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Joined 3 weeks ago


Senior developer tip: Squash the evidence management

Lol imagine having management that give a shit about anything but firing as many workers as possible to make themselves look better. Deloitte can suck my fat fucking balls.

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This is the way.

This is the Kerbal methodology.

Terrible pay (like wildly below market), shit PTO, meaningless work...

Some management is going to royally screw up by firing junior programmers since the senior programmers can get all the work done with the help of copilot

This just happened on the team I was on. I'm getting ready to interview for mid-level and senior SWE roles, but was let go from my most recent role a month and a half ago.

Or just literally eating them.

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Nah you're good!

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Mfw Rustaceans don't exist :(

Also, JavaScript...why are you the way you are? Does anyone have advice for learning it so it makes sense? I can't even get tutorial projects to run properly...

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I mean, if they want more coverage, they can hire more staff. At some point, just as you stand up for your reports, you have to be willing to say no when it comes to you.

xkcd are a godsend

Goddang it, Bobby. OneDrive's a bastard drive!

What the fuck did I just read? The headline even is completely unintelligible.

Chaotic evil is "creates ticket, but intentionally words the problem poorly before logging off, leaving the junior help desk worker to fend for himself and giving you the solution to a different problem that isn't relevant in your case"

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C-suites exist to be roadblocks (and money sinks). Part of me thinks these CEOs profiting off layoffs need to be jailed, much in the same manner Iceland jailed the bankers in 2008.

You want to hate programming? Try using JS. It's anarchy.

"Why is this the way to do things?"

"Because it just is."

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Have you had to reboot her yet?

Front end is basically anarchy, anyway. Give me my Django back end development and leave me alone.

It just feels like anarchy to me. Why is anything the way it is in JS? Maybe I'm learning it wrong, but starting from zero, I now feel like I understand less than nothing.

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Sure, but they use ersatz methods that are so incredibly obscure and removed from the standard library that expecting one to know them is beyond foolhardy.

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Goddamn I felt this one!

That shit is why I bailed on the cybersecurity industry completely, with no thought of ever returning. I'm an engineer (software aside, I also have an aero engineering background). I wanna build cool shit!

Oof. Get well soon.

This is why I moved over to Rust

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It's a major supporter of Big Shortcut

All hail "squash and merge"

Depends on the side of the Atlantic on which one resides

Venv is the way

I have no idea.

Files ticket, and references ticket in email to supervisor for visibility

But then wouldn't it be fly(height: f64) instead of jump(height: i32)?

Oh you actually use the stack? I'm surprised you don't just put all the tickets in a heap. I can give you some pointers on how to do that if you'd like.

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I'd love to disagree, but it seems like any job opening right now goes to the engineer who all but lives to code.

That makes sense. Every time I try to learn it, or am asked to do something in it only to reply "I can't", I feel so fucking stupid. How am I supposed to move up to senior SWE if I can't do JS?

Man, you had to go and rain on my parade. 😞

Rustacean supremacy (not to be racist, because we avoid race conditions in the first place)

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I'm guessing it's some sort of image recognition and maybe some sort of switch under the pavement telling the light when a car has rolled up.

I'd say no, because the difference to me lies in Trump being actively malicious, and ChatGPT essentially being random, as far as the lay public is concerned.