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Joined 1 years ago

This is the natural progression of the games-as-a-service model. Any game that relies on online support of some kind just to function will eventually cease like this.

Is it stupid that a vr game about a pet relies on online support to function? Absolutely. But it is what it is. Buy more offline games.

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"Become profitable" is just their stated goal.

I think that their actual goal is to look profitable for the upcoming ipo so that the CEOs can cash a fat check and leave. They likely don't care about what happens after that.

So the "become profitable while simultaneously destroying everything that made it valuable" platitude is more like "they're cutting down the tree for the wood without thinking about the squirrels"

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I'm so tired of seeing this take. And this is from someone who hasn't opened a reddit link since July 1st.

Yeah, I agree that we shouldn't give them traffic. But do you think that the people like us are the ones driving that sentiment of "never forget what they stole"? Believe it or not, there exists a base of users who still browse reddit and want to see change. Those are users driving their engagement regardless of what they do. So why not spend that time protesting or sending a message?

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I'm personally so tired of defending android to iPhone users. At the end of the day, it's personal preference. IPhone is a walled-garden, curated and closed system that has features that are more uniform and well developed across the whole brand. Android has custom options for a huge variety of things that iPhone can't match simply due to the nature of android's open system. Android also tends to have significantly cheaper modern options, but iPhone tends to get OS and security updates much longer.

They both have huge market shares and neither can fill the other's niche well enough to bump the other out. It's not a competition, it's just preference. Is it really such a big deal to point out that teens prefer one over the other? Once the next generation comes to an age of owning phones, we might just find that they find iphones lame and old and swap back to android. That's kind of how generations tend to work.

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You are a god among men

You're not wrong, but consider that people who justified sticking around for some reason or another might leave because the brand change (to a name that is so brain dead even a little offensive) finally hits home for them that it isn't going to be the same.

A brand name change is about the single most overt thing you can do to send the message that a product isn't going to be the same. And when that happens, people tend to look at the recent trends for that product to get an idea of what to expect. The recent trends for Twitter happen to be right-wing echo chamber.

So yeah, the people who were going to leave have largely already left. But this brand change is going to be effective at galvanizing those who remain.

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*have done

I seem to remember McConnell specifically whining about how unfair it was for Obama to appoint a replacement Supreme Court justice in the last few months of his term and denying Obama the opportunity, and then ramming his own party's justice through when the tables had turned during Trump's last months.

McConnell being replaced by a democrat against his party's will would almost be poetic justice if he hadn't have profoundly ruined our highest court in the process.

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Was listening to an American history podcast (the dollop) about the radium girls. They wore uranium infused lipstick because it glowed and they thought it was cute. They licked their fingers regularly to help apply uranium dust to things.

While their male supervisors were wearing full lead suits totally for no reason and let those girls do that.

Many of them lost their jaws. There was a suit filed that they won, but every single one of those girls died before they could collect the money.

The suit led to a law establishing workers' safety rights, so it wasn't all bad. But that law was definitely written in those girls' blood.

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Guys, this was always going to happen. There's no world where the admins roll over and cave to mods' demands. The point was to last as long as possible and get as noticed as possible in the process. To that end, and with regards to the fact that reddit is fumbling its efforts to find new mods, this whole thing was a success.

I salute those mods for giving up on years of a cultivated community to send a powerful message, and I genuinely hope they end up here.

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Look into the death of George Washington. His doctor responded to what could have been a mild cold by taking a liter of blood 4 separate times from him. Washington very well could have recovered if he was just left alone.

Oh, and the doctor somewhat realized his mistake and tried to put some of the blood back after(!) Washington expired, with the logic that if blood loss killed him giving it back should revive him.

So yeah. Pumping blood back into a dead man. That was done on the founding president of the United States.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"

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Translation: "I watch exclusively conservative media and consequently have no idea what's real or not"


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That's the dumbest part. There's no guarantee that this ipo bid is going to pan out. Huffman is betting big, it's just too bad he's so full of himself that he doesn't realize his actions will probably be what causes this ipo to fail.

He wanted to fly under the radar and make changes that look good on paper while keeping the community relatively the same. Instead he made a splash so big that major news outlets are still talking about it months later, and now he's actively alienating the volunteer work that holds the whole site together.

News used to be 60 minutes just after prime time. Now they have whole channels with news 24/7/365. Have to fill all that air time with something

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Doublespeak. Republicans actively work to twist the meaning of words to their base to fit their agenda, so that the other side playing by the rules and being fair looks like political cheating. That way Republicans can engage in political cheating themselves and claim self defense.

In today's flavor, "legal standard" means "the ability to make us lose" so they want to apply their own "legal standard" to democrats.

It sounds dumb to anyone paying attention, but their voters will eat this up.

Rejection of science, rejection of medicine

Alright buddy, let's see your degree. Surely your distinctly right wing views have nothing to do with the bans you're catching. It must just be because you have an extensive background in gender studies and those fools can't handle that.

There's no way that people don't want you around because you're claiming science supports a bigoted view you're spreading, right?

Not the seat. The rim. The seat doesn't create a seal.

One of the "constantly" group here. It's a bit more like having someone to talk to all the time who is also me. I can turn it off, but it has to be a concentrated effort and as soon as I'm not concentrated on keeping it silent it comes back.

I've spent many years wondering at the nature of the little voice, especially after I learned that not everyone has it. It's not controlling or contradictory, it's a bit more like a narrator for my feelings and a driving point for logic.

I've come to the conclusion that what it actually is is my subconscious manifesting as a conversational partner. Kind of like an avatar that represents the part of me that isn't the literal point of consciousness inside my head. Make of that what you will.

Don't get me wrong, I still think in pictures and non-verbal inclinations. That doesn't really go away either. But it's like having a narrator alongside it that also speaks in the first person.

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I know you've probably heard this about a dozen times by now, but..

Don't join Facebook.

They track everything they can about you, down to how long you spend looking at something on your screen. I'm fairly certain they listen to what's going on around you if you put the app on your phone. An ad for something I've mentioned in passing has popped up on my feed shortly later too many times to be a coincidence.

They follow you around on your browser, too. They know what you shop for. It's all specially tailored to sell you their ads.

I keep an account to stay in touch with my family, and it's appalling how much more information they get from you than any other app. Not to mention the heavy prevalence of MAGA hats and I'll-kill-you-before-I-consider-your-opinion conservatives.

Instagram isn't much better, but at least the people there are nicer.

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Put an [R] next to the campaign and your butthole has a fighting chance

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Let's go a step further and analyze exactly what this graph is saying:

There's only about a 20% distribution difference in the "never" sections between Christians and atheists. So on average, 4/5 atheists would answer the exact same as Christians. All this graph says is that Christians are barely more tolerant than people who identify as atheist. Barely is the key word. If anything, this graph proves that tolerance levels don't fluctuate that much for the individual between differing religions.

But Bible thumpers need any win they can get, so they don't read the data for what it is, they just see one bar longer than the other and declare victory.

That seems like exactly what that guy would do. The only problem with that is you have to actually be an attractive candidate to be a spoiler. If he runs, he's not really taking any votes from Biden because nobody who votes Biden is going to consider a party-line traitor like Manchin. If anything he'll be spoiling the republican candidates who are looking for a less batshit alternative. But then again, that's not how primaries work.

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Anyone reading this thread and genuinely interested in it should go listen to the dollop podcast. It's American history, mostly between the 1500's and now. But the different episodes they do are stuffed full of this kind of faulty logic from the past.

Came here to say this. The most literal definition of the word conservative in the context of the party is "to conserve old ways". They are resistant to change by definition.

Leftists use change as a tool to try to make things better. They're naturally more likely to embrace something new.

I'm on the same page as you. It should be noted, however, that the kind of exclusivity you find repulsive actually works as a selling point for apple. It's like, "Buy an iPhone! All your friends have them and you want to be able to talk to them right?" Peer pressure is a hell of a drug

I wonder if people with that same sentiment go to picketing protestors and yell at them, “Just quit!!”

It's exactly the same energy. Nothing says "this isn't my problem so let me tell you how to solve it" like saying "so just quit!"

It's because of the concept of successful ambition correlating with the lack of morals or integrity. It just so happens that people ambitious enough to do whatever it takes to rise through the ranks often have to be necessarily immoral to step on people to get to the top.

People who have others' best interests at heart simply don't take advantage of the opportunities as often because a number of those opportunities would involve unfairly stepping on someone else.

So to answer your question, yes, ambitious assholes tend to ride faster and further than good people. Kind of like how a large portion of cops tend to be former bullies.

Nazi jargon for "person with left leaning politics that we can dehumanize"

The same group unironically uses the term "femoid" to describe women and calls gay people groomers. They also have some less-than-pleasing terms for black people, Asians, Jewish people, etc.

It's all about dehumanizing who they disagree with. Just nazi things.

Get a different keyboard, bro. Changing your default keyboard has been a thing on Android for like a decade and a half. Even so, most keyboards these days have a shortcut that's basically 'long press the wrong prediction -> don't predict again'

Also, the android settings menu has had a search function for a few years now. You don't have to know where to look to find most things.

And soon, the carrier pigeon breeders will start tagging them with tracking chips..

I bought my oneplus 10 pro for sub $500 during a sale, and it has usb3.1. It's last year's model. You can get a pixel 6 with usb3.1 for less than $400. A Galaxy S21 has usb3.2, less than $500.

That's almost every major android brand for $500 or less with 3.1 or better. The cheapest you can buy an iPhone 15, the one with usb2.0, is $800. What are you on about?

It's psyops, nothing more. They perceive it as "playing the west's game" in a double bid to stoke their own citizens and trip up NATO counterparts by using "western" language against them.

The right in this context is invented: A projection of hard power through the lip service of soft power.

Do the same at VAs

The problem with that is that it may have been legal at the place it was done, but states would absolutely place police next door to wait for those women to come out. They already have laws that criminalize women who go out of state

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An anecdote can be evidence if the bar is low enough. I understand what you're getting at, but if the ask is for any evidence, an anecdote can be that.

Honestly, instead of being snarky you could just clarify what you want to see. That kind of attitude is why reddit slowly became a toxic hole.

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That's not true at all. There's a distinct difference in effort between a person who left but opened the door to observe the dumpster fire and a person who goes back every day for content.

It's the people like OP who are killing reddit. Insulting them for going back to look at the damage is backwards.

Me either. I left when they rolled that rule out in South America last year to test it. Netflix forgot that we went to them because cable was extorting us. As long as the internet remains a thing, there will always be other options.

How can a town that is overwhelmingly black be being controlled by a small handful of racist white people?

I think you know the answer to that question. It's about who has the money. Is that money the fruits of an old racist system handed down over the decades? Probably. But it's likely the reason they're still in charge.

Spez, the honorary moderator, pimpdaddy awarding public defender of r/jailbait? That spez? You're off your rocker, bro.

7,000+ subreddits and their communities demonstrated that they don't like spez or what he's doing to reddit. You are objectively wrong.

You're really determined to plug your ears and drown out a sentiment that permeates reddit itself, nevermind the big media sites picking up this whole debacle.

Reddit isn't thriving. It's not even profiting, the ceo said it himself.

Your thesis of this being a nothing-burger is disproven by the simple fact that you're here, in a rapidly growing social network (because of reddit) on the comment section of a post stating the exact opposite of what you want to desperately believe.

Look in the mirror, bro.