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Joined 1 years ago

This particular streamer is terrible. There are plenty of great ones; dont lump them all together.

I have found that if the meeting is actually quick (sub 20 minutes) rebounding is not as difficult. When the "quick meeting" turns into a check in + "do we have time to talk about..." + any other number of meandering paths a meeting can travel down, I'll have a hard time getting back into task mode.

Something that helps me is to take a walk right after those meetings. Helps me reset when I get back to my desk.

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That wasn't the joke. There is no way OP meant it literally.

Seriously.. and oftentimes just combining both works better. "Hey sorry I'm late, I appreciate you all being patient" or "Hope that all makes sense, but please feel free to ask any questions if they come up"

No one is taking the time to peruse your comment history lol... Just add the /s if you want to make a sarcastic joke 🙄

Matrix is cool but its user base is not there yet.

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Lol I love the fact that he sits there with a completely blank notebook opened somewhere in the middle. What are the odds every page before and after are completely blank and he just sits that way to look like he's paying attention / about to take notes.

Did it ever occur to you that the writers of that show saw the horrors and apathy of the world and tried to shape a generation. The goal wasn't to teach us how to exist in the world we have but to create a more wholesome one.

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You can literally earn all the credits you need to buy out the store just from playing.

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Forward gmail to new provider and then use new email from now on. Eventually you'll want to go in and update your email address for all the other sites you frequent..takes a few hours but you'll be free.

Did it last year and it was relatively easy.

Long pun chains

So. Much. This.

Long looping chains where the same 3 comments are repeated.

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Ques are over. Come in the water is warm and full of bug juice.

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Explain what is shady about a local electronics repair shop.

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They didn't want to know about a specific game..they requested a place to find a list


What are you talking about?

Why the extra snark? This person is asking a question. Easy to argue that he is trying to learn more about networking, why ostracize?

I simply do not buy games with this type of DRM (Denuvo, etc). Full stop. I know hearing this gets old, but vote with your money.

I have not bought an ubisoft, ea, Activision, or game with DRM in at least a decade; save for a few small exceptions (diablo, wow). Me doing this alone obviously has no impact, however if we all started to do this it would make a dent in the only language these companies communicate in: the bottom line.

At that point they would need to begin weighing profits losses to piracy versus profits lost to DRM.

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Plenty to attack without using her appearance.

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Was it though? Would you not defend an elderly family member from a frothing at the mouth racist?

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Doing puns on purpose are never funny.. the only time I personally enjoy a pun is when it's 100% accidental.

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Humility is about being right sized. A lot of folks take this idea of humility as needing to lessen oneself for the sake of being "humble" when really we should be representing ourselves clearly and as objectively as possible.

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There is a little flag icon somewhere on the right of the store page. That's how you report.

Not the point of this thread.

Maybe 4% desktop market share. You are not including Linux market share of servers; this would be a more worthwhile target.

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They were followed out of the store and berated in the parking lot. They only had to stay in the area because they had not finished business at the laundromat yet.

And to add to this: Religion is not equal to spirituality. Left that door closed for decades.

This is a leap. You can be a good person and also see that people as a whole can be both wonderful and absolutely terrible. This is a story about a mega corp murdering two whistleblowers, so far. In this case, the people involved in making this a headline suck and are terrible.

Pshh, what is grape.

You're fine, glad you got something out of it. It was told to me by someone who helped me through a pivotal time; happy to pass it on.

I had my gmail account since the early invite days too! Your final point is valid, there really is no way to tell if sometime down the line a company may change gears and we end up in the same BS we're in now.

That being said, proton seems to have a good track record so far and unless they get acquired down the line I can't see them moving so drastically away from their focus on privacy.

Endeavor OS. Its an excellent arch based system and people REALLY over emphasize how tricky arch is. Its not difficult, its not just for power users, and the rolling release means you have access to updates faster than other distros..this is particularly nice for gaming as you'll also get updates to graphics drivers sooner.

OP, answer this...curious what the other side might be 🙄

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Thanks for teaching us something!

Yup exactly, I spelled it wrong tho 😐

When a sample comes back with the creatinine levels below the cutoff (usually 20mg/dl) in addition to the "specific gravity" being off..dont ask me to explain the gravity thing cause I dont really understand how that part works.

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If this isn't sarcasm you are on the exact opposite end of the what is funny spectrum from me 🤣

99.9% of the time puns are trash tier comedy.
