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Joined 1 years ago

Wow. Unity are committing suicide in record time.

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Thank the GOP for basically ridding the US of antitrust law, which is now basically no longer a thing.

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Considering I'm heading for a layoff soon, I'm actually probably going to apply. Glad I learned Japanese in grad school.

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This is a bad take. Any and all large corporate mergers are bad.

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Why do I get the feeling this has something everything to do with the political inclinations of Unity execs?

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Um...hell fucking no?

Can the EU just Thanos snap Microsoft out of existence with a quadrillion euro fine?

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Counter: How do devs actually compress their fucking games? No reason games should approach taking up half of a hard drive.

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DRG does have a touch of profanity if you're concerned about that, btw.

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Friendly reminder that the piracy of Nintendo games is not only always morally correct, but more importantly, it's obligatory.

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Do you really believe they received a death threat? I'm calling bullshit on this one.

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Yeah, you're just being willingly daft. How the bloody hell do you not see the readily apparent connection?

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The last merger that got blocked was almost 50 years ago, I believe. So yeah...it's probably dead.

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One pick that I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned yet is Overcooked 2. No profanity or anything. The only disadvantage is that the game is rather short.

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Legislation needs to be enacted that actually does something about this capitalist bullshit.

Capitalism is a mistake.

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Where's that article that shows firms that make workers redundant are worse off in the long run when one needs it? Fuck these cunts. Maybe we should just get rid of capitalism instead.

How to kill that which was already dead...



I'd love to comment, but this reads like it's a half step above an AI-generated clip of an article. With next to zero substantiation, I really can't say much. I'd also add that Netflix don't even have to seem to have any distribution model in place were they to acquire any console or PC gaming property, much less one on the stature of the next Grand Theft Auto. It would be an all-time blunder (even by R* standards) to hand off such a huge IP to a firm with no game distribution experience such as Netflix. Large as they may be, I have significant doubts Netflix knows its market and/or how to address said population.

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Same. Devs and publishers that do this shit can get proper fucked.

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Welp, I already didn't like the games EA currently makes. Looking forward to going well out of my way to avoid buying anything they put out, no matter how good the reviews, trailers, etc. seem.

I'd say it's suspiciously-timed. My guess is Unity were tired of the shit PR, then tried to flip things around and use this to cast themselves as the victim. So I'm taking this one with about a planet's worth of salt.


How does one bring Teddy Roosevelt back from the grave? I'm uh...asking for a friend? Yeah. Let's go with that.

I mean, it would depend on the games involved. And what even is a Steam group, anyway?

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110% they are. Even want to force women to carry ectopic pregnancies to term, apparently.

There's a quote by Miyamoto Shigeru that comes to mind here. "A delayed game will eventually be good, but a bad game will forever be bad."

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If they even survive (hopefully they don't, because this beyond scumbaggery)

This merger was a fucking mistake.

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Counterpoint: I like multiplayer, but just so I can play alongside my friends. I have neither the time nor the energy to give a shit about competitive rankings.

Correct, which is what has happened here. The user above I think is misunderstanding the situation, or is perpetuating right-wing drivel. Due to the state of political discourse in the States, I'm going to take a guess it's the latter, because I've learned not to give the benefit of the doubt.

This reminds me of that one Halo game that kept going in the servers' final days, only Halo was actually worth something.

Motherfucking bravo. Now let's hope this trend dies off once and for all!

There are those of us with an i9-13900k and 4090 that still can't play it decently.

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Damn...I might actually have to pick up Witcher 3 again

Absolute fucking yikes. Holy hell...

I want to say it was in the telecoms industry. But I completely forgot about that merger you mentioned. Thanks for reminding me.

Now can they actually fix the multiplayer to the point that it's properly synchronised?

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See, I agree with this angle, but at the same time it kind of feels like a Pyrrhic victory.

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