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Joined 11 months ago

I'm addicted to Streetcomplete. I'm 20.000+ edits in. I make about 100 with ease on my commute to work.

25 more...

Change your diet. You lose weight in the kitchen.

Grant yourself a cheat day from time to time but stay on your diet the first months. I've been on a diet for about three years now and I can have a cheat day once a week.

Expect it to be something you have to commit to the rest of your life but believe me, it gets easier. Don't go on a crash diet but do something that you realistically can maintain.

Then start with some moderate exercise. Just walking more often is a great way to lose weight.

You can't target zones to lose weight but you can tone zones by building muscle. Bigger shoulders lake your waist look thinner.

Stick to it. You'll feel better overall. Good luck.

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I can change her

Ah yes, the land of the free

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Yes, I've been with a girl like that for 2 years. My friends told me that I could get better looking women and found 8t strange I hooked up with her but my god, she got me going. Also, she was a nymphomaniac. That's the main reason we broke up. Having sex twice a day takes the fun out of it if you're not a sex addict. I encountered her a few weeks ago. She gained a lot of weight but I still wanted to screw her badly. It's totally weird.

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I'm not saying it's social media, but it's social media. You're connected to negativity 24/7. The algorithm feeds on negativity because that is what makes us stay on there.

I've got something to change your thinking. At least it helped me 17 years ago.

Hans Rosling - The best stats you've ver seen

I don't want to dismiss the facts. There are terrible things going on but overall we're living our best lives at the same time.

Rutger Bregman | Where do we go from here?

And hey! I'm 43 too. You have a whole life ahead of you. You still can go in any direction you want to go in.

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Next up. Improve your wireless network with cheese.

And they've made Bing your standard browser and activated Copilot.

I used to be a residential building safety inspector. One of the houses that I screened looked very average but the garden had a huge collection of bonsai. Some of them were nearly 100 years old. Central Europe. Crazy.

They will have to open up in 2024. Thanks to the EU.

MagicEarth has got a live traffic layer for you.

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In 2024 Apple and Google will have to figure it out because the EU are twisting their arms.

So, implement it in cars... Lethal machines that need to be limited.

I was working in a restaurant and one day a regular invited us to his place for after work drinks. He opened the front door into a monumental hallway with beautiful winding stairs and a large mosaic monogram with his initials on the floor.

We went into the main living area with a professionally decked out open kitchen, a 20 person dining table and a seating area with 4 large Chesterfields. The whole room is filled with art and antiques.

He asked me if I wanted to pick a few bottles of wine because of my good taste ( I'm a trained sommelier). He then guided me to his library and opened a secret door that led into the wine cellar.

Every large winehouse in the world was represented and he insisted on picking whatever I wanted. The sheer amount of stacks of Mouton Rotschild premier Cru, Tenuta Dan Guido - Sassicaia... We opened 4 bottles that would've cost about 10.000 euros together. No sweat.

He told us that despite the nice kitchen he never cooks. He goes to restaurants every day and on the weekends he hires top chefs to cook for his guests.

Then he asked us if we would like to go and have lunch in Milan, the next day (I'm from Belgium). He chartered a heli and had extra space for 3 persons.

He's a modest guy. Rides his bike everywhere and makes his money selling real estate. He only sells high value property like castles and works one day a week. He's not extremely talented but admitted he's just lucky.

I realized that to become rich, you need money. Whether it's your own or someone else's doesn't matter, you just need a lot.

I use a car about 4 times a month. On those 4 occasions I need that car. When buying my house I considered some extra criteria like proximity to a bus stop, train station and a good cycleable connection to daily goods stores. Even 10 years ago that caused my house being 15 to 30% more expensive as houses in different areas.

I am lucky to be able to afford such a thing but now I don't own a car for about 4 years and the cost of owning and maintaining a car seems to be far more expensive than the extra I had to invest in my house. Cars have become a lot more expensive while inflation made it easier to do the downpayments on my house.

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  • You can schedule messages
  • Have supergroups, subgroups, broadcasts, admin roles in groups,...
  • Channels can be configured in various ways. For example, you can post messages and choose the type of previews links render.
  • You can add voting options to posts
  • Members of the channel can only reply in threads so the replies are bundled.
  • You can decide wheter new group members can view chat history or not.
  • Members can be muted.
  • Bots can be built withing the app
  • Chats can be arranged in folders *...

I could go on.

10 more...

I'm still a bit confused about the instances and the political alignment of people on certain instances. I'm on but apparently people can be quite toxic on that instance.

Having to subscribe to the same subject on different instances feels a bit weird. I always wonder what I'm missing out on.

It also seems like we're missing some critical mass but I'm over Reddit, that's the bottom line.

In Europe it isn't. But I got it too. Even worse, my default browser was changed to Bing after an update.

6 more...

MapComplete is more about tagging.

  • Vsauce
  • Veritasum
  • Adam Savage
  • Stuff made here
  • Mark Rober
  • Rex Krueger
  • Wisecrack

It was all over the news and years ago. Should we continue talking about it?

Every. Report. In. School.

After my diagnose my life changed. I got a master degree while working full time and raising two kids.

I'm considering getting back on meds because my job is so demanding lately.

Torx master race has entered the chat.

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Opinions. People seem to hate opinions, whether they're provided with an explanation or not. Facts are also downvoted on a regular base.

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Have you tried professional help? I mean, I'm all for us helping out each other but I suppose your issues are mental and not physical. And that is just an assumption so maybe start with a consultation with a GP.

Coffee can give you a little boost but it's not something you can rely on in the long run.

You get ads? Pihole, Firefox + Ublock origin...

3 more...

If you try hard enough, you can become anything you want.

But on a more serious note. We don't know. It's the whole nature vs. nurture debate and there are no clear outcomes.

But, as for I am concerned, you can be anything you like. Just don't bother me with your choices. If it makes you feel good, than good for you.

I always have a notepad next to me while working. The notes on paper somehow guide my workflow.

As a cis man I watch female friendly porn. I'm disturbed by all the step-porn.

It's true, but that makes it even more unsettling. Every petty crime gets blown up by media, every time something happens people start screaming that we need camera's and more cops on the streets. I used to work in the bar scene in our city twenty years ago. There were bar fights on a regular base. Now one bar fight in a year makes the national news.

I'm wheezing. Never heard it before but the image is livid in my head.

If everyone goes in lockdown a few weeks should suffice but that's the ideal scenario. Containment and immobility are the best ways to smother an outbreak.

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Nicolas Cage is one of my guilty pleasures..

  • I love his character in Matchstick men
  • He was my favourite Travolta in Face/Off
  • Vampire's kiss... Chef's kiss
  • Leaving Las Vegas. Come on... Brilliant!
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Yes, you can run as a single item candidate. Affordable and qualitative housing sort of is a human right so you have a very valid point.

They've got bears and Northern lights! I'm looking for some property right away!

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Yes, but people will be starting to react or act to get 'score'. It incentivises certain behaviour.

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I can't remember which episode it was but in the Cautionary Tales podcast by Tim Harford a guest once explained that cars are too safe. Through the years we blamed cars for not being safe when people get hurt but few alterations were made to our behaviour if you campagne it to the advances they've made in car safety. If imminent death would follow everytime we made a mistake people would be more careful. That's how I feel about the roads in Wales. The lack of oversight made me be more cautious. That and the fact that I normally drive at the other side of the road.

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Oh yeah. I'm pretty new to all of this but just mentioning the fact that the CCP is doing raunchy stuff got me downvoted to hell. Even when those replies were provided with links to articles and facts I am being called racist.

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Great job! That's an excellent way to spread out.

I like the French 'Balance ton porc'.

'Balance your (inner) pig' of 'Keep your inner pig' in check'

On social networks, beyond the feminist spheres, a call around the keywords #balancetonporc and #metoo broke the omerta and reports testimony ranging from daily sexism and street harassment to sexual assaults.