5 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I only use vim.

i have been trapped for 2 years now... hope seems pointless

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Git. I feel like that is a pretty important part of any linux os nowadays

Good argument. I definitely read that.👍

Finally some good ai news

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It in fact is reportet to the system admin. In that case you.

It's in a journalctl log (i think location is depending on distro)

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I feel called out.

I'm not quite there yet but im definitly at the second to last block

Oh yeah cause there are as many people who pirate 20$ well developed games as there are people who pirate a ≥60$ triple A game that has about the same quality as the shits i take

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Well reading this had the opposite effect than intended. Now i just hate the author

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And arch. Arch is godly.

(I use Arch btw.)

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If you mean the ascii text that is just figlet piped into lolcat

figlet GrapheneOS | lolcat

And the other is just cowsay piped into lolcat

cowsay i did something | lolcat

You can pipe pretty much any terminal output into lolcat (although some things don't really play well with it)

Also this one has 5 times the users per month so it doesn't matter if it's official or not

Ia there a list somewhere of insurances that do NOT blck piracy?

Also just a quick yes or no question: does block piracy?

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not on the level of a power user

Learns kernel basics

Bro i think you may be underestimating yourself

If there is one project that MUST succeed, it's this one. Otherwise AI will definitely only be used for profit

Transmission-cli 🔛🔝

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What i would figure out first is why tf your hardware runs on max all the time.(Maybe a bugged out program?) You can do so via top/htop/btop etc.

You don't need a why. Just a how (typically in form of .files/dotfiles)

Oh you just gave me an idea. I have the old pc of my grandma wich i wanted to turn into a personal server for various use cases. With ssh i could control it from my phone

It's not chrome and it's open-source

LFS is torture then

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At least it looks good while it burns my eyes


Google pixel 6a with grapheneOS

It started with privacy.

It continued with freedom.

It ended in hatred for 90% of the world.

I'll need to do this. Is it just in the default sudoers file as an option?

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All of the above. Phone call, sms photo video. Everything. You can also just install corresponding apps from the playstore or any other store. It's basically stock android but with more granular control over permissions, and with sandboxed google services

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I personally use

i3 for X11


Hyprland for Wayland

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Because most people play cod for the multiplayer wich wouldn't work on a pirated version.

Undertale is a single player game wich doesn't lose features because you pirated it.

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Im gonna be honest i really don't care about that. There is no sensitive data on my phone except maybe social media logins and i have a recent backup so🤷

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There are following possiblities one would need to account for:

• you said you're using a popular local torrent site, depending on where you live interest for fallout and undertale may vary strongly. (Maybe undertale is way more popular than fallout where you live. Or vice versa)

• There is also the possibility of outliers. Be it for that particular site or all sites worldwide.

• Also the sample size is pretty small with 2 games, for an accurate statistic one would need to increase sample size. Better yet use multiple different sample sizes (i.e. one where AAA and indie games are the same popularity, one where AAA is less popular etc.)

• And at last you also could've just lied as i have not received proof that these numbers are real.

Now im not saying that the possibilities are the case, just that it may be.

If you want you can do a research accounting for these possibilities (and maybe even more) but i think this would be a bit much for a comment section under a meme.

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Do you mean like when you install kali nethunter in termux? Or are you referring to something else

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I assume this continues the boot process even if a drive is not found or something? Because if so you just solved another unrelated issue of mine while also saving me from ½ - 1 hour of troubleshooting/researching


Oh the beautiful irony

Im may not be the person asked but i can still give you 1 particularly impactful case: minecraft. Now Minecraft (java) has native linux support so this isn't valve's doing but i get a massive performance lift in minecraft. On my old pc on windows i had barely 50 fps. On Linux i had 80 that's 30 fps more with the exact same mods and settings

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Was more a privacy switch than a security switch

Why? There a non gnu linux distros

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Of course that was worth 3 hours. Every tinkering/experimenting is worth it. In the worst case you gain experience

I've noticed this too. Even people telling me i have OCD because i sort certain things in certain ways. (i do NOT have OCD. I just can't stand some things if they are not in my order.) But people are very quick to diagnose other's. wich is okay imo as long as there is reason to believe so, so that you can go to the doctor and check wether that's true. Problem is people don't know that they don't understand the illness/disability/etc. à la dunning krüger effect.

How? Installing the right tools and changing configuration files wich are typically (but not always) located under /home/[your user]/.config/[application]

For example neofetch config is located at ~/.config/neofetch/config But i think that's not the default config. An example config would be typically (but again not always) located at /usr/share/[application)

So what you would do is

cp -r /usr/share/neofetch ~/.config

vim ~/.config/neofetch/config

And edit the file however you want. Syntax is rarely the same between apps so prepare documentation if you do more than just change values

(Replace vim with you editor of choice)