1 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

psychological warfare is legal.

League of Legends

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It's being sold as abortion rights, but the language is pretty broad and supports everyone's reproductive rights. Yay human rights!

Better ban school too. I hear that's how kids find drug dealers.

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Wait, you mean you don't like how algorithms and ads have evolved to almost be content at this point. You don't want a bunch of for-profit ads suggesting you buy things you don't need? Lol, you're not in it for the cash grab? :OOOOO WHAT!?!?!?!?!

Just don't forget where you've been getting your motivation from up to this point. It only gives you the energy to get those things accomplished, not the motivation to want to do them.

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Don't forget the VERY innovative and generous 500 character limit they're enforcing. Wow. So much characters.

Lol, I tested this out live. Most people still like to 'disagree button and run.' I think it comes from the 'debate me bro' atmosphere that seemed prevalent on Reddit. A lot of folks would rather just show they disagree than expose their logic on why. This trend can then be manipulated by bots to strengthen the 'unspoken disagreement' with opinions that don't jive with whatever agenda they've been created to support. And rather than talking out disagreements a lot of them devolved into 'then just leave.' Or even more venomously as 'this community will be better when you're gone.' ^.^

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Think those are just called forums?

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It could suck someday, but it doesn't suffer from the same things that made myspace -> facebook -> reddit suck. No money hungry executives profiting off underpaying employees to implement features no one asked for and selling astroturfing as a service. At least it doesn't seem that there's astroturfing as a service here yet.

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Nono, that's a feature. They still make money off those ads while you're paying not to see them.

It's like if Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter all had the capacity to import content from each other. Then add in that most of the Fediverse's "facebook, twitter, and reddit"s aren't run by centralized institutions. You can sign up for an account with any of them, but the administration of the one your account is on gets to decide which other sites content it wants to import. If you don't like the way the admins are deciding on content in one, you can again start your own or just hop to another one. The Lemmy instances are forum like in nature similar to reddit, Mastodon instances are like twitter.

Yes. I would like this info as well if anyone has it ^.^

I'm marrying his ex-wife.

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It's not dying, it just suffers from the mentality of "we're preemptively using our 'last resort' of defederating from a community because we think they might possibly cause some kind of problem, maybe, but we don't want to even give them that chance." Maybe make an account on a less confused instance. You might just be getting nannied harder than you want.

Participate in your community and pursue hobbies. Network. Dating apps are a crutch.

I mean, there wasn't enough information to be certain... but live broadcasts of things would have a signer because the live audience would have to bring in screens to add subtitles to the event...

making fun of people for their sexuality is a dick move.

That’s not what this Sub is about.

and laugh at toxic heteronormativity

... uhhhhhh. Has my reading comprehension degraded that much or is it the language?

Also: Overusing the word "toxic" can make it lose its meaning, can scare people from sharing their thoughts, and might be used unfairly to avoid responsibility.

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low-effort gossip from people hate-posting news

Thank you for the terms. Couldn't find them anywhere. Made it hard to fit my comments in with communities not realizing this was the meta.

but if I can get it without apparently supporting Nestlé

Same brand, different pizza => doesn't fit criteria OP was asking about.

P.S. - I also like the croissah crust :3 (but also not a fan of Nestle so am at an impass.)

It's not blind though. We've already seen Twitter.

Starting with the word 'honestly.' We were already expecting you to be honest, reiterating it only adds suspicion that what follows isn't honest.

Yes, thank you.

They literally changed their name so they could astroturf their own privacy hiccups...

That's been the meta for awhile. Anyone with a stake in something vehemently tries to discredit anyone's skepticism by calling them a conspiracy theorist. Manipulating high-traffic social media with bots likely pays well.

I used Heimdall when I was self-hosting in the cloud for a bit. Didn't have any issues.

Even just eating like 5 olives makes things extra smooth down the line >.>

Requires setting up one's own instance tho.

existing anti-pyramid scheme laws only prohibit “businesses” that don’t actually sell any products, and make all of their money through recruitment.

So like... NFT communities?

Yeah, pics or it didn't happen... oh wait, we can literally generate the pics now... shit. Guess we're out here in the wild west these days...

Basically nothing as the other user said. Mods here are just as they were on Reddit. Petty tyrants if you say something that doesn't jive with their brainwashing.

It's my money and I need it now!

CBS News/YouGov poll

>.> is skeptical of how many Trump supporters would take a CBS News poll...

Another place I frequent got rid of the downvote so if people actually disagree with you they have to use words to make their point. Kinda funny how that solves a lot of issues.

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Can learn the basics from this recording. No ties to the account it's on, it just came up first for me. =>

It depends where you could get in. People with insurance seeking therapy out for themselves are awesome. That kind of job probably pays enough and respects their employees. Don't get anywhere near anything to do with Medicaid if you value your salary, your self respect, and your mental well-being.

Meng Hao, I Shall Seal the Heavens.

No one wants to come to terms easily either. Most people seem to think you're attacking their beliefs, even when asking really basic questions.

If they don't already. Probably more of to what degree at this point.

Short and simple, don't rekindle a friendship where you feel like you were slighted somehow before losing touch. The resentment will be out of control.

I'm so rich, I can afford to maybe shop at mid-tier grocery stores comfortably like once every two months. :D