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This is amazing news. It's like being shown that Neutonian physics are wrong, so now we have the ability to come up with a better model, then massive advancements in technology can occur.

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The main problem is 3rd party advertising. If the New York Times ran ads on their website like they did with the physical newspaper, we would not have this problem.

Publishers need to take direct responsibility for every ad on their platform.

This only works if they are rational actors. They are not. The issue is they have forgotten the pain of the silent generation, where of families of 8 kids, only 3 would survive to become adults.

What they need is trauma, lots of it. Until then, ridicule and humor is the best we can do.

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Its mainly Nvidia's shit. The only reason Nvidia is caring about Linux now, is that is the platform AI models use.

We are trialing about 20 Linux desktops (10 Linux mint and 10 zorin OS) across 2 of our MSP clients.

So far, they have had zero technical tickets in 6 months. They did have double the average user training tickets compared to windows machines. Most of the questions were around how to work with editable PDFs and where is the document was they just saved (file manager questions).

Zorin OS seems to be winning on the usability metrics. Its very polished and more closely matching the UI of people coming from windows.

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Can't wait for online advertising to collapse. Maybe we can get the Internet of the mid 2000s back

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A reminder that mach 3.5 jet aircraft were flying around in the mid 60s before we had computer chips.

That was 60 years ago now. and 60 years before that, the airplane had only been around a year or so.

We would not believe the prototype shit that is flying around today.

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Affordable fresh fruit

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I always said it was the bad noodles!

My wife's opinion is that most of the pressure comes from other women and old men.

I just want her to sieze trump tower and put it up the auction. Then Trump will be confronted by the true value of the property, and the banks will come knocking for the shortfall on the loans they granted based on the inflated value.

I vote for forced open sourcing of the server side components and communication protocols. That way people can create custom firmware or build support into generic NVRs

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Exactly. Linux mint is one of the few distros that really follow through that their users may not be proficient.

It's why it's my business distro of choice.

I wish my inner voice was Morgan Freeman's and not Adam Sandler's from Nicky.

But not applicable for this election cycle, so nothing will get done.

She has the option of using the online versions of Excel and Word if the company uses office 365.

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So the company that can't make enough cars and can't release their new products on schedule is reducing their workforce.

Great that shareholder interests creates such sustainable and responsible companies /s

Apple wants you to have 2 iPhone, 2 iPad, 2 iWatches and 2 Macbooks.

One set for personal and one set for business.

Loyalty be damned! It's the law bitch!

Wood chipper

Processing is done on the device and only text is uploaded. Streaming audio would also be easy to detect.

On an individual basis, you are correct.

Collectively , ridicule and humor has its function in mitigating the spread of a cult. Humor and ridicule of the Catholic church has played a significant role in preventing generational transfer of the mental illness.

We need to make sure they understand that they are the abnormal ones, shunned by society, so that they are less socially engaged about it. Most of them are probably beyond deprogramming until they get betrayed by their movement in some catastrophic way.

Not in our case. We only take on clients that converted to browser based apps. Bit we are yet to convert the heavy excel users. The one we have converted are light Excel users and online excel is working just fine for them.

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Amazing, when you sit people down and force them to think, they tend to come to their senses.

I think this strategy makes sense, if you do an overall push to have all software sources verified. Knowing users, a simple warning that an app is unverified rarely affects their behaviour. You need to hide the app, to encourage app developers to get verified for it to work. Users ideally should be able to trust by default, because we can't trust them to know any better.

So you are saying they are now taxing stupid?

They will become the next IBM. Not quite dead, but a small niche company.

A reminder that not voting, has the same effect as splitting your vote proportionally to the eventual winner.

So in that way you are supporting that candidate.

Vote for someone else if you want to make a point.

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Rimworld is the best indie game ever!

Asking the right questions. I am still waiting for 42" QD OLED monitors to become available

  1. No body hair
  2. Talk with cats (if they feel like talking back)
  3. No need to sleep

We use it daily at our MSP, even for data cleanup and database work. It got a massive improvement about a year ago.

There is very little need to use excel.

Word does spread and if there are enough of a group, people will likely setup 3rd party hosting solutions around supporting abandoned abut functional products.

But the secondary effect is likely to be that companies support their products for much longer.

I agree, it is more accurate that way. English is not my first language, so I missed that detail. In South Africa, we also don't have a significant anti-science movement, so it does not always occur to me naturally. The scientific approach is generally well respected and understood here.

And most men thank you for that and wish all women were like that.

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