3 Post – 124 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

But we're totally going to own huffman by putting "fuck spez" all over it! He'll probably shut the site down out of sheer embarrassment.


Edit: I do like how they make you show your work on HumanShader.

I can't believe people were buying into their "franchise". They approached me in 2020 when they were trying to expand into the town I live and I had a downtown warehouse to operate out of. After they got done explaining everything, I laughed until they hung up.

You had to buy the scooters from them at around $600 each, you were responsible for all the recovery/batteries/maintenance/damage/theft caused by customers, warranty was non-existent ("call our chinese supplier and they will totally hook you up"), and after that they took 20% off the top. Some quick math put it at over 6 months before each scooter became profitable IF nothing happened to it in that time. Someone throws it in the canal just to be a dick? Sucks to be you, you're out $600 + whatever else you've put into it every time it happens.

Really came off to me that they were making their money selling to suckers who thought they were going to be entrepreneurs.

Edit: They did apparently did get someone here into it because I saw them around for a few months before disappearing completely.

Voice commands on anything. It just feels silly.

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I wish this form of protest would catch on elsewhere as well.

I feel this would go over differently in the land of "fuck around and find out". You'd have bored old dudes with rifles setting up watches. And if when something did happen, public opinion is not going to be on the air-letters side.

not enabling the vehicle owner to file an insurance claim.

My insurance comes with road hazard that would cover this at no cost; and I'm a poor.

It seems misguided. The people doing the most climate damage aren't parking their cars on the streets. Go pop some private jet tires.

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Why aren't we taxing vehicles by weight? Regardless of what powers it. Wouldn't that incentivize smaller, lighter, and more efficient vehicles? Instead of the "I'm the biggest on the road" arms race we have now.

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While 3rd party candidates aren't even remotely viable until we get ranked choice voting; Anything that helps to pull centrist dems left is a good thing.

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My brain says yes but my bowels say no.

Brain still wins every time. I can handle some discomfort in the future for a mouth full of bliss right now.

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Pre-primary 3rd party candidates have their place. They can attend debates and can force their opponents to concede to popular ideas for fear of losing votes. Past that, yes they are just spoiler votes in our two party system.

Are you really blaming Nader for the 2000 shitshow?


The national Democratic Party is the farthest left it’s been since before Watergate

That's still not left enough for me.

If you do want to check your car more anonymously, make up numbers for the last 6 digits. The first 11 contain all the make/model/options info, the last 6 digits are unique to each vehicle.

Mediocre successors?

Or 3. Something to boost engagement numbers they can show potential shareholders.

After referencing actress-comedienne and Trump supporter Roseanne Barr earlier in the interview, Grammer was asked by host Justin Webb if he was still a supporter of the former president.

“I am,” Grammer said. “And I’ll let that be the end of it.”


I think Nexus should be able to ultimately decide what they do/don't host on their platform. Regardless what it is. They have many mods that aren't my taste. I don't install them.

I doubt he's broke. Far more likely that he's just a bigot.

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I had it happen last week. I got a "we see you've received your package, how do you like it?" email. Except I hadn't. Tracking showed it dropped off 2 days earlier. My office door is open to a busy sidewalk and often unattended so I assumed the worst.

Finally found the culprit on camera. When the carrier left the package, they put it on top of a pile of other packages. As they were leaving, a gust of wind blew it straight into a nearby trash can. Where I happen to put all the empty packages, so it didn't look out of place. And of course that was the day the trash gets taken out.

Kind of comical in hindsight. Just glad it wasn't really anything important.

Maybe. But I've donated to this instance (and this one only) solely for the community and moderation policies. I can hop over to another instance or start my own if I feel like barebacking the fediverse.

"We are made of star stuff" -Carl Sagan

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This looks like a modern Trillian. It's about time.

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Suppressors do exist. And are commonly used in close quarters combat. Especially by well funded combatants like the IDF.

Tbh without the fediverse, I would likely engage more often.

I think a lot of people would. Being federated means that every comment on every subject gets sent out to every instance beehaw is federated with, even if you delete it. That feels less like sharing a feeling with a community and more like spraying it out into the internet.

95% of VCR repair is changing belts and cleaning heads/pinch rollers. I should hit up my local library. Those are the causes I like donating my time to.

Worked well for me. Altho I'm just a small example. I run a mechanic shop where pay is directly tied to productivity, not time. About 6 months ago as an experiment, I started giving the techs off on fridays, making it mon-thurs. Turns out overall productivity didn't change; they got more done per day on the 4 day work week. So it ended up being an extra day off with no change in pay. They're happy with the longer weekend, and I'm happy with a day of peace and quiet to get paperwork done. I don't plan on changing it back anytime soon.

Shoot, I'd buy one with the chalk outline still in the kitchen if the price is right.

You don't even have to block them individually. If you uncheck "show bot accounts" in the settings, they are all gone.

Now if it's a bot account not registered as a bot account, circumventing that setting, that should be banned.

And it's being bankrolled by Tencent.

Maybe an unpopular opinion; but if you want a budget torque wrench (less than $100usd), get a beam style. I've personally used this one to assemble dozens of engines. I've got a $400 Snap-On digital that is great for torque to yield fasteners where you have to tighten to a specific degree. But if it's just something like spark plugs, I'll grab the beam torque wrench every time. I wouldn't recommend the micrometer/click style for a novice. It's too easy to get the setting off by a turn and unless you know what that amount of torque is supposed to fell like, you put your trust into listening for the click and end up causing much bigger problems for yourself.

Any questions, feel free to PM/DM. I'm having mechanic advice withdrawals after leaving reddit.

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I liked on Postal where if you saved too often it would announce "My grandmother could beat the game if she saved as much as you do"

My brain autocorrects to x-com every time. And I just couldn't get into that game.

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What a convenient find.

I'm glad ya'll have made it to where I can easily block them all in the settings. I guess some people like them tho; so that's a happy medium.

Wasn't there a Sriracha shortage this time last year too? Because I bought a bunch of it and then realized the post-underwood Sriracha was not the same. It's too sweet now with not enough heat.

Edit: yes there was.

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Pull out as much carpeting as your comfortable taking apart and get some air moving through. The more moving air the better.

High highs, low lows so far. Monday morning an adorable kitten wandered into my mechanic shop and applied for a job. He's official pest control manager now unless I find where he came from. He doesn't know a litter box or the sound of a cat food can opening so it's probably a stray/feral. But it's one of the most affectionate cats I've come across in a long time.

Tuesday leaving work after a meeting/pets with the new employee, I made it about 2 blocks and someone ran a stop sign and hit me. I'm ok, they are apparently ok (I stayed far back to keep it civil) but my poor 30 year old truck took a pretty hard hit. It's nothing special to anyone else; but I like it, and have put a lot of blood, sweat, and time into it. Hoping it's not as bad as it looks.

Anyways, here's the cat tax: Hope it brightens y'all's day.

Not too shabby. Weather is cooling off, days getting shorter, I love it. Work is good. Hired some random cat off the street a couple weeks ago, and while he may not be the most productive member of the team, he's fitting right in.

I put my change in a jar when I empty my pockets. About once a year I'll take it by the bank and treat myself with the couple hundred dollars it cashes out to.

Are you just throwing yours away?

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I'm sure it's just nostalgia but I used vBulletin forums for so long, that's what feels like home.

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Monday, 8:17 p.m. EST in case anyone is wandering. Couldn't find it in the article.

Just checked; same here. And my "ad-free tier" is actually ad free.

Yeah, it's been so long now I don't remember why I stopped using Trillian (and Pidgin). But when it worked, it was so much nicer just to have one program running vs 5.

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Your opinion. But fact is, their choice is why some of us are here. Yes, I would like articles posted to to show up on my all feed here; No, I absolutely would not like to see's entire userbase here. It would overwhelm the small mod team and likely kill the vibe. The slight inconvenience is worth it.