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Joined 1 years ago

I'm glad that he's spending his time on solving this very urgent and extremely important matter instead of trivial legislation such as budgets, federal investment in his state, etc.

One of the great intellectual giants of his generation, that one.

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I think we should start figuring out ways to get the NRA to post some lines of support for LGBTQ+ gun owners now.

Don't really know what the "best" experience was. I can't say there was anything life changing for me. It was nice to have access to so much stuff in a very well designed app (Apollo) that let me share that content super easily with friends and family via Whatsapp or Telegram.

Worst interactions? There were many...the groupthink can be real bad. There are a lot of people who take karma very seriously. There was one sub, dedicated to a podcast, and it was clear there was a person that had six or seven alts because of the language they used and the debate style, and they would get so upset and downvote any disagreeing comment. Other subs had plenty of trolling, transphobia, shitty moderators, etc. Other subs became basically unusable because of how large they got and how many people posted "hey, look at me!" low effort content. You know, "art I did of X character" with 2,600 upvotes for what was a 10th grader type drawing done on a notebook. That kind of kills the visibility of posts with the potential for deeper or more meaningful conversation that don't get as many upvotes.

In the end I think the main issue with Reddit is that it got too big. It attracted too many people on a superficial level, too many trolls, and most subs worth visiting at this point are dedicated to niche subjects and have smallish communities.

I started a couple of communities as placeholders but don't really have time to mod. There hasn't been any activity yet but if / once people start posting we'll figure it out.

Is performance really the same under Windows? How do the controller layouts work under Windows? I've been wondering if it would be worth it to try Windows for a few games that have issues with Proton.

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If I were to try Windows I would definitely go with one of those super optimized installs that are like 3-4 gigs. Unless that breaks some of the DirectX functionality for games?

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It's a pretty smart film in the context of when it was made and the political situation in the U.S. I remember when it was released a lot of people were pissed at it, it performed pretty poorly.

Yeah, I haven't used Windows in years (not much of a PC gamer, I mostly play on consoles until I got my SD) and the more I read about Windows 11 and the bloat and telemetry the more I hated it. But I'm impressed how much they managed to shrink it into Tiny11 and might be tempted to experiment with it on a virtual machine.

Saw Asteroid City last night. Liked it a lot but it's not my favorite Wes Anderson movie. It is, thought, the most Wes Anderson movie imaginable.

There's a lot of people that are desperate for attention and validation and the karma system becomes really addictive to them.

I had a lot of contentious exchanges with one person, supposedly a lady, that had to insert herself in every conversation in the sub, screech wildly about anything that went against her progressive ideas, even if it was inoffensive, instigate dumb debates and then accuse people of creating strawmen or sealioning, and somehow found a way to pretend to be a victim every single time. If a post mentioned the holocaust - her husband's father is a holocaust survivor. If someone mentioned sexual abuse, she was a victim of rape. If there was a mention of a kidnapping, she was kidnapped at 16. If someone discussed a murder, her best friend was brutally murdered before her eyes, etc. It got ridiculous when some medical subject came up and then apparently she's a doctor with 20 years of experience in exactly that subject and who teaches on that subject at a prestigious medical school. I have no idea how such a doctor can spend 20 hours a day on reddit and get 120k posts in a few years, but maybe that's just me. And I'm pretty sure she had several alts because her comments would be immediately upvoted and any dissenting viewpoint downvoted to oblivion. A few of the posters also had the exact same writing style and used the same arguments, which of course they justified as "great minds think alike" and "that's because you're wrong, bigot". If she was ever genuinely downvoted, she'd immediately complain.

It really sucked the life out of the sub. And there are tons of people just like her on many subs.

Honestly Reddit is one of the few things where I wouldn't have minded paying a $5-$7 monthly subscription. When looking at how much hours and how much entertainment I got there, it's a better value proposition than half the streaming services I subscribe to.

Yeah it's insane how many people immediately jump to call you a liar when you post things like that. I guess the environment's been poisoned by all the people making up stuff for karma. The karma concept sounds great in theory but becomes toxic quickly.


One of my favorite movies of all time. It's so creative and charming. It has aged very well, I think.

That's why I'm deleting my account and taking my thousands of posts with me. I will create a new account to lurk in a couple of subs I like until there's enough traffic here or elsewhere. I'm almost tempted to go into some of the more active forums and start posting ChatGPT generated garbage that seems superficially meaningful or relevant to start fucking with their idea to train AIs on Reddit posts.