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Joined 9 months ago

I am also in support of banning Viagra as a performance enhancing drug.

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Maybe car sales taxes should scale by vehicle weight.

If you consume more of the road, you pay more

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You got to say he was a master bullshitter, but he had some miracle workers engineers that made it happen.

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DRM only affects paying customers. It plays no role in effectively combatting piracy.

Only good service and good pricing is effective against piracy.

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I knew it! It was big cheese all along.

Big pharma was just a ruse!

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How can we help them do it?

Not an American, but from what I have heard, that along with the outright ban at 15 weeks, they also often include other inhumane things.

Making the woman listen to the fetus's heartbeat. Forced waiting periods. Parental consent required for minors. Forced counseling. Etc.

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Can we get this formally defined in law as willful destruction of property. No exceptions.

What about punitive payments to cover mental health, legal and financial costs related to the firing?

Pretty soon Trump would have had more lawyers than he has voters.

I am sure they have the pressure of expectation on the, but from how genuine they come across, they were inspired and shared their father's and mother's (don't forget her) love for animals.

I am not sure that can be faked so convincingly.

It's also a reflection of how much money you will be spending on each ecosystem

Then why is the bubble curved and not flat.

Checkmate flerthers!

That's why we called them stiffy drives. It's the 5.25inch disks that were floppy.

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I would favour an AMD Ryzen 7000 based laptop. Much better battery life than Intel and better graphics performance.

Lenovo ThinkPad T and P series are excellent build quality.

Asus Zenbooks or Expertbooks with OLED screens are also excellent. Displays are on par, or superior to Macbooks. Excellent colour accuracy.

Make sure you get something with at least 16GB of Ram, or 32GB if available.

Reach out to them and ask. The card is now yours, but the data is theirs.

I am sure if needed they can give you an online folder to upload the contents if needed.

Yep, it's not about saving unborn fetuses, it's about controlling woman

You are what you eat after all.

Tell me how Islam is slavery, without telling me Islam is slavery.

Most Chinese brand phones like oppo and Xiaomi still has it as standard.

I use it to control my air conditioning all the time.

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So you can get 5c and the lawyers get 95c for each dollar?

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Me and my brothers when mom yells not to run in the house.

It's also very important to vote carefully before deciding to have a baby. In most 1st world countries, you get a few family responsibilities leave days a year, that an employer cannot deny.

Under law in those countries, you are a parent first and an employee second. That comes with privileges and responsibilities.

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I mean, in South Africa we have a famously corrupt and incompetent government. And even we significantly outperformed the US in deaths per 100k people.

It does help to have publicly funded healthcare.

My YouTube homepage has been set to the subscriptions tab for 7 years now.

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Not to mention that he changed economic policy to ensure the boomer generation will dominate all following generations.

It's called rampant narcissism. Unfortunately it is a brain defect with no treatment except for public humiliation.

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New levels of Jank

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Correct, Hershey's is not for human consumption.

It was the worst thing about my holiday in America. The chocolate is universally terrible. Way too sweet, rough texture and chemical taste to the dairy content (something in the milk used).

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Did not notice it today, but I am running ublock origin and they got my back.

Technically it is true. Counties are so gerrymandered to hell, there is no way the GOP got as many seats as it had.

To clarify, I changed my bookmark to be the subscription page

I wish distro's would combine efforts much more so we have a better desktop experience. Do we really need 15 window managers when we could have 2 or 3 much better ones.

Unify to a single package manager, they are all functionally the same.

Standardize on flatpacks and abandon snaps and appimage

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That bear is going to have a good shit in the woods.

It's worse, it's not the farmers that get the support. It is the corporates that own the farms that get the support. They are the ones driving unsustainable practices.

That is why I am in favour of the financial death penalty. Fines should be 10x the damage done. If a company cannot pay it, they are required to become a non profit.

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It's a lot better than having that CPU on Windows.


Grayjay is also great.

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The sluggishness you experienced has a lot to do with Ubuntu itself. At its base it's a very good OS, but canonical is messing up on the details.

Ubuntu derivatives like Linux Mint or PopOS have spent a lot of time resolving this. They perform very well for most and have got excellent stability because their software stack is a little older.

For gaming, fedora is probably the base OS that most prefer at the moment. It's at a good balance point of stability the latest tech.

The other option if you want to go more bleeding edge is Manjaro, but expect some things to break on occasion.

I don't know Blender, but from experience I found that Manjaro/arch is a bit too bleeding edge for production use. Especially when it comes to non-gaming graphics. I experienced a lot of problems with Manjaro and GPU acceleration in video editing suites. All got solved when I switched to Linux Mint.

Similarly Zorin OS 17 has been good to me. I really like their approach to the Gnome UI (i.e. they kept the newest tech, and removed the space wasting UI components.

The Ubuntu based distros typically have fewer bugs as they typically have an older base.

Fedora is also a decent middle ground.

I would suggest logging a ticket or forum post with Blender on this. It could be a blender bug or a graphics bug, but they would be the best people to advise.