1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wasn't ever a fan of UnpopularOpinions. It seemed like a license to say horrible shit and then feel good about the upvotes but people just upvoted because the opinion was awful.

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Tech bros big mad when they can't continue to exploit a workforce and have to play by the rules. "How can we disrupt if we can't cheat and steal from our workers and customers?"

Those shit acre silicon carpetbaggers can get infini-fucked.

If someone refuses to admit their political affiliation in the US you can basically guarantee they're right wing.

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It's more about them getting into a slapdash deathisphere because as rich people they're rarely exposed to real risk.

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We're not talking about punishing anyone, we just don't want to hear or see their bigotry. They can have their space and we can choose not to interact with them.

True, but in Unidan's defense, it was a jackdaw, not a crow.

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What about a tardigrade (water bear)? They're little, scrappy and can survive in space.

IRC is so rad. I learned to touch type by hanging out in IRC channels in the dark on a stolen shell account in 93. I felt like a hacker, really I was a goofball talking about rollerblading on a shell account that no one cared about because they got it for free with their SLIP account.

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Bluesky and Threads are perfect examples of "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I've got no sympathy for folks who will be blindsided when those platforms start squeezing them almost immediately.

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I can answer number one. In kbin click on your username at the top right. There will be a header with your comments and threads and stuff. There's a small set of arrows to scroll that header. Scroll it to the right and you'll find Subscriptions. That will list the magazines you're subscribed to.

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I've got to second TTRPGs. You have to be somewhat vulnerable to play. You're basically playing make believe, you have to be unselfconscious. It forces you to be somewhat open and accepting.

If you're more analytically minded look for board game cafes or groups. Playing a cooperative board game is almost as good of a friend finding hack as TTRPGs.

If your hobbies are more solitary then look for or create groups. Crocheting or knitting? Find a group where everyone is doing it together. It's like parallel play. This could also work for neurodivergent folks.

One thing to keep in mind is that adults are more discerning about friendships. We know what we want now so it might have to be a bit of a numbers game. But one you have a core group the momentum seems to build. Best of luck and don't give up! Everyone deserves solid homies.

Bro, Viscera Cleanup. It's like space janitors talking while cleaning up the remnants of an alien infestation.

u c4nt b3 l33t w1th0ut fru1tb00t5 0n yr f33t

Think of the saving of cutting off your nose! Sure, it may spite your face but you have to understand the shareholder value of a leaner face!

Sure, everyone does dumb shit. But rich people have the money, time and opportunity to do dumber shit on a bigger scale. When they get in trouble they have the infrastructure to bail them out.

I'm not going to cry a tear for rich people who bolted themselves into a death tube and have have caused a multimillion dollar rescue effort to be launched in their behalf.

When poor people do dumb shit they're left to die in obscurity without any help. The news is full of stories about orcas destroying mega yachts, CEOs sabotaging their own companies and billionaires launching stupid new tech ventures. I'd enjoy watching them set their money on fire if it weren't for the harm they're causing everyone else.

This looks awesome. I feel like it would be worth $40usd but I'm betting Nintendo will be asking $70usd. For 70, I'll stick to the SNES.

edit: it's $60usd

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Hey, let me know what instance you settle on so I can block it. Not trying to start a fight or anything, I believe you should have a voice. I just don't want to hear it.

It's not a good one but the first time I felt existential dread was playing Missile Command in the Atari 2600. I was about 8 and realized that the game only ends when all of your cities are destroyed and life is extinguished. No matter how I tried or how good I got the game would end in a devastation.

On a good note, I remember skipping a party to play ocarina of time. I thought I would regret skipping the party, nah. OoT was and is still better.

Demon 79 was my favorite. I feel like they really nailed the style of 70s horror movies, especially when she's first driving to work and all the shots are panning from static cameras.

It really had me guessing if the demon was lying or not right up to the very end. It was brilliant to do it that way. Everyone expects a twist in Black Mirror and it didn't twist.

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Sugar Ray. They went from Mean Machine to Fly. Caution, potato quality videos.

Whenever I'm having a bad mental health week I'll do a run through of Psychonauts. Psychonauts 2 was amazing and I've got 103% on it but the original just scratches that itch. Especially Black Velvetopia.

No, leftists are like vegans. Call a vegan a vegetarian, "I'm not a vegetarian, I'm a vegan!"

Call a leftist a democrat, "I'm not a democrat, I'm a leftist!"

(btw, I'm a leftist. Not a vegan though)

I feel like those were somewhat easy to find (but not explicitly stated).

  • for Lemmy
  • for Kbin
  • for Mastodon

Once people are in there then we start talking up moving to and instance that fits their style. Kind of like picking a fighter character then picking a specialization at level 2. That's still a hard sell on Lemmy and Kbin where we don't have the account export/import/redirect tools that Mastodon has. I could see them coming pretty soon though.

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Everybody packed?
All of you stay behind me. I’m gonna take ‘em out to the sand.

Stockton Rush is a killer and should be charged posthumously with four counts of negligent homicide. He's just as culpable, if not more, that someone who gets behind the wheel drink and kills their passengers.

Costume Quest has great Halloween vibes. It captures trick-or-treating magic perfectly.

That's interesting. The last two episodes were way more horror than Black Mirror's typical sci fi. A red mirror spin off would be cool.

Numbers matter because activity is directly proportional to user count. A lot of mainstream users won't join a platform until it already has a critical mass. They don't want to be early adopters or trail blazers. They want to go where their friends and good conversations are.

We've got to set the table for them. With a lot of users there will be more buzz and more social gravity to pull people here. We're the first drunk uncle on the dance floor at the wedding that gets the party started. A dance floor with a few drunk uncles is fun for the uncles but until a couple nieces and a grandma join in then there's not a party.

People have been burned by so many hot new social networks that they're wary. They don't believe that they can have a good network that's not full of ads and selling their info.

But the time is now, the DJ has put on Montel Jordan's "This is How We Do It" and it's up to us, the drunk uncles of the fediverse, to get everyone onto the dance floor.

Even that Atlantic ocean couldn't stop Jim Crow. Fascinating story, hope it can still be taught in history classes in the coming years.

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A Short Hike has dialog and a shorter play time but you can just ignore that and soar around the island. It's got an isometric view with a pixel art style. I really enjoy it. I play it when I'm hung over.

I agree completely. We really need to make onboarding to the fediverse as painless as possible. If there's a barrier to entry the general audience will gravitate towards tech savvy folks. That's cool and all but what made Twitter and Reddit so good was the diversity of voices.

There were tech folks but also senior citizens, people who don't usually use social networks and those with marginalized voices. Both platforms started with mostly tech folks, Twitter didn't really blow up until the color revolutions, reddit really came into its own after the digg exodus.

The fediverse is making big gains because of both platforms thoroughly shitting the bed but we're not the only game in town. Threads has an extremely low barrier to entry but it's an entry into a Max Headroom style blipvert hellscape. Making our barrier to entry as low as possible could really help us "rescue" those users.

I've never used quantum stockpiles because I'm lazy. My forts end up sprawling and no amount of planning can keep them from turning into asymmetrical messes.

I've been trying to set up better stockpile management like Tekkud on Twitch does which sometimes works. Mostly my forts just saunter along. I'm going to pretend that is an aesthetic I'm going for.

I'm not a democrat, I'm a leftist.

Removing legacy admissions would help a lot. I've seen people arguing that admissions are a zero sub game. If someone gets in because of AA then someone else didn't get in. Ending legacy admissions would free up a much larger portion of admissions for a more diverse student body to get in, instead of some rich person's dumbass kid.

True, the Aussies have been making a good show of it.

The idea of biological immortality terrifies me. Like other commenters have said, the risk of power being further entrenched in the rich is basically an inevitability. Biological immortality under capitalism is pretty much a guarantee of immortal god-oligarchs that will control a bigger portion of resources and power than they do now.

Also it removes death as an unbeatable end. What if there were still robber barons from the early 1900s alive today? We'd be worse off politically than we already are. Death is an integral part in the march of progress.

From a personal standpoint, I'm not super jazzed about living past my 80s even if I didn't age and was in perfect health. If biological immortality comes to be I'll still punch out around 90 at the latest and update my will to prevent my consciousness from being uploaded to San Junipero.

The sweet abyss of oblivion worked for me from the beginning of the universe until my birthday, it'll work fine again when I get back to it.

Their small squad tactics are unbelievable! Kids these days will just lay down suppression fire and flank you, no respect!

It's well known but usually taught in the later years of high school (15-17 year olds). I don't think they're teaching things like the Tulsa massacre, the Wilmington massacre, Rosewood or the MOVE bombing in schools. Maybe in AP classes which are advanced placement for college credit.

Everything we learn about the Civil Rights movement is shown in black and white and taught as if it solved the problem. We definitely aren't taught that some of the legal reforms forth in response the the nationwide riots after MLK's assassination.

There was that one guy who built his own rocket and died in the desert. That kind of qualifies. Also the existence of the running of the bulls and the cheese wheel race. Those are reported like "look at those idiots. Of course they got hurt."

That's the kind of journalistic lens I'm looking for when taking about dopes that signed a haunted house style waiver to add to the Titanic's body count.