Semivir [he/him, she/her]

@Semivir [he/him, she/her]
1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Makes you wonder if the demographics are skewed towards Americans. Or maybe others are not that vocal about their local culture?

Any fellow Europeans here?

10 more...

"Wait, do you mean literally, or figuratively?"


Definitely in team sit.

It's more comfy. You're not staring at a wall, which is good for those who benefit from constant stimuli. There's no cleanup from splashes due to the larger height difference, surrounding area stays clean for longer. And as a bonus for some, it feels more feminine.

1 more...

Definitely Bale. Oh the memes...

[does the voice]
"Swear to me!"

  • pats head *

You are doing a wonderful job, keep posting silly shitposts.

I swear I'm a good girl...

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father Ephesians 3:14

Lot's of fun yet to be had taking other passages out of context.

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Not questioning your decisions, but it sounds like you're doing this solo, and likely without parents knowing about it. If that's the case, you might want to think ahead to what will happen if someone does find out.

If you're not in a position where you can trust an adult enough to tell them you're transitioning (for whatever reason that may be), you're likely not going to have a safety net when you do transition. Please think over who might support you in your efforts to become the person you want to be. Especially in a country like Romania, where anything LGBTQ+ is under increasing stress from bigots.

So no, you're not being stupid for asking for help online, but please make sure you know if you can trust anyone from your personal surroundings going forward.

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As it turns out, grilling is also for everyone. You don't have to look like Hank Hill to enjoy a good grill.

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Or, you know, as others have pointed out before... you use the hacksaw... right? The thing that is actually designed for cutting through metal... to just saw the freaking restraints or the thing they're attached to!

(Can't remember if the movie plot actually has a fix for this loophole, the damn movie came out 20! years ago!)

4 more...

Yeah, I'm with Chloe on this one.

So happy for you!

Seems like you got the identity part figured out. The hard part is getting to feel comfortable being yourself within your environment. This part of the internet is a safe place, but it also provides a false sense of security. Real life is where the real battle is, and a lot of us are probably going through the exact same thing where real life is either too scary or too unfriendly for you to feel comfortable as yourself right now. At least that's what it's like for me.

Digital hygiene is actually the reason I started a dedicated account here, to fully express myself on some topics that I might not want others digging through my post history for. Though the ultimate goal is no longer needing this account.

Spend as much time as you can doing stuff that makes you feel pretty. Everyone deserves to look in a mirror and to smile at their own reflection!

Rain makes the street smell faintly of clay.


Titties are a universal love language.

Even straight women admire boobies to a surprising degree.

3 more...

Not going to argue wth you on the bad, the world is definitely not in a good place right now.

But most of it seems like symptoms, rather than cause. Culture wars are being used to divide and conquer, the same is true for warmongering tyrants that seem to invest heavily in foreign disruption tactics and hybrid warfare in an attempt to get the rest of the world off their backs.

All this civil unrest leads to fear, competition over resources and therefore less solidarity overall. Getting rid of the people deliberately causing chaos would probably fix a lot of it.

The average European can merely dream of experiencing the freedom to inhale a microburger.

That's okay, the average American can merely dream of experiencing the culture of inhaling all our different junk food fumes. So that makes us even?

Yeah, was about to say if the dream is driving Hotwheels cars across any breasts, why not grow your own?

If it has to be someone else's, your solution sounds reasonable.

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Definitely discussed titties with some of my gaybros before. Conclusion was "titties good", but sample size too low to know if that goes for the majority of gay men.

As with straight women though, the attraction kinda shifts from lust to more of an artistic appreciation. That doesn't matter here though. Message still stands: Boobs are something else.

Hey at least they hit with the "you will regret this", so the receiver knows in advance there's not going to be an end to the words to come.

Seeing all the recent news I can't help but feel the US is not a fun place to be right now.

I sincerely hope the political landscape calms the fuck down soon, and all of you can focus on the real issues again. It is beyond unreasonable how much attention some of these culture war topics are getting. It is also obviously a divide and conquer strategy and someone needs to break that cycle.

Are you applying for a job that has you representing the company to the public in any way? If so, you might find yourself less free in your appearance than you would if you have a desk job. And it's likely not just about being trans, but other things like piercings, tattoos and hair styles as well.

I'm not sure how well woker's rights are represented in law, either on a state basis or in the USA in general. But you might want to consider finding out with the interview if your potential employer really respects you being trans or not, even if you do so without actually mentioning you're trans. And if not I'm inclined to say the job is not a safe place for you. If you leave this up to chance, you might be in for a nasty surprise later on in your career there.

But I guess it all depends on how long you can afford to look for a job where you're going to be respected for who you really are. If you need work fast, there's also the option of just taking the job stealthily and almost immediately looking for a new job from there. All while pocketing the employment experience, which definitely helps your chances finding other work.

Ultimately there are two things you need to prove in an interview (if you're dealing with reasonable people and not bigots): Whether your personality doesn't make you clash with the colleagues you'll be working with. Wether your skillset matches what the employer is looking for, and employers have this bad habit of not mentioning wanted soft skills in the ad.

Do those two well and the only thing ruining your chances is your potential employer being a twisted bigoted piece of shit, in which case it's their loss.

Honestly? Didn't think that far ahead. Could be growing up twice as fast, but you might not want that. Could be learning things, in which case yay, but underwhelming. Could also be job/life experience, learning important lessons early to prevent making stupid mistakes?

It's your NG+, so your call. 😊

Drive them over a bumpy road and it all turns into a bunch of gravel.. err yeah.

That's a bug, thanks for reporting. Should be fixed with the next update!

Nothing wrong with a proper scream every now and then. Venting is a healthy practise.

Unless you're a cat, then I don't know what to tell you.

Anyone else feel like there have been so many different ways the word "gay" has been used as a slur - both ironically and unironically - that the whole concept just kinda doesn't work anymore?

The only response my brain produces these days is just giggling and moving on. Like if your intentions are to shock me, I'm afraid that ship has sailed. Best thing I can compare it to is how poop jokes stop being funny when you hit a certain age, and start being a different kind of funny once you hit another.

But it probably really depends on your environment. Obviously if you do feel negatively about the whole, that's a completely valid stance to take. Don't think of this as me trying to ifluence what should and should not offend you.

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Next level truck nuts. 🤣


Picture doesn't depict a sandwich with gills.

2 more...

Yes, definitely need more of these! I'll try make some if inspiration hits.

For the memez I'm going to say "of course", but I'm actually partial to wood or charcoal myself.

There's just something about the authentic smokey flavour that makes your food taste amazing.

Guess I'm an old fashioned guy/girl (not quite sure about either yet).

Meow! :3

Fair enough. Guess the moral of the story is don't piss off the creative mass murderer.

That's what mirrors are for. Though I agree, it might be a bit tricky. (Definitely haven't just mimicked it to see if it would work...)

Oh I like that one better!

That's a nice take! It is indeed the absurdity of it all that probably does it. My comment was more of a shower thought inspired by this post than a direct reaction to it.

As you can probably tell from my choice of pronouns, I'm still figuring out what the concept of "being gay" even means to me. Though there's probably no point to doing so. Which only makes being called gay even funnier to me.

That, and of course the ridiculous concepts of what does and does not make you gay, that are going around. But that's part of the original joke.

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I get the feeling this is somehow going to get more facebook moms who somehow get their hands on these than it is going to get people on here. Which is still stupidly funny.

See, I always imagined Aussies as redneck brits, but somehow more approachable and friendly. But as they are quite literally on the other side of the world, I haven't interacted with enough Aussies to confirm or deny such prejudice.

You guys really as friendly as my imagination suggests?

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Ah see, you got me there. I'll be sure to keep that in mind and do things very gayly from now on.

Honestly, cyan, blue and black combined seems like superpowers. Lemme explain:

Most important is not needing sleep, which gets you access to $20, leaves you time to become a master pizza chef and frees your schedule to get rid of those pesky hairs, and when you're done, you can just make yourself your favourite drink. Having access to estrogen solves all kinds of problems, and the main issue left over is finding love, with which the blue pill can surely help.

The only thing you'd be missing out on is the ears and tail and talking to cats. Which is actually kinda big to miss out on... yeah screw the rules, I'm taking all of them!

Alright, that settles it.

OP, we have questions!

you're right btw about romania being hostile to queer ppl, mostly the older folk

Most eastern European countries follow the same blueprint of the elderly being exremely conservative. The youngsters are usually damaged in a way where they are more tolerant, but have some weird homo-/transphobic tendencies. And then there's people like you who are just trying to live their lives the way they feel they should. Never give up on that!

Now I don't presume to know what kind of relationship you have with your parents. But judging from some of the stories I've seen on this community alone, taking away hormones is probably not even close to the most damaging thing your parents could do to you. So I might be blowing things way out of proportion here, but just in case: Be absolutely sure they're not going to kick you out to the streets or otherwise put you in danger before you're in a position where you being a minor no longer impacts your life.

Also don't underestimate what the hormones will do to your body. Two whole years is a lot of time for changes to take effect, including things you might not be able to hide as easily. Two years is a long time to keep a secret from your immediate family, and there are probably going to be moments where simply "boymoding" is not going to cut it.

Then there's the leaving the country part, which is likely not going to be a magic solution either. The good news is that you have two years to research everything you need to know in order to find some safety in your life. And I hate to say it, but financial security is going to be a big part of that, as it allows you more freedom to avoid places that are regretably not safe for trans folk. The harsh reality is that this becomes exponentially easier if you're either talented or highly educated, since most of the safer countries will more readily hand out work visa to those more beneficial to the local economy and job market.

Don't get the wrong idea, definitely not trying to talk you out of your plans! Just trying to make sure you're several steps ahead and have planned for all sorts of situations. So the common denominator in all of this is "make sure you're prepared and keep planning ahead".

Other than that I wish you all the best, and good luck on your journey.