50 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Queer 🍄 farmer

Lol at the comment not understanding that women can have dicks

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still here, still queer. wishing other 196ers weren't so lazy to leave behind corporate social

they didnt adopt stuart little in the original, the mom gave birth to him

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this is a boon for genderfluid people everywhere

Bottom for firefox, top for windows start bar. Switchhhh

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my cousin did this and is gen z, you still can!!!!

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I thank our ancestors for these divine potion recipes

You tell em Ada!

Id say split into two desktops, not two monitors. But i love semantics lol

Reboot the job?

Thanks for the context! So great


Ey thanksomuch

I didnt get it

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Id use it to make foods look one way and taste another. Like program a pizza slice to taste like a peach cobbler milkshake

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At least the aliens would know how to make us cum

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Someone help me i am non stop checking 196

Death grips rule

Yo this is the best one too!

Mans got a couple bussy of his own on his front belly there

I want two things and they are this but twice

Id like the rainbow road to lead to a star trek style 3d board

same. im just focusing on what is currently in reach like hair removal and hormones and also hiding my face more than I should

Made this in my shitty phone photo editor, youre welcome.

Also the deery is name Fruppi

I believe Kroger's is a store

Im tired with how many i got now so im down to try

My childhood!

When you have two wolves inside and they both cute

Thank you! Also doin my part

Theres hypercharged: unboxed its oretty fun. Also some toy story games kinda scratch that itch for me

Spot on! This is a meme from when i first came out lol thankfully i have queer friends and work enviroments nowadays, but always looking for more. Another way to look at this one is that the red text is a unsupportive friend

Same! I stole this from a comment thread and am posting for awareness on this lack of an actual icon (im too lazy to edit myself) lol

But i wanted to be a criminal scum...

Was off from one of my jobs due to equpment failure so i poor now but i got a new free cat!

Saw a 2 person banner plane take off and then instantly crash into a bay while living in florida. Was smoking weed on the beach playing guitar when it happened. I moved closer to confirm it because of the crazy disbelief I felt and ran into a coworker who saw it aswell

This is def worlds greatest

Same shit definitley happens with record labels on streaming, thank goodnes for indie, kinda killed that a bit

I scrollb past and i dun posted it

Same with my fam too sadly. at the very least you have us here!