Sea of Tranquility

@Sea of
8 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like talking about sci-fi, space, robotics, linux, anti-fascism and democratic socialism. 🇩🇪☮️

(SeaOfTranquility on

He literally got blue-pilled... The greatest fear of these guys😂

Those are just technical details. Misinformation about the IDF-Hamas war is so insane, you can't even look at "reputable" mainstream media outlets without getting ahistorical analysis, zionism or antisemitism. We are witnessing ethnic cleansing and cruel war crimes here because all the parties who had the possibility to prevent this decided not to. Instead of focussing on the historical context and the steps necessary to deescalate this conflict, the media is focussing on the question of which acts of violence are justified and which aren't.

Before the cruel events on October 7th and the insane devastation that followed, I didn't realize how deeply messed up the western idea of foreign policy in the Middle East really is. Before October 7th, I knew about colonialism, I knew about the war on terror and its devastating consequences for countries in that region. I knew about things like the insane death toll in the Mediterranean Sea, where innocent people in need are just getting systematically crushed by the EU's border apparatus and the right-wing idea of "securing borders" and "not letting the bad ones in". I knew about it and understood it as inhumane right-wing or neoliberal ideas that align with the interests of those who can really profit from it. The oil industry, weapons manufacturers, etc... and the politicians who are in their pockets or benefit from spreading fear and hate.

For me, these topics were always something that the progressive left and even many liberal or apolitical people can understand as senseless cruelty. Seeing the news coverage after October 7th and diving deeper into the details of that conflict, I was absolutely dumbfounded, that even some of the progressive news-outlets I follow are avoiding talking about Israels war crimes while repeating the propaganda of Zionist organizations or the Israeli state. My country has defended Israels actions in the international court, and there are quite a few people agreeing with that decision. Quite a few people that I would otherwise consider reasonable and knowledgeable. I have read newspapers that hold themselves to "high journalistic standards" who call peaceful student groups antisemitic and Nazi-aligned. Groups that were advocating for humanity, a ceasefire and a one-state-solution, and have now shut down any kind of public protest because of the hate that came their way.

Not far from where I live, there was a concentration camp and less than a hundred years ago my country had a fascist tyrant as its leader and plenty of accomplices who helped him with his ethnic cleansing campaign. We are not that far removed from this fascism, from treating people with other ethnic backgrounds like something you can just exploit to drown out in the Mediterranean Sea. From supporting the idea of a pure religious ethnostate having the right to slaughter "uncivilized" people that are in the way. From being ignorant enough to whitewash those who fought against apartheid while jailing those who are opposing it now.

As a lemmy client, I would add Eternity (APGL-3.0).

For latex documents I would highly recommend Overleaf (APGL-3.0). You can selfhost it on an old PC or raspberry pi and have crossplatform access on all your devices

A better alternative to F-Droid would be Neo Store (GPL-3.0) which has a more modern design and is less broken in general.

For apps that are only available as github releases (e.g. hypeBard) I would recommend obtainium (GPL-3.0) which automates the update process.

My personal preference for calculator apps is NCalcLibre (GPL-3.0) which has a slightly different set of features than your suggestion but has a more structured UI imo.

Text Tools Pro (Apache-2.0) is another awesome tool that can improve your typing experience dramatically.

If you have a degoogled device you might want to install FMD (GPL-3.0) in case you lose it.

For rooted devices, I would also add BCR (GPL-3.0) + BCR-GUI (GPL-3.0) to keep a record of important calls.

Another app that is especially useful on rooted devices is AdAway (GPL-3.0) which is a system-wide ad blocker that doesn't require any resources.

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Mike Lindell is trying really hard to convince us that we are all taking part in a Mockumentary, and he's just a paid actor who is doing a comedic bit. The only thing that's missing for me in this video is the intro from The Office and the camera panning to Jim every now and then, who looks like he's trying hard not to laugh.

I mean... everybody involved knew that the original budget wasn't even close to the required amount. Large government-backed projects like this one (especially ones that include so many countries) will always be late over budget because that's how politics works. I'm astonished that people still write articles making a sensation out of this fact.

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Hmm... so thats why they say, Apple is a religion 🤔

I can't wait to learn more about the GPU. I really hope it'll be able to run CUDA.

For me, the key aspects for selecting the right hardware are the camera and the comunity support. All the other capabillities you listed are available on any phone that has a relatively recent ROM available.

Let's start with the camera quality: If you want to use your phone without GSF or microG, you could use the camera app that comes with the ROM you flashed. Sometimes, the picture quallity is decent, but often times its lacking. Instead, I would recommend using a modded GCam App together with fake GSF. This way, you can use googles powerful camera app without sacrificing your privacy. So when I'm looking for hardware, I always check, if there is a modded GCam version available.

Aside from that, I would check if there are recent stable versions of the ROM I want, available for the hardware. The last thing I would check is, how active and how big the modding community for that device is. If you can't find a lot of support on XDA, it's probably not the best hardware choice to begin with.

When it comes to software, there are a lot of privacy-friendly replacements to choose from, but here is my setup:

EDIT: GCam and FUTO are not Open Source, but they are free and don't collect or require any user data

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Anki is absolutely awesome. Since there is a large amount of community made decks, I found one that was specifically made for the book I used for learning Japanese. In addition to that, I also found a free Japanese-English dictionary app that had the option to add words as flashcards to a specified Anki deck. Even though it doesn't have the most modern looking or intuitive UI, Anki is my main tool for learning Japanese because there are so many useful integrations and a large community behind it, and it is completely free.

Germany's government has been slowly shifting towards neoliberal and reactionary politics for the last few decades. The SPD (the self-proclaimed "social democrats"), who currently have the most seats in the parliament, are not actually pushing for progressive policies but make concessions to neoliberal agendas whenever possible. Similarly to the US Democrats, they often act as a controlled opposition, focusing on liberal issues while dismissing progressive/left-wing policies. The Green Party, which holds the second-most seats in the cabinet, has some progressive voices but also has a history of supporting western hegemony when it comes to foreign policy (especially in the Middle East). Together with the aspects mentioned in the article, this is the reason why German politicians are so ignorant of the Palestinian cause and unwilling to push for any kind of long-term deescalation.

As someone born and living in Germany, I was expecting our politicians to act this way, unfortunately. What I, personally, didn't expect is how often progressive media outlets here are behaving like Jacobin describes them in the article. Hearing progressive/left-wing voices that I usually listen to, shaping the public discourse towards a more regressive/antisocial one is what terrifies me the most.

I think every school in the USA needs a geostationary satellite with a high-powered laser so that any school shooter can be vaporized at the speed of light. Without high-precision orbital strike capability, the USA won't be able to solve their gun problem... I mean, what else could you possibly do to combat gun violence.... 🤔

There are a many approaches to implementing OOP in C. Since C doesn’t give you any language constructs to implement this out of the box, it’s up to you to do it in a consistent and understandable manner. Since there is no definite way to do it, let me just give you an example of how I would translate a Python file, and you can decide how you implement it from there:

class Parent:
    def __init__(self, param1: str, param2: int):
        self.__param1 = param1
        self.__param2 = param2
    def __private_method(self):
        print("private method")
    def public_method(self):
        print("public method")
    def static_method():
        print("static method")
    def param1(self):
        return self.__param1

class Child(Parent):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("param1", 2)

I would split the C code for this into header and source files:


#pragma once

/// Parent Class ///
typedef struct Parent_obj {
    char* param1
    unsigned int param1_len
    int param2
} Parent_obj_t;
void Parent_init(Parent_obj_t* self, char* param1, unsigned int param1_len, int param2);
void Parent_public_method(Parent_obj_t* self);
void Parent_static_method();
void Parent_param1(Parent_obj_t* self, char* out, unsigned int max_len); // property method with upper bound string length
void Parent_del(Parent_obj_t* self); // destruct object (similar to __del__() in python)

/// Child Class ///
typedef struct Child_obj {
    Parent_hidden_state_t* super
    char* param
    unsigned int param_len
} Child_obj_t
void Child_init(Child_obj_t* self, Parent_obj_t* super);
void Child_del(Child_obj_t* self);


#include "header.h"

/// Parent Class ///
// private methods
void Parent_private_method(Parent_obj_t* self){...} // not visible in the header file
// public methods
void Parent_init(Parent_obj_t* self, char* param1, unsigned int param1_len, int param2){...}
void Parent_public_method(Parent_obj_t* self){...}
void Parent_static_method(){...}
void Parent_param1(Parent_obj_t* self, char* out, unsigned int max_len){...}
void Parent_del(Parent_obj_t* self){...}

/// Child Class ///
// public methods
void Child_init(Child_obj_t* self, Parent_obj_t* super){...}
void Child_del(Child_obj_t* self){...}

Modules and namespaces can be modeled using folders and prefixing your structs and functions.

Picture this: It's one of those perfect days in the shire. You are sitting in your armchair and smoking a pipe of haflings leaf. In front of you is the book with all your best memories. You open it and the first chapter is called Concerning Hobbits.

So... if I had to choose a goto song for my best memories, it would probably be this one.

For me the important part is the choreography, you mentioned in the end. Well-choreographed and directed fights are rare in movies these days. For me, Hongkong cinema, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee were the peak of that trend and very few movies came even close after that. This is why I like John Wick 4 so much, because of the awesome choreographed and directed fight scenes that actually bring something new to the table.

The idea of "gun fu/gun kata" is not new but the way John Wick 4 implemented it, just brings it to the next level.

I have probably seen too much NotJustBikes lately to say anything positive or constructive about car sharing and how it affects society. But when it comes to the technical side of implementing such a service, there are some interesting problems to solve (depending on the scope of your project ofc...). You mentioned the traveling salesman problem, which considers one agent who is trying to find the distance-optimal route. When it comes to multiple cars and multiple ride requests and time constraints, the kind of algorithms you want to look for are more generally called assignment problems. If you want to dive into code, you can look up "google hashcode 2018 rideshare" which was a coding competition with a closely related problem.

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Very exciting to see! I wonder why the throttling is so imprecise in this test-hop. I would've assumed that having small nozzles and a compact design like this would make it easier to control. This is all just speculation, ofc. but maybe the engines are made to perform better with heavier loads than this proof of concept design. Hopefully, Everyday astronaut will visit them again one day to ask more questions about all the progress they've made.

If the drone could fly around the city autonomously, I would use it to digitize my city and get a personal Google Street View on steroids. I already use drone shots for structure-from-motion projects, but it would've to be autonomous for such a large-scale operation

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I've heard that a lot of people have trouble with updating and maintaining nextcloud but I personally never had those issues and my instance is running for over 5 years now. I would agree with other people here, that something like docker makes everything easier if you want to selfhost. I personally followed this guide with a custom dockerfile that looks something like this. Once you have a functional docker image and a docker-compose file, updating your instance is as easy as typing:

docker compose stop
docker compose rm -f
docker compose build --pull
docker compose up -d

If you chose to go down that route as well, you might want to change the config files in your docker image since some of the values might not suit your instance. I, for example, have added the following for the PHP config:

RUN sed -i "s/\(opcache\.interned_strings_buffer*=*\).*/\148/" /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/opcache-recommended.ini
RUN sed -i "s/\(opcache\.memory_consumption*=*\).*/\1256/" /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/opcache-recommended.ini

I'm going to sound cynical here so if you don't want to be confronted with negative content, please skip this one...

::: spoiler spoiler Did I just read an ad for "Mike's Hard Lemonade co." and Brand Studio Inc.? The "experiment" they made is not scientific and it doesn't have to exist to begin with. The point about happiness and media consumption was already researched seriously (which is also mentioned in this article).

So why does this article have to have a bright yellow background and spinning lemonades on the side and mentions a specific brand multiple times? Is it relevant to the "Good News Effect" or media consumption patterns? No... it's an ad that uses scientific work and the topic of happiness to boost a brand's public perception. Again... maybe it's just me... but having a discussion about happiness and media consumption should not be based on a Mike's Hard ad campaign imo. :::

Can you add a customization option for the hexagonal buttons? I really liked them!

Building something in-game and extending the world with coding is an interesting perspective. I haven't thought about it this way before. Instead, I always thought about solving programming tasks and, therefore, solving some issue in-game. I'd have to think about this more and see if I could incorporate that idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

Those suggestions are on point! I added them both.

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This song would be great if only there weren't any Machine Gun Kelly passages in it.

I'm glad you liked the idea of the world building twist, and I think I agree with everything else you said as well. Thanks for the feedback!

He used an interesting way to describe the interstage I think. For hot-staging I've only seen the completely open structure with rods, arraged in triangular patterns, connecting the stages. I wouldn't have used the word "vent" to describe something like that, so I wonder if spacex is implementing it differently.

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I second this but would recommend n8n instead, since you can self-host it and you're not dependent on another online service.

is the GCam app noticeably better than a stock camera app? What sorts of things would it do better?

As I mentioned in my first comment: "Sometimes, the picture quality is decent, but often times it's lacking" when it comes to the ROM camera app. How well a camera does, depends on the app (which is supplied by the ROM) and the driver (usually supplied by the manufacturer). The quality can, therefore, vary from device to device. A few years ago I would've definitely said that GCam is a step above ROM camera apps, but in more and more cases, those have become almost comparable in quality. One aspect where GCam still actually makes a difference is long exposure modes (low light and night photography) as well as offering special modes like panorama or photo-sphere.

The last I checked, the Pixels had excellent sensors but had some camera software issues that I believe were eventually resolved. I’m hoping that isn’t an issue if I’m just using a basic OS.

From my experience, older oneplus devices (e.g. oneplus 7/oneplus 7 pro) and pixel devices (pixel 5 and upwards) have excellent community support, so you should be golden.

One thing that is never mentioned when it comes to "price tag" articles for NASA projects, is how good of an investment it is. Most of NASA's research projects (especially the ones of the JPL) are done in America by American workers and companies and, therefore, boost the economy. Investments like this also strengthen the scientific community which has a ripple effect on education and future innovations. It is also absolutely necessary if the US wants to continue being the leader in the aerospace industry.

Outsourcing r&d work to private companies means, that innovations will be kept proprietary and patented behind growing price tags that will always be just a little cheaper than doing it from scratch. It also means that shareholders of those contractors get significant margins that won't be injected back into the system. In that sense, privatization doesn't reduce the "price tag" on research projects, it just makes some of the costs less visible for shortsighted financial planners.

Ultimately, research will always be expensive and the real reason for the bad budget estimations is the political pressure that forces NASA to operate at such a low budget (compared to other industries with less or equal economical return). A pressure that is created by politicians who are funded by these private companies and not acting in the interest of the public.

I haven't played any of these games before, but if a find enough time, I'll look into them. Thanks for the suggestions!

Another thing you might want to consider is the repairability. If you want to swap the battery years down the line, this can become a really important metric as well. iFixit is your friend here: you can just look up a device and check what the repairability score is.

The “towards the center of mass” force, will grow with the square of the distance reduction to the closest bunch of mass(es)

This is the key point of my question because the mass m of the "bunch of mass" that is close to Venus will be less when you consider the density p with m = p * V, where V is just the volume of mass that is close enough to Venus. Assuming the Suns density is uniform (which it isn't, most of the mass is far away from Venus), p and by extension m and by extension F (the gravitational force) are proportional to 1/r³.

Unfortunately, the actual calculations are far too hard for me, but my intuition would suggest that the 1/r³ relationship of density and volume would outdo any other factors here.

Personally, and I’m going to be completely honest and frank with you, I don’t think I would play it, (though I’m definitely not the target market), but also, it’s not likely that I would recommend it to someone who wants to learn to code either.

Usually when people want to learn to code, it’s because they have some end goal in mind - they want to make an app, game, website, they want to get a job as a developer, data analyst, QA, etc. or they have something in particular which interests them - such as machine learning, embedded design, blockchain (yes, I know it’s a scam), digital music/art, etc. - and based on what they want to do, I’d recommend them some very different pathways, and it’s very unlikely that your game would be the best use of their time, to be honest.

I appreciate the honesty, and I see your point about the game not appealing to a lot of the target audience. Your suggestion with the platform-first approach and the monetization options sound like a good idea, but it is not the direction I'd want to take. I definitely have to think about it more and figure out, how to address the points you made while still pursuing a project I fell invested in.

Thanks for the info, I changed it.

I think this movie is so good because it's the only actual war movie in the Star Wars franchise.

Must be binary...

I think your idea is interesting, but based on the examples I’ve listed, which I must admit is not a huge sample, most of them are played in a sort of GUI experience sort of way. I think it would be very, very difficult to translate the core concepts of programming to a side scroller.

Unfortunately, I haven't played any of these games, but I have scrolled through that category myself to see what's out there. I agree with you, that a side scroller is probably not the best option to introduce programming concepts from a game-mechanic perspective. I think didn't really communicate well, that the way I envision my game differs a bit from these approaches. I don't actually want to focus on specialized in-game mechanics that help to visualize algorithms or programming concepts. Instead, the game is meant to be a very mechanically trivial, story focussed frontend, that makes achieving the programming tasks more exciting.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into it when I find some time.

Nextcloud AIO is just a link (just the local IP+port) to the maintenance interface of my NC installation. The officially supported docker image of Nextcloud (link here) has a built-in maintenance interface which allows you to update the installation and all dependencies.

Because Nextcloud is more complicated to maintain (especially when you have a lot of apps installed), I have split all that functionality across multiple smaller services. Baikal, WebDAV, Vaultwarden and Freshrss are technically not needed if I use Nextcloud apps, but all of those services are easily configurable as docker containers and if one of them fails, none of the others are affected. If I use Nextcloud for everything and treat it as a monolithic service, I would lose all functionality if the service fails. Because of that, I only use Nextcloud's core functionality, which is syncing files across devices and automatically uploading all the pictures I take with my phone. For everything else, I have a dedicated service that is easier to set up and maintain.

Despite the name, audiobookshelf recently also added e-book support. It is still in development but (at least for me) is at a point where I've abandoned kavita and am now using it for both my audio, and e-books.