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Joined 1 years ago

I'm so fucking tired, you guys.

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I mean, "almost half" means that the majority still want to vote for him.

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It's fine to not be interested in a relationship. But to be like that because you're in love with a fictional character is dysfunctional and almost certainly a result of wider issues in your life. I think a doctor or therapy of some sort could be highly beneficial to you.

In terms of impacting your life, weed is an addictive drug like meth or coke. It doesn't have the physical addictive impact of those drugs (i.e. you don't go into physical withdrawals) but it can have large impacts on your psychology and day to day to life. For a lot of people it is a massive demotivator and will prevent you from achieving the things you want out of life.

Treat it like an addictive drug. You have a problem, take strong actions to treat it. The good news is that it is much easier to get off than other drugs that have a physical addiction. If you get through 2 or 3 days without smoking the strong urge to smoke should fade. Get rid of your weed, don't have any in the house when you're trying to stop. Tell your friends that smoke that you're trying to stop and not to give you any or smoke around you. Once you've gone a a few days without smoking you'll be shocked how much less the urge is there. Go without for 2 weeks before you even think about smoking again, just to prove to yourself that you can do it.

But it's very easy to start again, so make some rules around when you allow yourself to smoke. Only use it as a reward for getting stuff done that day. Never smoke 2 days in a row. Every time you go to smoke, tell yourself out loud "I will not achieve any of my goals today".

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Linux, bro.


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Effectively firing half the employees seems like a strong sign that the new owners are going to ruin what made Bandcamp good.

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These two having any kind of conversation would be fucking hilarious. Absolute opposite ends of the spectrum of narcisstic assholes, they would both go insane trying to out alpha each other while being completely unable to communicate in any way that made sense to each other.

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Find a skill based hobby that you love and practice it every week. Stuff like a sport, musical instrument, art, etc. The hobby itself will be rewarding but there is no substitute for having decades of experience under your belt for these kind of activities.

Also, don't have children.

"I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies and hypotheses can't define how I be dropping these mockeries"


Soulseek is the best option I've found for this:

It's an old style file sharing app, like Napster and Limewire, but is focused on underground music. I've been using it for years and had no problems with spyware or anything like that.

Maybe I should start one, I'll call it Things I Learned From 35 Years of Nihilistic Hedonism.

This is sensible as long as the qualities you're looking for are realistic and reasonable.

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This... doesn't look real? Like, what position is that cat at the top in?

Not calling anyone out, obviously it could be legit, just looks very strange to me.

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Birthday present from my now wife, buds live inside and chopped weed sits in the upturned top of the skull.

I've been a programmer for decades and I still sometimes look at code I wrote 6 months ago like what the fuck was I thinking. Code is as much art as science.

I think the realisation that rollerblades are pretty boring once you've become decent on them had a lot to do with it. Unless you're going to get into serious acrobatics, there just isn't a wide variety of tricks you can do on blades, compared to skating.

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"Good looking" can run a very wide gamut here, but let's assume your expectation there is reasonable. These are all attributes that most people want out of a partner, so you're in the same boat most other people are. Are you actually going on dates and attempting to meet someone that fits these criteria?

It sounds like you aren't, and if the reason you aren't is because you're in love with a fictional person, then you should get some professional help. That isn't reasonable or normal and is probably a symptom of wider issues in your life.

Thanks for this well thought out and nuanced opinion.

This is my dad's favourite joke.

Yeah that's exactly we did, had a couple of big wipe outs on the crazy stairs we were doing 180s down and were just like, is this all there is? And even if you're doing grinds that's like, one trick (no matter how many different angles you can position your feet when you do it).

I save my knees for basketball these days, but I miss the skateboard.

I ran dual greathammers with this and the smith's hammer that you can throw. One of the most fun builds I've ever played, insane damage and surprisingly fast for such a heavy build.

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Carlin's podcast (and a lot of popular history podcasts) are generally considered fairly poor by academic historians, in regard to accurately portraying modern historical research. I think those kinds of podcasts are good to engage and stimulate interest in history, as long as the listener understands that they are a kind of "pop" history and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Same goes for a lot of popular books, like Sapiens.

Not sure if it got nerfed, I haven't played in a while. The throwing hammer didn't have great range but usually enough to throw it from outside of an enemy's aggro range. And the best thing about it was that with a fully charged throw it would knock down a lot of enemies, it was amazing to initiate combat with a knockdown from range and then run in and smash them.


Just block the subs that do it and never waste another second of your life thinking about it.

If you're in a good relationship but they leave because they couldn't wait 4 years to get married, then you fucking dodged a bullet. Jesus fucking christ.

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This is terrible advice. Most people's "gut" reactions are heavily based on external influences like peer group pressure, media influence and upbringing.

Practice critical thinking.

I was with my wife for 10 years before I proposed. We have the best relationship of anyone we know. I know plenty of people who married after a couple of years and are fucking miserable.

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Paranoia wtf? I've formed my opinions from my life experiences, are you trying to tell me you've done peer reviewed research to decide what makes a good relationship?

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lol do you always assume anyone who disagrees with you is acting in bad faith? Whst a convenient way to shield yourself from uncomfortable truths.

No wonder you're desperate to lock someone into a relationship with you asap, you sound nuts.

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lol you're the one who came in swinging with "for all I know!" "you could be lying!" as soon as I pressed you on a point. That's the definition of a bad faith argument, you're not acctually trying to engage with points of discussion you're just trying to "win" the conversation.

Digital data does not last anywhere near as long as physical artifacts like paper. Most of the data on a hard drive will be irretrievable after a hundred years.