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Hopefully it less hormonal side affects than the female pill. But yeah having an extra level of protection will be nice.

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Obviously it depends on the relationship and how risk averse you both are. But yeah why not both? Seems like a pretty good way to be really sure!

If you’re going to initiate a new rollout of tech, why rollout already out of date stuff? Just mandate fibre to the prem and 1 gigabit minimum from the start. It will take 15 years to complete anyway!

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As long as valve say no then they can offer all they like. That is the advantage of not being a publicly traded company!

Is this news? I thought all these points were pretty well established!

They will delay and delay the of port, then the new gen of consoles will be announced and they will port it for them first, then pc will get it like 6 months later. Pretty much what happened with 5 iirc.

That’s not because I have adhd, I’m just lazy.

Rectangle for window snapping is a life saver!

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Instead of encrypting the entire drive, encrypt the home folder. That way it’s unlocked when you sign in.

It will depend on the books maybe someone already has read them can chime in. But I saw a post like this for golang, and everyone in the comments were saying the books were ai generated crap.

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I dunno if you want him playing a true mmo at that age, but old school RuneScape is currently as popular as ever. Specifically old school though, RS3 has the same sort of problems with micro transactions etc.

I’m not sure anyone expected them to pull it if this deal goes through anyway. Surely they would lose more money in the long run by limiting the amount of people paying for micro transactions than people buying PlayStations instead of Xbox.

Nah I think it was a company called “Packt” that everyone in the thread was complaining about so hopefully this one is different. But for sure would love to hear from someone who has read them.

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Another great one would be for phobias, being able to filter out images of a snake for example if you hate them. Sometimes the title filtering can do that but that doesn’t work when someone titles their picture “look at this cute little guy”

There is an iOS app I discovered yesterday called ProxMate, and it seems pretty nice!

Could be worse, you could be forced to use teams!

Interesting, thanks for the explanation. I’d been looking forward to it being legal here but not if it means I risk this. I guess it will be a few times a year treat if I’m spending a week off work at home just chilling out.

They’ve had a real problem with names recently. I wonder if the laid all the creative people off in that company. Miss me with this “new outlook” “new teams” “teams for work and school” just think of a new name for each app for the love of god…

I’m fortunate enough to get 1gig through Vodafone, but even then the upload speed sucks so bad. Every time I see Telekom speeds I feel so bad for the guys that can’t get Vodafone. I keep looking at houses outside the city and the infrastructure is awful. I keep seeing 20mb as maximum on the house listing!

Would be a welcome competition for Google fibre to come here, but as far as I know they only ever did the US right?

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I’m going to need someone to define “limited” for me.

Ultimately I think I’d rather take this chance than drink 20 grams of sugar in a can instead!