0 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So many different quote usage patterns.

One person gets to get quoted. But OP themself not. Also at the second sentence of the other dude gets startet end ends with different quote marks.

This post is killing my inner monk.

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I guess OBS? Works on Windows if you use the webbrowser and disable Hardware Acceleration. Be advised though, the resolution and bitrate on browsers alone could be limited and also on linux clients.

I think the best way is still to rely on already ripped content. Though if you want to start creating webrips yourself, afaik people use their cookies and use the streams, that the browsers/applications get pushed and turn them into other video formats. But not at all a pro on this topic. Someone else here is surely better informed than me on this topic.

Microsoft Power Toys

Absolute gamechanger.

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Tbh. Its highly unlikely that you will face anything that disrupts business and can prove it being from this machine.

Even if you get hit by a trojan that encrypts everything: if you have AV on clients and servers and update their databases regularely, noone could or would blame a dude thats 3 months in the job for it. I mean you have no prior experience. Thats also why i would not try to escelate it further. You will get fucked by management if you fall in the back of a higher ranking position. They dont appreciate people calling stuff like this out. Especially in small family owned businesses. Trust me. I've been there.

You will most likely find even more hazards in the future. If it gets worse, make a list. If you can, put in the CVE Codes and their explanation about the issue and the potential risks.

Put it in a monthly report-email regarding IT Topics. Also put different stuff in there, so you dont only appear to be whining about the system that they obviously have been taking care of in a lackluster way. This way you show that you are doing your job for the case that there might actually be a hazard and if they ask, you can simply point to your monthly report and say you did your best and did not get enough ressources/coworkers/ or the so very much needed new Firewall Appliance.

In terms of futur vision: write up your daily systems you work with. I'll make some examples for your Resume:

  • Config- and Patchmanagement of
  • ~ 30 Windows 10 clients via WSUS and SCCM
  • ~ 10 Windows Server 2019 Systems via WSUS
  • ~ A Veeam/Synology/In-House Built Backup Solition
  • Ubiquiti Firewall and AP Solitions
  • Management of Microsoft SQL/Oracle/MariaDB Database Replications
  • Management of an small scaled AD Environment with ~ 80 self created Objects
  • GPO Policy Management
  • Management of a Microsoft Exchange Sever Cluster
  • ...

And so on.

Also make a second list with projects, what your role in them was (most likely project lead), and what situation you had and the target. Also in which timeframe you are working on it (March/2024 - Today)

Don't tell anybody that you are keeping your eyes out for a new job. Wait till you have landed a new job with administration work (dont do First-Layer Support Jobs. They get you stuck on your career ladder)

Also have a look at job portals like Kununu and check Ratings of companies. Since you are already in a kind of dispute with your boss I would suggest to not leave a review of your current workplace, whilst you still work there. Attention would be immediately brought to your end.

Also: if you are bad at creating a resume. Use an online builder. Job portals offer them. Be advised though, recruiters will already call the number that you type in there even before you are done typing your resume. rxResume is and FOSS Resume Builder. Can be selfhost or simply used by the Publicly hosted variant.

I guess the best way for that, is to crosscheck with the maiantained list on the megathread of this community.

There is a cartell in the matress market. Dont buy pricy ones. Watch the documentation on the youtube link. Its made by public tv from germany.

The link is the store of the dude that stood up and fought against the cartell. And he survived. The united-cartell-angency (bundeskartellamt) found out about the cartell throught this dude and fined the cartels pretty hard. It is still not destroyed sadly and the prices of over 500 bucks for a fucking mattress are everywhere even though it might be a absolute dogshit mattress.

Paywall. Most important part:

In unprecedented move, Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks Lisa Rein

The Treasury Department has ordered President Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks the Internal Revenue Service is rushing to send to tens of millions of Americans, a process that could slow their delivery by a few days, senior IRS officials said.

The unprecedented decision, finalized late Monday, means that when recipients open the $1,200 paper checks the IRS is scheduled to begin sending to 70 million Americans in coming days, “President Donald J. Trump” will appear on the left side of the payment.

Jesus. The worst thing about this is that one might actually believe it for a short time. I did for a glance of a moment before recognising that this had to be satire. Something good: satire is nod dead yet :D

The secured Sandbox maybe? The windows sandbox is pretty awesome for day to day use imo. And no a template VM or container isnt really the same thing. The sandbox has the task of making sure that there is nothing that can break out. Afaik the sanbox has done a pretty good job so far in that aspect. Does linux bring a comparable option to the table? Would love to find out, changig as many aspects of my life to linux is the best thing to do.

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Gawd I am MELTING of cuteness!

Cute lil fella :3

SysAdmin. The OCR Feature is a blessing to get masses of text from sended in screenshots, or Webinterfaces of devices that try to fight the user when they try to copy some text from it ^^

The Always on Top Feature... fuck where do I start.

When shit gets stressful and you are just trying to fix a thing asap but your view is bloated with the applications from your previous task, it can be unbelievable practical to use the always on top feature.

Mostly use it on windows that i want to have as a small but always on top space where i can interact with application xyz or even a small fresh notepad to type down what the customer is blubbering into my phone while I try to get as many information possible and troubleshoot the problems at the same time.

Sorry for the absolute shitty written text. I'm in a hurry.

Powerrename with optional Regex (Regex only with support of chatGPT. Noone can tell me they actually understand regex ^^) Though PowerRename i use more often as a Pirate.

Paste Text only - OMFG this feature.. without it i would quit my job and search for anotherone where i can deploy it on my maschine. It stripes out every non-text from the text you have copied. So formatting and all that bullshit is gone. Its's bliss. As a regular office worker this should also be a gamechanger. Noone ever wants to copy the formatting from one document to another. You mostly just want the plain damn text.

Maybe the cut and resize feature will be also soon on my favourites list but i havent tested it that much so far.

Oh and another app i love:


It has never been easier to show someone what they have to click or where error xyz occurs. Just create a border that you want to record in .mp4 format, do your stuff there, klick stop and send a very nice and small videofile to your opponent. Absolutely everyone that got a video from me was thankful for not having to read 4 paragraphes of text but instead was able to just watch a 30secs video and understand everything. I sometimes even use it in documentation for other sysadmins. Very helpful if the task is complex and would take up lots of text to explain. Create a short clip and everyone understands you.

Holy moly even though the graphes have a slight decrease - but that cause has been explained in the text - but those are still huuge numbers.

Holy moly there are a lot of guys on this platform! Nice to see!

Thanks for sharing and explaining mate!


Give examples. Maybe I can help.

Are you downloading or creating the remux? ^^

If you are downloading:

If you are only playing the movie on the laptop on a 15" screen, resolution above 1080p doesnt matter all that much for movies. If you are watching it on a large 4k tv - something like over 50" you have to consider the additional storage space, thats needed with the higher quality variant.

I am personally not so much considered with high resolution unless I watch a movie again and again and again. If you probably only watch it once, try out the 1080p version and find out if the quality is high enough for ya or if it is disturbing you.

I love to submit my E-Mail Adress at In-Person Counters when they ask for an E-Mail-Adress. Makes every person I told it grin :D

Edit: noticed some sentence building errors. Corrected 'em.

Is this a porn reference? This surely is a porn reference.

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Schlop schlop schlop

"Klemmbausteinbrücke" it is then. No lawsuit possible.

Holy moly thats just pure insane skill.


was in football team when younger. Never was able to pull of tricks but tried and trained to do them. I dont know if i was just too bad with my feet or if my training was not hard enough. But for sure tell that getting all of those stunts to work and on top of that getting 'em to work in a row... jeesus. Respect.

U sailing the seas or staying legal? Legal options are the usual Amazon prime, netflix and so on. Local ones would be idk maybe Pro7Max or something.

The ones where you raise the Sails and get going, there are mostly One-Click-Hosters but for direct streaming there are hosters like s(dot)to or the ol' reliable kinox.

Have a glance at the megathread of the piracy megathread in dbozers lemmy community for more detailed infos.

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r/opendirectories was a place for this.

I don't know where else you could look but the common E-Book & Audiobook places. So far many Books were not listed in the usual piracy sites. I had to search explicitly for the only Book/Comic/Audio Book related ones.

These sites however have TONS of Material in all kinds of categories. So even if there wouldnt be a "Artbook" Filter, if you look for a reocurring comic, make use of the reocurring name and hit the search with it.

You may have to check what are the best sites for your language though.

I ran best with: Tell coworkers you trust and you like working with. Most likely they will agree thst xyz is bad and ya'll could be in a better situation. Some times you can even get the people you like to also get a better job or even get them into the company that you changed to - only when you already have been there for a few months or so, to know if its a good company or not.

Just checking in to say thanks for asking that question. Always had that same question as a fellow sysadmin :D

Now since i see all those ideas: hell yes. I will reach out to the maintainers of the next project that I find that could use some support and offer them my support :D

Holy shit this is me ^^

You could also go the route of directly downloading from spotify with Zotify. If you got premium it downloads in full 320kps. (Make sure to use the --download-real-time=True toggle to raise no suspicion for spotify servers. This way you download as fast as if you were listening to the songs/audiobooks yourself. Its a command line tool. Though if it can remove possible DRM Watermarks from the audiostream - no clue. But i wouldnt think they actually do that.

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Cryptpad and Nextcloud Hub are the first one on the list.

This post perfectly fits this song.

Thx! Subbed to all of 'em!

Thanks for asking this, I also had that question ^^ I found two answeres, that fit my need perfectly. Love the community!

What websites do you guys curl from cli to recieve only your own public ip and dns leaks?

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Their plugins arent really reliable. Can tell you that. The Mullvad VPN Plugin does not like it at all if you ever should run out of VPN Time. If your VPN is not being paid the connection shits itself and doesnt reconnect properly when the VPN is being paid for again. Besides that, the Seamless-Tunnel Option (aka. dont allow network traffic if its not through the VPN) is working but hella buggy if you want to disable it for testing.

Got myself a Opal one. Not sure what I will be using it from now on tbh. Maybe the other Options are more reliable but I couldnt be bothered to check em out in the last months.

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Sails are hoisted shipmate! Tell the captain we are running downwind heading for the great treasure!

Here is also a good page to get a overview of what websites there are available: (the site is a little dated, so be aware of that) startseite(dot)to

U got any invites left over for a german community mah dude?

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Thanks for the info. Thats something to start! I'll look into it.


Didn't expect that vid to be so accurate, hurting and funny at the same time.

Just so you get a notification: OP added a link to the comment above.