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Speaking from a German perspective I feel like the Fridays for future movement has significantly affected (parts of) her generation. I have many colleagues whose kids are focusing on a diet with less environmental impact and also asking their parents to change.

It is impressive that it has been such a long running and wide spreading movement and I am sure that there will be many politicians, activists and entrepreneurs coming out of this movement in the future.

It is hard to expect anything more from a child who has been belittled constantly. I wish I would be standing up for my believes as strongly as she does.

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According to the article fabrication seems to have a very low yield. That will generally make it difficult for consumer products.

I would generally assume first use would be in locations were super conductors are already used today. E. g. in MRI machines which would then not require cooling anymore and therefore could be more compact, quieter and consuming much less energy.

Other prime fields for super conductors are energy transportation from the energy producers to the consumers.

Application in electronics seems difficult for me as the material is not used stand alone there and therefore new fabrication processes and designs will be needed. After all it will not work to use this material to replace silicon transistors as our transistor designs are relying on the semiconductor nature of silicone and a superconductor cannot follow this by definition. Maybe the connections between transistors can be replaced, but I am not sure where most of the heat generation happens. If I remember my physics studies correctly there is also significant energy loss within the transistor and that would still mean that the cpu would heat up. This would be now especially critical as the temperature must not exceed the temperature where the material loses super conductivity as this would most likely lead to a fast melt down of the device.

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By my European standards that is definitely an SUV for me. It is less about ability to see a pedestrian than it is about the ability to kill if someone gets hit with a high vehicle front.

It is also about taking up a lot of space. European streets are small an parking spots are also small. These big cars frequently take up more than 1 parking spot.

They stated that the new mater lies would not live up to their requirements on longlivity and quality. Abs which is currently used is quite stable and can and is therefore be used for generations.

The new materials would lead to faded and broken Lego bits after some years and degrade the brand perception. Since new stuff would need to be bought then this would be less CO2 efficient.

For other PET products we usually do not have any longlivity requirements. Plastic bottles barely need to survive for a year and therefore the recycling process is still much better than producing new plastic.

In short: It is better to produce 1kg of CO2 once every 30 years than 0.2kg of CO2 every 5 years.

I am sure there is still some typical greenwashing in the calculations, but it makes sense to me that they do not want to reduce their quality standards.

Just because something is free it does not mean that there is no marketplace or product. Sozial Media is generally free, but I would still call Facebook, Tiktok or Instagram a product.

Nowadays a lot of industries start out completely free, but move into paid subscription models later.

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That is only partly true. The Döner Kebab was invented in Berlin (by a guy with Turkish origen). Due to the high Turkish population in Germany there are tons of Döner Shops and it is actually much easier to find a Döner in Germany than in Turkey.

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As a SW Engineer from Germany, you will be surprised how much code exists in other languages. But I would expect companies on the edge of technology, who are either working closely with universities or with open source, that they usually chose English.

I am totally with you. I have had a 144Hz monitor for 2 years now. I am 100% sure that everything was configured correctly and I could spot some small differences in the UFO test. But other than that I do not feel any differences in day-to-day activities or games. Windows reset my frequency settings occasionally, but I never noticed it.

I think if my parents were multimillionaires I would be even more busy enjoying my life than fighting a fight with uneven odds.

Of course coming from a stable background makes it easier to be an activist, but it is still far from easy to devote your life to one cause.

I find the lacking/inconsistent integration between Atlassian tools annoying.

Why is there no useful Bitbucket <-> Confluence integration? Why is the markdown or other syntax in Jira so inconsistent. You have to use different stiles in Jira Comments, acceptance criteria and Story titles.

But to be fair with Jira: Often it is the using company who misconfigures in an absolute mess as they try to reimplement some horrible SAP CRM flow which they wanted to get away from before.

Exactly. This is what the person you are responding to is saying as well.

They state that the above definition of socialism is wrong as it defines it as a from of capitalism with social features. But under the condition that this is meant he would move into these countries.

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I do not have a problem with looking at the connector when I can see it. But often enough I am fumbling a cable into some connector behind a PC, docking station or at night when the light is out.

I highly doubt they will switch plans. This current solution seems far from any real productive use.

Compare to the battery industry which has frequent announcements of new solid state or natrium batteries, but there is still much investment in "old" lithium ion batteries since they are proven to be productive and they are also approved to be used in products.

Assassins Creed 1&2 are not really open world games comparable with BoTW or ToTK. The world is much smaller and everything is far more linear. The combat system is also not extremely great. You can mainly just wait for counters constantly.

That said, I still enjoyed the games (especially 2) a lot. But it is more the fun climbing action and fairly good storytelling.

Skyrim might be possible, but I have not played it personally. The witcher is available on the Switch as well.

I am 30 years old and I have a switch and a Xbox Series X.

I use both, depending on the game I am currently playing. The Zelda gaes on the switch have been awesome and some of the Mario games as well.

The Xbox can deliver better graphics and with this more demanding games, but I cannot play them on the train or on vacation and that are actually the most times where I find time to play.

If I am at home with time to play I am still on the PC playing with friends.

For the price the Switch has definitely given me more value than the Xbox, even though I do like the Xbox.