3 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

That's disgusting! People shouldn't be made into books, it's unhygienisch

You will burn in hell for eternity and always as demons bite and eat your flesh from your body.

Shouldn't you be in gamingcirclejerk? Sometimes people have other opinions and that's okay.

I hate the first one, don't plan on playing the second

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Putin said he wants Harris to win, she took that literally 😂

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I live in Germany. No punches are needed here, just call the cops and BAM off to jail with the idiot.

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Right? That thing is hideous 🤢🤮

In NYC it gets you shot apparently xD

I don't have real money, but you deserve this ⭐

This is the fakest one yet.. this is some boomer level shit

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It's nothing to do with love. She's an object to him. He's proud of himself because she's so much younger than him. To him "that" is a win.


No, I think Grandeur quit with all of his wizarding after the little people melted that ring.

Edit: THAT INCLUDES delusion spells

I seriously thought it was that slug.

No one knows anything about the shooter other than "it was a man".. everyone is always filming that swine and they don't have any leaked to fox news of the attempted assassination? This is all an attempt from the ass hole to get away from the debate and taylor swift.

Brent Metz is accused of shooting a 17-year-old in the face after the teenager trespassed on a property to find a homeowner and inquire about taking homecoming photos there. (Jackson County Sheriffs Office)

Trespassing? So walking to someones door looking for the owner of the house is now Trespassing? Wtf

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Tax the churches! They are political Propaganda arms of the Republican party.

Hey look, it's the Russian State media. I love this picture

God damn, I should have worn sun screen, I didn't expect that hot of a burn!

I hear if you splash water on him he melts.

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Yeah, they realized too late that mic muting is in his favor when not going against Biden.

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a thousand percent how it is. I was in the military for all of my 20's.. I got out at 32. It's been years and I still don't know who I am. TIme to go listen to Linkin Park while I play Skyrim 🤡

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Worked for that Farmer. Up yours France!

Let's be honest, they'd take credit for my scraped knee if it got them mentioned in the news.

insert Geralt of Rivia grunt

Funny, when I tried that I tripped.

Well that's... that's just weird

Just slap on a brown cutout mustache

"A second sub got eaten for lunch! I repeat second sub has just been eaten for lunch!"

Wait until he takes off his power belt.

Welp time to go back to Linux...

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That my wife HAS to dust off her feet before getting in bed. Dirty bed? Go fudge yourself!

Yeah, I don't miss dealing with this bullshit.

I'm in my 30's Mark..

Anyone else find Lemmy after getting Permabanned on reddit? You piss off one mod and then suddenly you're banned from half of reddit.. you geo locate said mod, and all of a sudden you're a danger to society :(

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There is no Cyprus in Ba Sing Se.

Taco bell is my favorite Restaurant, I wish we had them here! 😢

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Yeah.. Unfortunatly some producer that doesn't care about the original ip or the fanbase is probably at the wheel.

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