate everyones advice, this is exactly what I was hoping was possible. Thanks for the help mate.

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Ublock Firefox on the computers, revanced on the phone, smarttube next on the TV, which is running FLauncher. Like an hour to set up once and no ads ever again. I'm a little confused by anyone agreeing to pay to unshittify a service made so irritating in the first place, and honestly how anyone puts up with ads at all when it's so easy to avoid them.

That's what I thought it was until right now