0 Post – 240 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

This place is the /r/askreddit

4 more...

Considering that as sentient beings ourselves, we don't really even understand sentience, it's kinda bold to assume we've got a monopoly on it.

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Pretty sure one parent actually did enter the school and get their kid.

That parent was one of the coward police officers.

I'm concerned that my seeding these altered files is 'harming' the pool somehow

It 100% is. STOP DOING THIS. You are NOT seeding the original files. You are 100% poisoning the swarm. You WILL get banned, and it will be your own fault.

7 more...

Oh yay, let's RUSH IT!

What could possibly go wrong?!

3 more...

Ads have always been a cancer.

4 more...

Oh, so now they want to fucking listen.

It's being used as an infiltration device by the Chinese government

Please prove this.

5 more... controls all .xyz domains, even yours. Doesn't matter where you registered it.

To become a us citizen you have to renounce your other citizenships

Dunno who told you this, but it isn't true.

Lawsuit time.

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but Voters Will Get to Weigh In

Sorta like Florida voters voted to have recreational cannabis but the gov't stepped in and said "Nuh uh!"? As if Florida voters actually have any real say-so.

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Some people aren't afraid of their assholes.

AMD didn't buy 3dfx, nVidia did.

Kaspersky is a Russian company. No thank you.

Human brains aren't digital. They're very analog.

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My armpits will start to go musky after about 4 days in the same clothes

Why the fuck are you wearing the same clothes for 4 fucking days? The only profession in which that is remotely acceptable is if you're on the front fucking line of a warzone, fighting for your life.

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You already posted this comment, Harold.

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It won't. This isn't how WEB-DLs are produced.

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Because buying 6.3B worth of land in a desert on a warming planet is so smart.

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I reflexively downvote anyone who types the word "downvote" into their comment. It typically reflects how much of a bitch the commenter is.

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Your name is Ivan, isn't it?

I didn't know Abortion Rights could physically pick up a gun.

Mine is 667. I have never used credit cards

You answered your (obvious) question as to why you don't have a good credit score with this very line. Stop using your debit card. Use a credit card for everyday purchases, and pay the fucker off when you get paid. Mine is over 800 and the only credit lines I have are credit cards (without balances).

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Not sure if that version supports them, but there's a FLAC plugin for Winamp.

Amazing how confidently incorrect you are. =)

When it was thrown out on jurisdictional grounds, his lawyers wanted to appeal but didn't realize the midnight deadline was midnight NH time

I mean, that's literally common sense stuff...

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No, this is a bad idea because it makes too much sense.

vaguely northern, like Italy

Italy is at the same latitude as new york and parts of canada believe it or not

They paid the damages that the gov't was seeking, thus avoiding a jury trial. You could do this too if you were ever sued by the gov't for damages, it isn't a tool that's only available to Google.

I have no sympathy for someone who browses the web in 2024 without an adblocker.

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It's always funny to see someone who thinks they know how it works but in reality has no clue whatsoever how it works.

Why oh why can't you people ever be bothered to read the article you're commenting on?

Would you morons please start using an adblocker?

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Jesus fucking christ, how the fuck does he not go to jail for that?

If the victim doesn't report the crime, or doesn't cooperate with the police after reporting, the DA most of the time won't press charges.

I mean, it's been happening for 30+ years...

Sure, but name one single time where a shutdown was pushed by Democrats.

Which God? There's literally hundreds of them.

Every single male in the US has to register.

You've saved hundreds or thousands, but you've not saved hundreds of thousands.

I could get behind this.