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Plus, Jesus didn't even mention abortion once. He ordered his followers to feed the poor, but now they fight against feeding the poor and fight for causes Jesus never talked about.

I am beginning to think that true Christians are communists.

Ah, we can blame capitalism for that one.

I get it's risky and money is needed to survive, and prison is bad, and all, but it seems a bit hypocritical for doctors to violate their modern day version of the Hippocratic Oath.

They rationalize it by saying that they can't help anyone if they are sent to jail. It is partly true so I don't think we should blame the doctors here.

Neolibs sell us out to big oil just as much as neocons do. The root problem is capitalism. You cannot fight against climate change without fighting against capitalism

Critical thinking is essentially learning to ask good questions and also caring enough to follow the threads you find.

For example, if mental health is to blame for school shootings then what is causing the mental health crisis and are we ensuring that everyone has affordable access to mental healthcare? Okay, we have a list of factors that adversely impact mental health, what can we do to address each one? Etc.

Critical thinking isn't hard, it just takes time, effort.

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These days, profits growing slower than anticipated (but still growing) is framed as losing money.

Ugh, this conversation has reminded me of how much I hate that woman is pronounce wo-men and women is pronounced like wimmen.

Why can't we just spell words as they are pronounced or pronounce words as they are spelled? It would make the language much easier to learn for future generations

I just read a story where a cop visited someone based on a noise complaint and ended up gunning the young Airman down while he was on a video call with his mother and gf... So from my perspective, cops are the danger.

at some point people will have to start owning their consumption patterns.

Next time you are buying groceries, don't buy anything that has any plastic in the packaging and then get back to us on how avoiding plastic is merely a matter of choice.

Nearly all clothing is full of plastic these days as well. Plastic from china is just as bad for the environment as plastic from any other country.

I think the biggest difference is that it is far easier to recite a static speach he has practiced 100 times than it is to dynamically adapt to a live debate.

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I think it is interesting that southern Republican states think they are "pro-life" when they have traffic fatality rates 10x higher than countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Icelans, Japan, Korea, etc and yet they get so angry whenever progressives question their pickup size or talk about saving lives through safer road design and better urbanism.

Anyone that fights against vaccines or safer road design and smaller vehicles is NOT pro-life: they just hate women.

Journalism is all but dead. 6 conglomerates own 95% of our media and now "journalists" P-hack whatever data fits the narrative they are told to push.

"The European Court of Human Rights distinguishes between complete sensory isolation, total social isolation and relative social isolation[30] and notes that "complete sensory isolation, coupled with total social isolation can destroy the personality and constitutes a form of inhuman treatment which cannot be justified by the requirements of security or any other reason. "

If the European courts find it important to distinguish between types of solidary confinement them I feel like posters should as well. Otherwise you can't blame people for defaulting to the most commonly used type of solidarity confinement.

And the US has far more prisoners than Europeans do and we use solidary confinement far more often.

My dad would get mad at me for sitting too close to the tv or for not recognizing people. They never thought to have my eyes checked until my Kindergarten teacher had the school test my eye sight

The US only makes up 4% of the global population and if we keep allowing capitalism to ship our software engineering jobs to India then India is going to very quickly surpass us. And when that happens the US will quickly become more and more irrelevant.

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Also kinda shitty of those companies to charge educational instutions

It really is, but what can do? Capitalism exploits everything for profit.

Only if you include their retirement savings that has to cover their aging healthcare costs. If you are earning a pension in your country and have free healthcare then you can't directly compare American salaries and networth.

It gets further muddled when you factor in how shitty American cities have become. Americans have chosen to have higher wages and endless urban sprawl rather than build public transit and make their cities great places to live.

Can you get narrower car lanes? Trying to cross an 8 lane stroad that has 12ft wide lanes in the middle of town is hellish.

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Yeah, any decent podcast app that has a 10s / 15s time skip is the only reliable way to deal with ads. Just skip ahead a few times until the ad is over.

If there were a reliable way to auto-skip ads then ads would lose all their value which could shut down some of our favorite podcasts. It sucks that ads are a necessary evil for podcasting, but there is no clean way around that unless we dismantled capitalism and switched to some hybrid of market socialism and public funding

Israel is also bribing our politicians. Our two-party political system is so corrupt it makes me sick to my stomach even thinking about it.

Well said. Gradual acceleration is far more energy efficient, safest, and less damaging to the vehicle so driving like a grandpa is definitely the smartest way to drive.

You can thank french colonialism for that. Old English (Ænglisc) was a more phonetical language, but then the french took over (colonized) Ængland they forced Ænglisc to adopt countless french words, french spellings and even some french grammar with little to no regard for the phonetical consistency with the rest of the language.

The global medical community had to beg the US to ban lead from consumer products like paint and gasoline for close to 80 years and our politicians kept taking bribes from lobbyists to ignore medical science.... But did we learn from that and ban lobbying? Nope, lobbyists are now bribing politicians to ignore the plastic epidemic and global warming

Some historians think we only got FDR's New Deal because socialism was on the rise and liberals were scared there would be a socialist revolution. It wouldn't surprise me if liberals only get their shit together when they are scared that people are considering alternatives to our broken 2 party system.

UK sirens aren't half as obnoxious as US sirens. US sirens are higher pitched and loud enough to given pedestrians hearing damage

US sirens are too high pitched. European sirens have a lower pitch which allows the sound to travel further which allows them to decrease the volume.

I only took 1 Reverse Engineering class in my CompSci program, so I could be wrong... but I am pretty sure it is both extremely tedious and also extremely difficult to crack Denuvo

Climate change is threatening to potentially be an extinction level event and yet Americans keep buying bigger and bigger tank sized vehicles.... If we can't even be bothered to save ourselves by addressing climate change now then I think there is virtually zero chance that we will ever colonize space or other planets.

Replace guillotine with imprison and lets include all the lobbyists, Super PAC members, super delegates, and politicians who accept money from foreign fascist states (like Russia and Israel)

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You know how sometimes a movie is so terrible that it becomes good? I feel that way about Musk. He is so unbelievably stupid that it is honestly sort of amazing. He has all but destroyed Twitter and now he has dealt mortal strike to Tesla by opening endorsing fascists who hate electric cars. Simply amazing.

I really want a VW ID Buzz as an all purpose vehicle.

You have never been to a car centric city? Cars are loud af. Noise pollution from cars is so bad that studies have been able to link living next to higher traffic roads with poorer health outcomes

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As someone who is on the spectrum, I hope you don't find this offensive, but have you considered that you might be on the autistic spectrum as well?

My first degree was in medical science, and it has been a while, but I am pretty sure our neural pathways are nothing like a Turing complete binary machine so it is pretty weird to try and evaluate people in terms of "human bytes"

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Gone, have, live, love, come, etc are all super common exceptions to the "rule."

English is a complete mess. The inconsistencies create a massive and unfair burden for people to learn it as a 2nd language and then the language is so difficult to master that it forces people to keep relearning it throughout their entire life which doesn't leave much room for learning other languages.

Slim profit margins my ass. Walmarts gross profit for the twelve months ending July 31, 2024 was $163.786B,

Walmart has 10.5k locations. 163B divided by 10.5K is about $15.6M per location.

Jesus, in what world is $15M profits per store location considered a "slim margin"?

Shoutout to Slay the Princess. It was honestly one of the best games I have played in years and it was created by a husband / wife duo so it is as indie as it comes.

That isn't bad advice. If you remove the Tesla emblems from it then that also makes it clear that you don't identify with Musk's neo-nazi views.

I am somehow extremely disappointed that people who support this obviously corrupt and evil little man also have talents like art, and music, and probably others.

Oh man, everytime I see a GPrime85 comic I am sad because the guy is legitimately talented and it hard to believe that a guy who is so talented could also have such stupid and contradictory takes:

Interesting, I'd guess that you are better than average at tuning traffic noises out then. I am probably worse than average myself as traffic would constantly wake me up when I lived downtown.

The entire fast food industry is arguably a pro-eatingdisorder group. Over-eating or eating garbage is every bit as harmful as undereating. One could argue that beef hamburgers and obesity are actually far worse than skipping meals when you factor in the environmental impacts