4 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Land before time came out in 88 that's only 35 years ago. The CDC reccomends colonoscopies at 45.

It's close. I must have seen it long after its initial release or while I was very young. But I'm still about a decade off from 45.

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I love how companies can be like "you can't have those people they belong to me". And that's somehow normal.

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I found a bug once in our content that only affected Firefox. Old versions of articulate whouldnt start properly. Not somthing I could fix on my own as i meeded anyoher department. I brought it to the attention of the managers. They didn't want to fox it as apprently Google analytics showed only .4% of our user base was using Firefox. I manged to convince them its part of our user commitment to ensure that we work consistently across all browsers, but it was a pain.

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Half as interesting just did a video on this

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Our standards have changed we now want garlic bread and video games. Fail to comply and we shall become unruly.

I'm in my 30s well past my schooling years. I accept the rock.

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Ah yhea seeing these all over Toronto. I ain't against it (though not for it either). But I do know that nearby OCAD is a supposedly very pro Marxist art school with the resources to mass produce flyers and stickers. So this is is probably just someone's homework.

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A narrator refusing to comply with the audiances terrible demands. This is kind of a Homestuck fan fic.

After 30 the pain is still there, you're just to tired to scream

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Well crap

I pretty much only have my domain for my email adress. It's also a back up plan should my career take another nose dive and I need a portfolio. Gsuite was good for all that.

I'm not quite in the loop with best options for that kinda thing. And I been using the email for contract work for over a decade now. So I don't want to give that up. Would cloudflare be good for that as well?

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Well you should wash you hands after wiping, before you touch your phone.

Now you can relax with a delicious bowl of granny creams.

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If this training is like most manditory online training in Ontario it'll be a shitty slide show made in Articulate. He can skip to the end of and hit done. These are deigned to separate accountability from the organizations and the employees, not actually teach anything.

This comic but panel 2 is a waffle house. And third panel with the angel says "I am afraid"

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I think the deal becomes void after the first one crushes me to death but feel free to keep going if you want. I wont mind

These are great. Keep em comming.

I likley just rented the vhs from blockbuster because it had dinosaurs on it

I belive this one user has posted more homestuck content here then exist on the entirety of lemmy

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Probably like 40-50 my rommate has a weird fascination with them. At some point they brought home a box if like 40 of the cheap ones. I assume it was part if some art thing they planed then never bothered with. Now they are all over the apartment.

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He pissed on the moon.

Agreed, I'm new too the community but I am sure if OP asked this in it would be just fine. Folks there are very kind.

In my family we'd joke Star Trek was closer to our religion then any other nonsense. We'd at least have a ritual around gathering as a family to watch it. I'm the only diagnosed one but I assume my family is thick with Nerodivergency. Also I'm not even that into trek.

When I was about 6 my older brother told me Santa didn't exist and I was like "yhea that makes sense". He also mentioned God didn't exist and again and I reponded "well of course not". At some point in my life the existence of Santa was more believable then the idea of God.

Growing up I was exposed to so many differnt cultures, differnt Gods. I think they are all valid, it is important to be secular within reason. Honestly, I've been a part of enough nerdy Fandoms over the years to see the parallels. I'd no more insult the Christian God then I whould Picard.

More to the question though it may have to donwith the whole sense of community and belonging thing.

From my understanding churches are a pretty vulnerable experience, there's signing (potentally loud singinging), confessing of sins, forced friendliness, and positive expressions, and higtened emotions. It seems incredibly socially draining. If I had to do that unto school I'd have had a considerably more breakdowns as a kid.

This seems to be an issue here. So many communities but many ofbthem where created by users with no intent if actually managing them. Some of the communities I'm seeing have been built by users who are no longer active.

I can't say if the kbin.random community is the same. But if we have communities running in pure anarchy then this is an issue which may get much worse.

Regardless of what side your on as a Canadian I'd warn you that you need ranked voting for this kind of thing to work. We don't have that here.

We have one prominently right party and 2 left parties. This heavily skews the votes towards the right as left votes are being split between 2 parties. Often as a left voter you have to vote for the more popular party even if you don't like them in order to keep the right leaning party from winning.

Ranked voting would fix this issue but neither of the 2 popular parties on eatch side, who can fix this want to fix it. Both the popular left and right parties work to supress all other parties.

If your not getting ranked voting that 3rd party will only exist to split the vote for whatever side its on.

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I am also wondering this. It almost looks like they kicked the residence out and made it into a temporary facility of some kind.

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figured it out. got to go through the to do this apparently.

I heard of this one. I can't help but think that this guy was just killed because it will be cheaper in the long run to excute him rather then pay to keep him in prison. I dont think this was about mercy, rehabilitation or justice it was about profit and the value of human lives.

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went through and deleted everything I could on my profile. I don't feel bad about it I killed all my other social media accounts years ago. Life is easier that way for sure.

unfortunately I cant seem to actually delete the account itself though. that button just results in "Something went wrong while deleting your account. Come back later and try again." How convenient that must be for their sales data.

if anyone knows how to get around that please share

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I'm guessing this isn't going to be as good as rent and house prices plummeting is it?

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Now how much did they spend on marking this donation?

I was thinking about Dungeon Keeper recently. I was really hoping since 2 Point revived Theme Hospital the may do the same for this other Bullfrog classic.

I have not heard of this FX thing. I may have to try it out. I always felt there was a lot more potential to this game that was never recognized. Maybe this will do a better job of it.

Has anyone done anything with Populous?

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196 has more homestuck content then

Yup. I think that's the approach. If your done with Reddit and deleted your account then why spare a thought for it. I don't care if it goes down or not, it's not longer my platform. This is where I am at for now.

However all of us got to put in the work of this thing is going to work out. Participate where you can and promote the existence of this option to others.

The apps still need work and somthing has got to be done about the whole "Lenny devs support the cpp" nonsense. I find that one was making it tricky to bring newcomers our way. I'm just going to be patient as possible with all that. I'm sure all the devs and mods are working their butts off for us and will deal with that when they can.

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Ah so it may be possible in the future. That whould be cool. Theres a lot of little webcomics out there struggling to be seen. Somthing like that could really help some of artist I think. And I'd love a platform for getting all the updates on the comics I read all in one place.

Is that even a cloak? Seems more like an attached cape.

I want full cult/jedi ammonitiy.

"Tiny rump faction of extremist" is an amazing typo

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Oh I never heard that one before. Well I learned a new thing then.

I am on a beach, in a old lawn chair. the sand is grey. the sky is a deep dark blue. The sun has not risen. It is cold but not freezing. There is no wind.

I am aware of the long dead remains of the other beach goers around me. But I choose not to acknowledge them. I know peace in this moment.

I close my eyes as the sun begins to rise. Though does nothing against the blinding light. I do not see my final moment. I see nothing.

... either that or I dream of eating a big pizza.

This John fellow seems like a trickster

I can smell the bot farming from here.

I'll provide this.

If you're not into vinesauce he's an older variety streamer from the pre twitch days. Lot of his stuff is finding obscure and terrible games. Halflife amd its mods being a favorite of his.

This video is him explaining what it is, from an outsiders perspective. He goes through a some of the garbage explotive stuff that's comming from it but also has his friend AgentRedJackel interview some fans of it via vrChat.

I found it was a good summary of everything you need to know without actually getting into it.