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Joined 4 months ago

Don't like it? Fuck you. Your greed is unconscionable and your hoarding of wealth is amoral and disgusting. In conclusion, fuck you.

I have a feeling my 16-year-old blind deaf Irish Terrier could outmaneuver the brain trust that is Lauren "Handjobber" Boebert.

7 more...

I am sure that if the Israeli government gets together they can come up with a solution to the Hamas problem. They can have a conference somewhere, I hear the Wannsee district of Berlin is nice this time of year.

4 more...

They can set up their deradicalization camps. In these camps, they can teach the Palestinian new skills and give them jobs. They can even have some sort of slogan that they could put above the entrance to the main camp. Something like "Work Will Set You Free."

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"There I was just eating breakfast, healthy 2 Big Macs and a diet coke, the best you know people always tell me, they tell me, Mr. President your breakfast choices are the healthiest, I say I don't know, I don't know. They use me probably use my breakfast as an example in their universities probably I don't know. Healthy, that's me, the healthiest just sitting there when the crooked FBI armed with a Biden death warrant stormed Mar A Lago and planted those documents I sold to Saudi Arabia. I said you can't do that, they can't do that, crooked Hillary and her lover Obama they have it out for me because I am so smart I figured out their plans. When I beat Obama in 2016 people said to me, people said Mr President you beat him, Hillary Smillary landslide. I got more votes than President Bartlet. You know that reminds me of when I met with little Kim, she was President of North Korea, some say best Korea, I don't know, I don't know. But little Kim told me Diddy is innocent. The crooked Biden crime family won't tell you that, no, they don't care about lil Kim so they stole the election from me."

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Oh no, how embarrassing for him. He is a stable genius though so it shouldn't be too hard for him to figure something out.

13 more...

These damn bots are out of control lol

"I've met Putin, what a guy, some say he's the second-best guy. I don't know, what I do know is I am the best guy. People say Mr. President you're the best guy, no guys better just the best of the best they say. I told Poots, that's what I call him Poots it's like a pet name, he calls me cyka, which means friend in Russian because we are best friends some say the only true friends because we are such good friends. Anyway, he gets a bad rap poots, he just wants to stop the nazis and help Russians stuck in Ukraine by the criminal Biden crime family. Crooked Hillary won't let Russia grow, they need to grow. Nazis, Hillarys, maybe even a few Obamas that's Ukraine. Obama is trying to stop Russia, I said you can't do that, they can't do that. Let's help Poots stop the crooked Clintons and bring back Taco Tuesdays, you remember Taco Tuesdays? On Tuesdays, before Obama outlawed it we used to have tacos. I had big Macs because I am not Mexican, not a fan of beans. Putin says nazis took his beans to Ukraine, I don't know...maybe, some say it's true. Smart people say it, they say Mr. President we need to leave Ukraine and let Russia have it so they can grow and stop Hillary from sending Hunter over there to steal their beans." - Donald Trump

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Man, dude set her on fire...I bet those cops sure feel foolish. Oh well, we all make mistakes.

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He should have asked her why her party tanked their own bill. Is it because they don't really care about immigration and are dragging that poor girl's name around while doing absolutely nothing to fix the problem or is Greene just a stupid cunt? Maybe both? IDK I think it's time the left stops being nice and starts pushing the right's hypocrisy back in their face loudly and publicly.

2 more...

Supporting rapists is an expensive endeavor and Chubb is just the company to finance it.

Who shares a compact with the devil? Buy your own makeup. Oh maybe the devil is in the compact, I get it now. Makeup is the devil, making those women so damn sexy and leading those fine upstanding men down that thorny path of sin.

Poor little broke Donny no dough nary a dollar in sight he gonna cry into his my pillow tonight.

Lol, who the fuck cares?

You know what? I heard Biden has people write his speeches! OMG, guys, that must mean he is super old.

How is this news? Old man uses note cards more at 11.

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If the terms of the deal are we tar and feather that shit heal fuck faced bag of dicks and then ride him out of Texas on a rail I am good with it. He is a coward and trash.

Of course, they are. Why wouldn't they? It's not like the Palestinians are human.

This world is fucking circus world.

Oh, Ted maybe if you weren't such a cowardly cunt people wouldn't hate you...

Look, maybe they could gather all the Palestinians together and "weed" out Hamas. Then they could load the Palestinians not affiliated with Hamas on trains and ship them to camps someplace far away from the fighting, like Poland, where they could be safe. That's a solution maybe not the final solution but hey I am just spitballing here, I am not a politician.

Right so, FSB instigated and facilitated IS to attack theater in Moscow in a Hail Mary to drum up support for Ukraine War escalation. Gotcha...well it worked in 1999 so why not lol

If you are right I will donate $25 worth of Monopolowa to my stomach.

Edit: convicted lol I donated the Monopolowa anyway skål or should I say dzięki or would it be prost fuck it cheers!

I am really hoping this is the rope this fucking coward uses to hang himself. He is a piece of shit scumbag and he will continue to do piece of shit scumbag shit.

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Just for shits and giggles, Germany should invade Kaliningrad Oblast to help save the German-speaking population that was so ruthlessly cut off from Germany after the end of WWII. They could change the name back to Königsberg and then give it to Poland as a gift for that whole Lebensraum thing and you know the other stuff that my crazy racist neighbor Mike says is fake history.

Then Poland in a show of friendship and solidarity could gift it to Lithuania and they could go back to calling it Lithuania Minor. I think this is a solid plan that benefits the oppressed German speakers and re-unifies this long-lost region to its ancestral homelands. Also, throw something in there about stopping nazi governments and child trafficking just to be safe.

They could make the Palestinians wear yellow crescent moons with a little star next to them so they know who is who and can deradicalize them faster.

Death, the greatest aid of all.

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Be better if a rock dropped on his head.

"If you kill another 30,000 people we will be super mad and have some really big feelings about it."

This is the ticket here. They have had 4 years to build on their last attempt.

"You picked the wrong sea to swim in hue man"

Please please please please please please please pick Jesse Ventura. I would be ever so grateful if that were to come true.

7 more...

But would that be the final solution or just some stop gap?

Oh no, no hate here. It's smart thinking to have a secondary skill set.

Definitely an anti-social type. Woof woof woof woof! That's my other dog imitation.

You are not cold, hungry, or sick if you are dead.

It's a lot harder to lebensraum if the people that live there are still alive. Hopefully, they can devise some sort of camp to house all those "subhuman animals" and the settlers can move in and make the area livable again.

I fucking hate this timeline.

Hold that line old son, hold that line. Even in the face of atrocities and violence hold that line.

Netanyahu said it best when he called Palestinian children "children of darkness." yes sir, he spoke the truth when he said, "There are no innocent civilians in Gaza." Like Arieh King said they are "subhuman." but I think Yoav Gallant said it best when he called Palestinians "human animals."

You are right though, we must call out hate whenever we see it or we run the risk of normalizing it. No one, not even my enemy deserves to be dehumanized. Even when they do inhuman things because hate is a contagious, addictive, and insidious affliction that must be stamped out through love and compassion.

Smell that Bill? Smells like someone died.

Is it 1999 all over again?

We sent the body in the mail. No one told you? Da, we mailed him yesterday. I bet it was the new guy, he always forgets things. Anyhow 6 to 8 business days I will give you the tracking number.

Völkische Bewegung