3 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you can't drink your tap water without boiling, your government has totally failed you.

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Piracy never went anywhere, "baby"

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Know how to stop China? Stop buying stuff made in China. All we, the west, are doing is outsourcing our carbon pollution to China.

No one is pretending except for you...

During the latest decades they didn't know very well about the damages they were causing

Yea, they (the capitalists) have known full well for at least two decades the damage they were causing.

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should be > 3 per non-banned user

Do you really think every user is going to actually post?

👆 Projection

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I’ve never paid plex

They obviously can’t be trusted to handle the money I give them properly

Which is it?

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I am sure that they didn’t hand over the chat logs for free

They handed over the chat logs in response to a court order to do so. The gov't didn't pay them. They forced them.

Extremely weak ragebait attempt.

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At this point it's just willful ignorance.

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Your avatar is evil

Downloaded my first mp3 and my first pirated movie from IRC. DCC bots were the jam back in the day.

finding FLAC or WAV with active seeders feels like striking gold

Not if you're on the right tracker(s)...really should try and get into RED and/or Orpheus.

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As usual, the book is leagues better than the show, though it was a pretty good adaptation.

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I've always said, a single streaming service that had everything, from every single studio, for $50/month, I would never need to pirate again. Until this happens, I will continue to pirate.

Now, instead of buying a copy of Office, you subscribe to Microsoft365

Naa, I just install Office and autopatch it.

I guess it's a god thing you have to opt in to Threads, huh?

Why does it recommend this shit to me

Because you, or someone using your account, has watched this type of shit in the past.

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but global warming is good ackshually.

My dad unironically used this argument when we were talking about this last week. Some people have their heads so far up their own ass, it's just sad.

You should probably just keep lurking.

I still have (and use) a Hotmail account that I created before Microsoft bought Hotmail.

Yep. I'm pro-abortion rights, but this was just murder.

Tell me, what is Plex's Nasdaq ticker?

Facebook is great for local sales. Ebay, not so much.

The president of Nintendo of America is actually Doug Bowser. No relation, I'm assuming.

WizTree is sooooo much faster than WinDirStat. Give it a try.

It is 100% the entire point of Belt and Road.

You have never downloaded a movie that negatively affected your CPU performance. A movie (i.e. mkv file) cannot do this.

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Pretty sure he took out loans using his Tesla stock as collateral, rather than dumping the stock outright.

Be patient. A legit WEB-DL will be around in a month or two.

You could always step into the 21st century and run an adblocker like the rest of us smart web users.

fediverse YouTube alternatives

Yea, so who's hosting the videos and providing the bandwidth?

Yea, this wasn't an abortion, this was straight up murder. Headline is clickbait as fuck.

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Pretty sure it aired on Hulu.

I live in the Southeastern US, never get bombarded with right-wing stuff on Youtube. My conclusion is if you're getting hit with that content, at some point you've watched that sort of content. Always click the 3 dots and click Don't Recommend Channel. It actually works, contrary to what people are saying here.

Even in Flint these days the water is generally safe to drink.

Both Russia and the USA have nukes.

Only one of which is waving them around like they're in a dick-waving contest.

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Kind of what happens when you don't pay your $1B bill, you mean.

Really? You have to resort to call me a Nazi?

No one called you a Nazi, this seems to be a classic case of projection.