2 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wanderer of the world-wide-web and person who tries their best to be kind.

I think most of it has to do with that has better hardware than other instances. The admin Rudd has a lot of experience running federated services as well. So it may be his first rodeo lemmy-wise but not hosting a federated service with a large user-base.

So when a lot of smaller instances started getting overwhelmed and stopping signups, was going strong without the performance issues that other instances might see.

That along with the fact that NSFW content is allowed makes a good alternative for Reddit refugees looking for something stable with a similar set of rules as well.

I myself joined at first, then when asked everyone to spread out, and finally found home on because I didn’t really like how downvotes are disabled on beehaw. Not to mention the defederation that beehaw has done recently. Although I can understand and appreciate why they’ve done that.

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I loved my nexus 6 back in the day (which I believe was made by Motorola). I miss it sometimes today.

That’s neat by the way: using the edge part of the screen as trigger buttons for Citra.

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I just installed the Mlem TestFlight and I’m very encouraged.

It’s already got a similar feel to Apollo and I’m excited to see it develop further. I like the Lemmy web interface as well, but it has its fair share of bugs at the moment (which is to be expected). In particular searching for communities across all instances is really easy on Mlem.

I’m not sure what is next for Reddit, but I’m feeling more and more hopeful that it doesn’t include me at the moment. If I can have a thriving home on the fedeverse, I’ll take that most definitely.

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Thanks! I’ll check those out.

Absolutely. I think mine is still around somewhere, but the screen has a pretty substantial crack if I’m remembering correctly.

How have you found Lineage OS? I was curious about FOSS phone OS options a while ago.

I think is in a great position because the admin has experience hosting decentralized platforms and already has a good pipeline to cover server costs because of that. is also the first instance that I joined. I don’t think should drop off. Since it’s run by the lemmy devs I think they have their hands more than full at the moment, but I’m hopeful that things will stabilize eventually and they will get more financial support with the new users.

I think it’s important to have at least a few big populated instances that are “main” instances. I like what I see with,, and Personally I think it’s bad if we are too centralized on one instance or too spread out on a bunch of others. It seems like it’s going fairly well so far though, and I hope that when other big instances keep growing (and like I said get some more financial support from the community) they can improve their hardware too.

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I woke up and did nearly the same thing!

Yeah! is a better fit for me overall. I had joined after asked users to try and find other instances to call home initially. I didn’t completely mesh with their server preferences. They are a great community though and I appreciate what they’re doing. I hope they keep growing as well.

Yeah I’m having a lot of crashes too. It also seems like notifications aren’t working for me/aren’t implemented yet.

It’s looking good though and I guess I’ll switch between web and Mlem while all the bugs are ironed out.

I’m glad to hear about the new users (I myself am one.) and the server upgrades!

I think suits me better than Beehaw. (great folks over there, no shade)

I like that let’s communities be openly created by users, as well as the inclusion of downvoting which I personally prefer.

I’m using Pikmin 2 as my rainy weather or too hot right now activity. ☺️

Yeah! Thanks.

I like this style! Kind of reminds me of a whiteboard. It’s neat!

I love both games, but personally Pikmin 2 is my favorite. I really like the treasure hunting mechanics they added and the dungeons.

I think so too. ☺️

Ok got it. I think most instances seem to have a “main” community that is subscribed to everything local, but it’s kinda difficult to browse and subscribe to remote communities from being logged in on without switching back and forth to the remote instance if that makes sense.

For instance (pun intended) if I wanted to cherry-pick different communities from lemmy instance A’s local stuff, while I’m logged into lemmy instance B, and lemmy instance A doesn’t have a “main” community where I can see everything from lemmy instance A then I have to switch back and forth.

It’s not too difficult especially on desktop but I kinda wish I could have and it would show me everything that is local to beehaw in one feed. I understand that might not make sense design or philosophy-wise though.

I was literally seconds away from asking this!

Yeah, is there a way to sort-of window into another instance so it’s easier to subscribe?

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Thanks! I understand that part but I’m wanting to browse all the communities on that instance from my instance so I can pick and choose which to subscribe to.

In other words: Is there a default /c/all or will that just vary depending on if they have a base community setup?

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