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Joined 1 years ago

A Canadian news site posting an article about a Canadian citizen killed in another country seems reasonable to me.

It's AI generated lol

The word west no longer has any meaning to me.

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I think most of the good engineers have left russia by now.

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My understanding is that the letter he and Mila wrote in defense of Danny was after Danny was found guilty. They were asking for a more lenient sentence.

We build our houses from trees because we have lots of trees.

The colosseum is almost 2000 years old, it's not getting eroded. At least not on a human time scale. Most of the damage present occurred during the Renaissance when people harvested marble from it for other stonework.

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No. A lot of violence is done for personal gain or anger/revenge.

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Very possible, I've maintained about the same weight the last few years while losing fat and gaining muscle.

I think Russian generals would mutiny before signing a death wish for their country by launching a nuke.

Either way, this war has already been a massive failure for russia. They were planning to take Kyiv in a week, annex some territory, and possibly install a puppet government before going back to business as usual.

If the war ended today with a Russian victory, it would be a pyrrhic victory for them. I feel like anything short of that will end with the overthrow of Putin. Their best chance of success is to keep meddling with the west in an attempt to sabotage Ukraine's support.

I'm sure it's still in the same database with all of the other user and post information. When accounts are deleted online it's usually a soft delete. A flag is set saying the account is deleted, but the information is still there.

Do you not use it with WSL?? I've found the experience is almost identical to linux.

Things that are out of the ordinary make it into the headlines. This is a German citizen captured by Hamas during their invasion of Israel. Very out of the ordinary. No need to bring race into it.


What does any of this have to do with capitalism? If it was the company's goal to maximize profit and cut costs I don't think they would have put their CEO on this. It seems like a passion project with questionable engineering practices that backfired.

I enjoyed D4. The art and music were top notch. The gameplay was fun, pretty on par with past diablo games, and definitely does get old after a bit.

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90% of movies are already garbage, or the same recycled plots from older movies. Truly original and intriguing plots are few and far between. How much worse can it get?

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Suburbs can be good depending on your neighborhood/community. It's also not impossible to meet people, you might just have to find more group hobbies like sports/climbing/book clubs/dnd groups/etc...

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I think they're just trying to get people hooked, and then they'll start charging for it. It even says at the bottom of the page when you're in a chat:

Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT August 3 Version

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You could use onedrive/Google drive and share the video via a link. They both have in browser playback.

No one is too big too fail. There just needs to be a better service, which right now there definitely is not.

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Machine learning falls under the category of AI. I agree that works produced by LLMs should count as derivative works, as long as they're not too similar.

Probably did it on purpose to get out of the fight.

You mean deprived of?

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Except for the fact that they've said for the entire existence of chatgpt that it's a free research preview.

AI generated

That sounds like a terrible legal defense. Yes - I had alcohol in my car, and I was pounding it at the time of the accident. But trust me, I was totally sober when I actually hit that person.

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I have a 3080 and the game runs noticeably worse in the cities than it does in small rooms. And that's with everything at low-medium and 75% rendering resolution which seems ridiculous. And the game doesn't even look that good.

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Can you provide a source that indicates that Netflix's account sharing was ever encouraged beyond a single household? My understanding is netlix has always been pro-sharing as long as all users that share a password are within the same household.

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You don't need that many active users for a rich and engaging community. I also don't believe kbin will or should replace reddit. But it's a great alternative for those that don't like the way things are going on reddit.

The sun is in a different direction than Mars though. Both require escaping Earth orbit and and entering solar orbit. From there, to get to Mars you need to raise your orbit relative to the Earth. To get to the sun you need to lower your orbit relative to the earth.

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Pro-tip, if your fire is putting out tons of smoke it's not burning hot enough. Smoke is unburnt fuel that's being carried away by hot air. Add more wood to the fire and move the existing wood into a tighter group while still allowing oxygen to penetrate to get it to burn hotter. Then, all of the smoke should burn off before getting lifted away.

It's the same reason much of our knowledge of some ancient European and African cultures comes from the romans: they were the first, and in many cases only society to save written accounts of those cultures. By taking a written account of something and publishing that account, it becomes available to the rest of humanity. That said, it is still important to honor the original native names and note that something was previously known by the natives of the area prior to its formal documentation.

You're right, I had glossed over that part. The first point seems like an issue, the second and third just seem like normal life in the US. Most roads here are made for cars, and people should already expect that if you're in public you can or will be recorded, as recording in public is a first amendment right, and everyone already has a camera in their pocket.

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Can you give a better source than the original article that the cars are being used as surveillance for law enforcement? The original article had this to say:

It also claims that they're partnering with police to record everyone all the time without anyone's consent.

To me that seems very biased. I found another article that seems a little more nuanced (

It says that police need a warrant to access footage, just like any other cctv you might find at a brick and mortar business, which are also filming you at every street corner 24/7.

In December 2021, San Francisco police were working to solve the murder of an Uber driver. As detectives reviewed local surveillance footage, they zeroed in on a gray Dodge Charger they believed the shooter was driving. They also noticed a fleet of Waymo’s self-driving cars, covered with cameras and sensors, happen to drive by around the same time.

Recognizing the convenient trove of potential evidence, Sergeant Phillip Gordon drafted a search warrant to Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo, demanding hours of footage that the SUVs had captured the morning the shooting took place. “I believe that there is probable cause that the Waymo vehicles driving around the area have video surveillance of the suspect vehicle, suspects, crime scene, and possibly the victims in this case,” Gordon wrote in the application for the warrant to Google’s sister company.

Back to your other point - people are free to be upset at our car based society. I just think it's arbitrary to take it out on driverless cars when it's our entire society they seem to have a problem with. They're free to protest however they see fit, my opinion is still that it seems hypocritical.

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Humans die in car crashes all the time. It's one of the leading causes of premature death. If a self driving car is proven to have a statistically lower rate of accidents than a human, then that's enough for me. A microprocessor can make much quicker decisions than a human, it's just a matter of giving it the right information (cameras, lidar, radar).

Replaceable batteries were great. I could keep phones going for years until Samsung started pumping out bloated software updates that slowed them down.

I understand that they've said that, and I'll re-iterate, as far as I'm aware Netflix's password sharing policy has always been for individuals living in the same household.

I think music tends to be exhausting when we're not able to predict what will come next in the song. It requires us to put much more effort into learning the rhythm. Maybe the albums are just new to you, or a new style that you're not used to?

You don't even need a hacked version. Just use an older version. Besides, Firefox is open source, I'm sure someone would fork off an adblock allowed version.

Fair point. But still, if the doom eternal engine puts theirs to shame so easily, maybe they should have done some more work on their engine.