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Joined 1 years ago

So, like all the others, while China will produce cheap eCars. Look, I don't want to predict the future, but if I only have 20-30k for a new car, I simply physically can't buy a 60k SUV. You can't jump into a saturated market of other car companies, who almost all seam to want only expensive eCars and expect a good outcome. There's only so much money in the pockets of people and only so much people are willing to pay for a used eCar, if it needs expensive battery replacement soon. Not going to happen. Build cheaper cars or fail.

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Great and in 2 -3 years we find out, that someone has actively abused this security hole for years and stole whatever master key is required, to create their own fake government CA and has been spying on everyone for years. Or political opposition was imprisoned before they could act. Best is, such man in the middle attacks allow for all sorts of things, including putting fake evidence on your computer.

Oh yes, no one would ever do that every, totally never happened and won't. Nazis will also never come back. What, they soon are the biggest party in Germany, in other countries too? And will dictate rules in the EU? No one could see that happening...

Where there's honey, there will be bears.

I just hope we can create a browser plugin to deny gov CAs automatically or a browser from outside EU to block that shit. ...until your ISP is forced by law to block traffic from these.

One step closer to a great EU firewall and it sucks. Good old salami tactics. Because at some point it doesn't even matter if there are ways to mitigate this spying, if the alternative are so complicated and uncomfortable to use, that 99,999% of the people won't bother.

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We can say the same about Reddit too. Less and less use, same way as Digg and slowly it will fade into unimportance.

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Nein! - Doch! - Ohh!

Of course a new service only stays cheap until they reached critical mass. Same with gamepass and every subscription services. That's why I try to subscribe to as little as possible. Oh, btw Netflix does again increase prices too.

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Looks like they have a GDPR issue. Nice free money for a lawyer. "Only moderator of closed community can delete" lol

This reads like the propaganda of a MLM church.

Yes, get the internet back to the people, with money, but we don't call it money. Also you were free to go and do what you want but we took this away, see you're restricted, but now we give this option back, well ...only partly because now it's soaked with money, we mean community NFTs. Isn't this fucking exciting!!!!?? We make a shit ton of money, I mean... You will make money! Yeah! Get into the group!

I do by audio quality. We currently live in the age of badly understandable dialogues.

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"New Features" ah yes. Actually it's an upgrade to a new features plan. They are doing you a favor. The new plan is completely free and you even gain streams from other platforms, also free. Yarr!!!

They dropped the "don't be evil" a while ago.

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Must be because of all the censoring. The more they try to prevent DAN jailbreaking and controversial replies, the worse it got.

I've started to pirate games again, which I never saw a reason to in 15 years. Simply because 2 hours refund window isn't enough for the crap they sell now. Performance from hell and half assed story after you left the tutorial.

Gamepass kind of stopped me a bit on that, but it's a subscription and only a matter of time till there's competition with exclusives and increased price.

Games also got too expensive, there's more competition than ever and I earn less money than my parents used to, I simply can't pay that much, yet the games start to cost 90€ upwards. So even if I buy a key, it's still 65€ or more, for an often broken game. No thank you.

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The timing of /r/place nullified any possibility evidence of an effect, as a ton of streamer featured this event, creating traffic. I wouldn't be surprised if they got a huge net profit this month.

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Wtf, happened to CoD? Such a hello kitty show.

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I'm conflicted. If Nestle wants this, it must be horribly bad for us, but on the other hand I want fossil fuels to go.

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I'm already questioning the whole system behind it, not just votes.

Say you have critical information that you want to delete but other instances can just ignore this deletion request, than I could technically write a plugin that uses an extra instance, to always display all deleted comments to me, despite me being a regular user.

For other sites you'd need a crawler, catching this information and all this in a rapid fashion to be usable, with a lot of programming extra work.

At this point we can as well remove the option to delete or edit a comment as everyone can host their own, which wouldn't be possible with proprietary tools.

If someone can simply see votes the same way, we can as well add a mouse hover function that will display the username of whoever upvoted.

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I've only noticed a trend of people not being able to answer more than one question at a time, even when chatting and they have all week to answer. The first question is somehow always skipped.

This is making me mad, as I feel forced to pause my thoughts. Pause the ideas in my head. Wait for the reply, reply myself, wait for the conversation to turn a bit and finally be able to ask the second question. Now if I have three questions, I might as well give up and talk to a chatbot.

People have the attention span of a peanut by now.

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Because SEO made Google bad and Reddit has a higher chance for a real person's opinion, which is fantastic. Though we don't need Reddit for that, we can fully replace it with Lemmy by now. But there's a not small part of people, who want to keep Lemmy small and unimportant. Just had that conversation yesterday, there's some gatekeeping going on.

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That sun and moon switch places during day and night. Like in a cartoon.

You can just ignore it, it didn't have an impact on my city. Buildings didn't get abandoned nor did the demand for business go lower.

I trust China. No one from China would ever lie about a possible health crisis.

Drink your verification can or watch 20 ads to continue masturbating.

That said, he's probably still richer than everyone else here.

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This will obliterate their google ranking. Bye bye Reddit

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Google is a large company, they need to pay their employees and server. It's pretty entitled of you to expect them to work for free. /s

I read this everywhere these days. Shilling has become culture.

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Not just OpenGL, they also moved to ARM64 CPU architecture in 2020, which isn't any longer out of the box compatible with x86_x64 software. It requires extra work and optimization. Using a Mac for gaming is like shooting yourself in the foot. This is also unlikely to change, as moving to ARM64 would lose us all backwards compatibility. I always considered this move of Apple to be a mistake.

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Read GDPR, Art. 17 GDPR Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)

It's even worse because people deleted the content themselves and it still shows up and is editable. (Not to be confused with cached by search engine)

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Wow, do so many people believe Lemmy user are that much different than Reddit user? I mean I can totally forego all the bots, incels and astroturfing, but I do believe they migrate automatically once a platform got big enough. I don't think there's any way to stop that unless you want to keep Lemmy small forever.

Lemmy needs to grow because Reddit needs to go. Reddit has become too powerful for a greedy company like that.

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I'm not going to change my habits for a monitor. Hiding the taskbar is annoying, as Windows randomly has the habit of not showing it.

Also there will be static elements on it for 16+ hours at least on the weekend. 8 to 13 under the week. Some buttons are bright some orange.

Brightness can't be lowered much as I don't have many options to mitigate the sun unless I fully cover the window (bright reflection neighbor houses at different daytimes + normal sun + mirrors on walls etc.)

What if I do a 48h gaming session? Can I throw it in the trash afterwards?

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Sure, microphones got better but there is more too it. One huge factor is the mixing for cinemas and not for home theaters or worse for TV speaker.

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I enjoy how OP implemented this little hell into some people's mind.

I'm more concerned of them integrating new features and bullying everyone else into following to integrate them or else.

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It totally is illegal. We just need someone with a good lawyer to push through.

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You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Simply add waiting lists and a max limit of one order per person. Sucks for large families but only until the initial hype is gone.

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I mean that was possible before but on a whole new level. It's actually in Reddits interest to get rid of more sceptical mods who stick tightly to rules, because they'd delete an obvious ads thread.

I can't find the asshole post.

---- "Don't waste time!! In that situation you should immediately call an emergency, but you could also enjoy a cold Coke and Hamburger from Five-Guys, for just $7,99!" ---

"You were not supposed to see that yet. Upsi dupsi"

Lucky other women in the train, who all wore theirs voluntarily. /s

You still have people active in the current politics, who voted against counting rape in marriage as such.