Sas [she/her]

@Sas [she/her]
0 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

I've looked a bit into the past of this community and there's quite a bunch of open source projects shared here and none of them had people in the comments complaining about that. Honestly just seems like thinly veiled queer hate to me.

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I'm in favour of defederating. Some of their posts seem downright insane

Ye i get you it's tiring. Just reading the replies to this post has been tiring because it already has a bunch of cishet people wanting us to stay in our little corner. When i read the description of beehaw i assumed this place was safe from that. I get that people JAQing off and quoting questionable statistics to say our actually felt problem is negligible aren't easy to deter but seeing them be the most liked replies was really disheartening.

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Why is that? I'm not a native speaker and in German we usually list ourselves last so I've used that before.

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The comment-times both say 6 days for the arch user and 4 days for the person commenting "a day" so I'm assuming on their end there was about a day time difference between the time the arch user posted the post about the button and realising they're probably trans, which is exceptionally fast and worthy of the day comment.

Because trans people want to participate in the category of their gender and not be discriminated against and put in an extra category? When all data so far points to trans people not dominating their gender category in sports why would you separate them and forcibly out them? What would the category even look like? Trans men separate, trans woman separate, enbies separate depending on hormone configuration? Well now you got your medical tests back. It's way easier to put them into the category of their gender where they can participate in a fair way. Most cases of the "evil trans women dominating x sport" is some kind of misinformation that even left leaning folks often fall for.

Example of Lia Thomas who was supposedly low end of men's category and then won in women's category. In reality she was very damn high in the men's category before hrt, then very low in the men's category on hrt (this is the point the misinformation classifies as her best in men's category), then won one match and placed average in a lot of others in the women's category (the one win is the point the misinformation makes out to be the norm instead of all the losses and average placements).

You sound like that's something you're proud of 😐

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That's probably the better way to play that game. I kept worrying about placing the tile in the perfect place and took for ever on my turns and got stressed a lot which is probably exactly the opposite of what the devs intended. But idk my brain just sees achievements and takes the challenge and the achievements are tough and stressful challenges

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Idk I still think he's a puppet

I was the same. I tried Ubuntu once and went back after a day or two because i didn't want to bother tinkering after work when i just want to relax. A few weeks ago I was finally so annoyed by Microsoft's bs that i tried bazzite which gets recommended a lot here and it is great. I didn't have to open the terminal even once so far, everything just works right out of the box.

So far I've tried Elden Ring (online as well with anti cheat), Age of Wonders 4, Talos Principle 2, Baldurs Gate 3 and a few others and they all just work and not in the Todd Howard way but actually. I also went through a bunch of the recent demo flood on steam and no issues.

I'm gonna miss Valorant but I mostly played that one once in a few months. And i can always just make a little 300GB windows partition that i only boot for invasive anti cheat games.

This is like saying "not all men" when someone complains about the majority of men. It's not bad communication. No one ever means every single man or in this case every single cis person with such a statement and it's not trans people being bad communicators that's the problem here.

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Thanks for the explanation. I don't know if I'll really change my habit though. It's been ingrained into me over and over from a young age on that the "ass (donkey) always names themselves first" and it's a bit uncomfy to do so now. I also mostly don't feel bad about breaking that rule as it seems a bit arbitrary.

Your lil gotcha doesn't really work here. You did "not all cis" to an argument about the majority of cis people while then posting an argument about the majority of trans people to which i did a "not the majority of trans people reply"

I don't see the problem. Sounds like an awesome person

The same could be said for vegetarians and vegans at some point but about every year i read that meat consumption is down a few percent compared to the previous year in Germany. A single person switching OS doesn't matter. Getting others to switch who also get others to switch is in the long term changing things.

So your idea is that visually impaired people should just cry about not having alt text on a lot of images? How would you solve this problem of recognising what's in an image without AI? I hate generative AI in most cases as well but I swear people hear AI and are so blind from anger that they fail to see what it actually is used for

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I was so confused when I read better performance to cost ratio for Nvidia because I'm pretty sure it's the opposite and i think AMD is better for power consumption as well. Thanks for making me not feel insane.

Damn this comment is giving me Talos Principle Road to Gehenna vibes

We don't need to pretend though. People with speed reading skills are faster than most humans as well and could read a lot more books.

It's very probable that you read at least one writers whole library, even if it's as many stories as Terry Pratchett got published which will always be true for human written books as writing them takes longer than reading.

Obviously the acquirement of those stories has to be made in a legal way and no actual passages should be stored in the model but the amount of data processed should have no say on if it can be used.

And as written by others here. Making copyright law more strict puts big corps at an advantage because they have big legal teams and money to just pay the copyright fee while your regular user would not be able to.

Well I thought you're talking about taking out the natives because the British weren't the first to settle America. Also America was more founded by British settlers bring fed up by their home country's long fingers reaching for their pockets. America was founded by the British infighting, not by some magical Americans taking out the British that were there "first".

Age of Wonders 4 does that with a caveat. First it opens a launcher (which is fairly quick) and in there you can select to go to the main menu or directly into your last savegame when launching the game.

I once tried to see if i could still do my old voice just to compare and it almost made me vomit. I can very much understand being disgusted by your old voice. It's not really something you can control

That's how my first try at one act 1 boss went. They multiplied with illusions and those cast hold person on each party member and then just killed them all. I didn't try that boss after until way later

I found ER to be pretty polished on ps5. When i bought it in pc to do the seamless coop with my friends i was shocked by the stuttering that i couldn't get to stop. So I'd say it depends heavily on platform

Tiles fill up through perfect placements and completing quests but there's also a free build mode where you have infinite tiles

I think in a lot of ways this already happens. A lot of port parents understand their pets as people. I certainly see my cat as a person. She has her own personality that is probably fairly unique to her

I'm still on the first chapter but it's awesome. But I got stuck on 2 of the bonus puzzles and age of wonders 4 and Elden Ring both dropped dlc as well so I'm currently playing way too much Elden Ring. I have to say that the philosophising in the first chapter didn't land with me but maybe that's because love for me isn't something to thoroughly analyze.

  • work January, get paid 1000, pay 600 in bills and lay 400 aside for potential emergencies
  • work February, medical emergency comes up but medical bills now cost 10000 so you can't afford them with the 400 you set aside and you also can't work because of the emergency so you take 20000 debth to repay the medical cost and other bills
  • work March to repay your debth, but you only get 50 while still having a debth of 20000
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It is in theoretical math as well. I just woke up and don't know the proof by heart but there is a proof for 0.99 repeating being true equal to 1.

You also can't run every PC game on a console... Because they're not available there. What even is that argument?

So there's fast travel tokens but you can get to most places by Oxcart for very cheap. The ferrystones also get more common as you go and I've never had a lack of them. I just finished the game yesterday and have not felt the game design being influenced by micro transactions.

Their link wasn't to the paper but to the license to poison possible AIs training their models on our posts. Idk if that actually is of any use though

If they always assume that you or everyone they meet are cishet you might not feel safe to come out. It's a chicken and egg situation that can be solved by not always assuming everyone to be cishet

In this case, the first (early?) time it's been done, it's "mild", but it's a step in the wrong direction.

It's certainly not the first time, capcom did this. I remember them in DMC 4 and 5 and they were in DD1 as well but so inconsequential that everyone has forgotten. I think capcom just requires their devs to add them but the devs only do malicious compliance. I dislike capcom for it as it preys on uninformed people but like the devs for not making them actually required or designing the game around them.

What you just said was a thing that you can only do in an idealised world where you never get sick and all your bills are always payed in the month you get them. Nice of you to completely ignore the rest of the answer that kind of points to why in the real world you have to set aside money and why in the real world a volatile currency is useless

Tbf this kind of bullshit useless mtx has been in probably every capcom game for a while now so it was expected on my end. I hate that capcom forces the devs to include them but every game I've played that had them they were useless and the devs were only doing malicious compliance.

Not part of the discussion but i can really recommend Firefox with ublock origin on mobile. I recently switched a lot of stuff i did in app on mobile back to the browser because of that, like YouTube, and it's so great finally being rid of ads on mobile.

And the cat observes it but that doesn't mean that the cat is now in a discrete state that is either alive or dead. It is both and will stay both and you'll only see which version of the cat is in your world. At least according to the many worlds theory which makes sense to me

If Volo is in your camp you can sell him your stuff. It's not a dialogue option but the button on the bottom left. His gold and potion supply seems to refresh as well.

As a little info this is supposed to go into effect starting November 2024 which means still a lot of waiting time for me but at least it's coming