
2 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 12 months ago
  • The Casio F-91W. Timeless classic, with seven years of battery life.
  • A dutch bicycle. Made from steel, with a kickstand, a chainguard a dynamo and internal gear. Built to last.
  • A cordless screwdriver from Bosch. Fast charging and very good built quality.
  • A water heater for the kitchen.
18 more...

This pop up, did more to curb my youtube addiction than any other app.

This cant be legal

Idk, got thunderbird set up and feeling pretty happy with it.

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I think it's rather hilarious, how fast something can get passed if it's against a foreign adversary

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I love how aggressive google is becoming. It drives more and more people into the arms of open source os and firefox

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Aaand ... its lame.

I'm popping a bottle of discounter champange when the 'office-building-crisis' starts

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But I will definitely.I will not disrupt and ruin a nice and peaceful dinner by lecturing everyone at the table for 1 hour so i can feel good about myself.

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Isnt the EU working on something requiring Whatsapp to open up cross messaging for Signal and co.? If they do, there is no reason to be on wa anymore.

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Not really a feature. But I really I wish I could upgrade my phone. Like, get a new camera with better quality or a new battery with higher energy density in an older phone. Stuff like this.

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And several mini 9/11 by 2026

To much iron in my nuggies, ouhhh wozzies.

Smartphones and Internet usage. We know it, but no one cares.

I mean, setting a good example to everyone on the table without forcing myself on everyone is fine. I'm vegetarian and dont eat meat. My family respects that and makes me an alternative.

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I'd like to use signal as my daily messaging App. But all my friends are on wa. If I can cross message them from signal, I will stay on signal. One less user for whatsapp.

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Oh my... the homeless quote hit me hard.

I will never forget this.

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Nice! Will switch to Graphene too, when I find the time.

Stop dreaming.

Ok, thanks for your answer. ^^

Good job!

Thanks! I'll check it out.

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I come from a Windows and Mac environment and I now happily use Linux Mint. It has a similar aesthetic and is really easy to use. I think not recommending newbies Arch would be a good start.

Yeah maybe, but it's important to cross message otherwise you loose against the scale effect of Whatsapps userbase

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Yeah but it's not about you, it's about making the messaging app choice in the daily life more balanced for the average user. The average user doesnt care about tos or privacy. You wont get the average user to switch to signal by saying "take care of your privacy". The average user wants to send messages to their friends. Thats it. And because publicly traded companies have to grow they have to increase revenue from their services. So, monetize user data, which lawmakers could stop, increase revenue by charging a fee, which the average user doesnt want to, or show ads, no one wants to. And I guess free software has the benefit of working without the need to monetize their users. THIS is the selling point. And if you get it to work across different messaging apps, users will leave wa.

I know, you dont have to tell me. I was vegan, but I like cheese. Happy thanksgiving to you too.

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Sure but I want to rather see it in old phones were the price tage is right. But a Samsung Galaxy S4 vor 25 bucks on ebay. Headphone jack, replaceable Battery and SD Card slot. I would like to have a better camera in it. Shouldnt be that complicated.

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Yeah a kettle,... whoops

Atleast in Germany they are.

Ok, prizes vary between countries and how many are there of that kind. Anyway, I heard about the Japanese ones. Isn't it a "Mamachari"?

Hell yeah man!

Isnt that possible under Linux Mint, or am I wrong?

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Or just microcharge articles. I'm willing to pay 50cts for an article. But I dont want to signup for a subscription only to forget about it and pay 30 bucks afterwards.

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I love LinuxMint

Yeah. Could you do it?
