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This is unrelated to this topic exactly, but I don’t know what OpenTofu is nor what it is for, so I looked at the FAQ.

What is OpenTofu?

OpenTofu is a Terraform fork, created as an initiative of Gruntwork, Spacelift, Harness, Env0, Scalr, and others, in response to HashiCorp’s switch from an open-source license to the BUSL. The initiative has many supporters, all of whom are listed here.

This is practically a meme…I have no idea what all of these are (coming from my area of expertise).

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So people are aware: If you are handicapped, you CAN park in the striped lines. In many cases, it’s the only feasible option for that person to safely exit.

For example: If directly to the left of the spot is a wall and your vehicles’ automated ramp deploys to the left, they have to park in the stripes.

Adding insult to injury in this case, it’s possible the handicapped person can’t enter their fucking car.

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They don’t fall for scams at a higher rate—they fall for online scams at a higher rate. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Gen Z is far more online than other generations, giving them more chances of being scammed. Classic case of not factoring in online usage.

All of those opposition parties banned have explicitly been in favor of Russia annexing Ukraine. Literally every one.

Not only that, you make it sound like he did this by himself. There has been a ton of parliamentary agreement and has also been upheld in numerous appeals (incl by judges not having any associations with Zelensky).

I’m by no means a “Zelensky-stan” and have my own criticisms, but either you are seriously being misled or are being malicious/spreading misinformation.

Not only that, Ukraine runs a parliamentary government. There is no “opposition party”. Americans for some reason always view foreign government political parties through the lens of American politics. This is not like the government banning Republicans. This is like banning the “Socialists for the release of Alaska to Russia” party.

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There is no way the virus functioned. Seriously. The guy had no tech background.

Sarcasm is hard to portray sometimes.

The joke is “oh, you almost got us to revisit Reddit because porn”

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I don’t (generally) sail the high seas, but I’m surprised that people don’t use SysInternals tooling on windows. Of note:

  • ProcExp - A way better process explorer and has a built-in VirusTotal scanner for all running processes. 100 times better than standard process explorer. This in combination with windows defender is nearly always enough.

  • AutoRuns - A tool to see what automatically runs on your system. Included image hijacks and such. This is for handling potential post-infection scenarios.

Don’t attribute to malice what is absolutely just idiocy. Musk is not some genius. He is quite literally a man-child who made money because he came from money (and maybe a little luck).

His hubris led to this disaster with twitter—nothing else.

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It most definitely takes a lot longer than one minute to check asset files for changes. That’s like saying you can just pop open 200 revisions of a 300MiB PSD file in notepad and see what change it happened in quickly. I don’t imagine somebody will write in their changelist description “submitting Nazi flag, lol” either.

Definitely a long arduous process to determine it.

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Serious question: Is “Directed Acyclical Graph” really an unknown term for people? The author harped on it pretty hard, but what it is…is pretty apparent, no? I mean, I’ve encountered the term often, but I don’t think I had any need to look it up…

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There was no need to produce the items in question, so we lost the expertise and the underlying manufacturing facilities/experience/etc. Stuff like: The company that made the windows no longer exists. The company that made the panels still exists, but they can no longer source the strictly defined % alloys as that company no longer exists. Stuff like that.

He’s not. He’s just being a cry-baby and pandering to his base. The square footage claims were a drop in the bucket as far as the evidence is concerned. Read the full judgement here, it’s approachable to the layperson:

The reason there isn’t a Windows 9 is because there was a common test for windows versions that went something like this:

std::string winVer = getWinVerStr();
if (winVer.find(“Windows 9”) != -1)
    // This is windows 95 or 98

A good chunk of older programs would likely have issues.

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I find listening to (already listened to—this part is important) stuff is like a sleeping pill. Rip YouTube videos and put just the audio on your phone. Play it at bed time—I use earbuds and throw it under my pillow.

Right now, I’m listening to Kings & Generals and Operations Room audio. In the past, I’ve done Futurama audio.

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Tabs for indentation/increased scope, spaces for alignment. The best answer.

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I would have thought Space Jam would have had more to do with that. Furries as a concept isn’t as popular with the 50 yr old crowd.

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I believe this is sarcasm, but it is hard to tell…

Genuine question: Why don’t 2A people also complain about driver’s licenses then? I really don’t understand. It’s the same barrier (if not even worse).

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Not really. I guess my son with Ewing’s Sarcoma and a non-existent immune system will just die?

Inb4 “don’t leave the house, lol” — you try keeping a 4 year old indoors for 18 months.

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You are not alone in this.

Prior to discord I’d get maybe a bug report/month. After, about 1/day.

Simply put, the barrier to entry is huge.

However, documentation on Discord (other than simple end-user instructions/links to git readmes) is sort of stupid.

He’ll have some trouble if he actually tries. Secret service detail for former presidents and all.

Christian Scientists are indeed against them. Jehovahs do vaccinations but not blood transfusions.

Blood transfusions honestly are not a problem most of the time, though. I’ve heard many stories about doctors just overriding the parents wishes due to emergency and the parents generally sigh with relief.

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Relevant Futurama what if:

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I’m not sure if you’re trolling or not here or just lacking empathy.

Imagine a believable image, let alone video, of you with your full name and age on it participating in a burning cross ceremony in a white hood propagating through the internet.

This isn’t just some situation where it stays on a single person’s computer—it gets shared. And is effectively unstoppable.

I’m not claiming of knowing a way to handle this situation, but your comment is really confusing to me that you don’t understand the harms here.

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It’s not that simple. Let’s say you have 100 revisions of an asset and the change happens on revision 42. Multiple people work on the same assets. If the engine in question (I admittedly don’t know what they use) stores each asset on a per-file basis, it’s a little easier. If not and the environment itself is stored in a monolithic file, it’s far worse.

You’ll need to (at best) binary search for the asset. You pull latest, see the bad content is there, try again with revision 50. See it’s there, try again with 25. It’s not there, okay, 37. Etc etc.

Not only that, it’s very often not as simple as just pulling that revision. “Oh. The asset format changed slightly on revision 40?” Time to pull the entire codebase down. “Asset A is referenced by this asset and won’t work because it differs?” Time to sync the entire codebase & assets back.

Etc, etc.

A medical practitioner should inform the parent(s) of Jehovah’s Witness children that whilst he/she will try to respect their religious views, if a blood transfusion is required to save the child’s life, or prevent severe harm, it will be administered without their consent, unless they obtain a court order prohibiting this.,obtain%20a%20court%20order%20prohibiting

I wasn’t 100% clear, but context of my comment is children—so my comment was geared towards children. Adults are a different ballgame.

It’s an unnecessary folder if you’re running 64-bit.

That's not true. One pro-russian co-founder of the biggest opposition party was expelled and they publicly condemned Putin's invasion. Zelinski still banned the party.

Okay. I’ll bite. Which party?

…did you not read the article?

It’s not quite that simple. To be clear, the argument being proposed by his lawyers is that he is not an “officer of the United States” so it doesn’t apply to him.

Basically, there’s legal precedent that elected officials aren’t officers of the US because they are elected and not hired. Add to that the sheer number of commas, “and”s, and “or”s, that it can get legally murky.

NB: Not a lawyer. Read about the above on Mastadon from a legal scholar. Will see if I can find the link.

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So that means it will make all images and videos not believable. That’s serious dystopian shit.

Trust no one. Everything is fake. Nothing is real.

Didn’t mean it to come across as you being a dick—more of me commenting on my frustrations with morons.

Yes, but the insinuation is that he’s using war powers to permanently institute himself in charge using only his powers, which isn’t the case. Effectively I’m countering the “he’s a dictator” undertone.

It makes more sense when I dug into it more deeply, but still—gave me a chuckle.

I’m not ignoring evidence, I just see an alternative you don’t: He wants attention and he always has. He’s “losing” and the easiest way to get validation is to get it from those that are right-wing. He wants so badly to be treated as “a genius”.

Nobody other than staunch right-wingers believe his non-sense. He only gets headlines because controversy sells.

I posted a tad about costs with my son undergoing cancer treatment:

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The game is definitely not for everyone, but ProsperousUniverse kind of stands alone when it comes to people’s descriptions of niches/genres.

The game is an economy/real-time MMO with no real PvP. “Real-time” not like an RTS but as in “this operation takes many hours or days” and everyone has that same time burden.

It’s a game where planning far outperforms “always online” gameplay, so people end up learning spreadsheet software to optimize everything for themselves.

In addition, the UI is modular like a Bloomberg terminal, so it feels right—you feel like a trader.

It’s not “get fucked” but close enough:

Dear Mr. Robert, you have failed to explain, much less justify, any basis for a stay. I am confident that the Appellate Division will protect your appellate rights.