1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Don't be too hard on them, maybe this was all that was available when they pulled up.

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If they were wanting to use current photos of the band, shouldn't Vince look like this?

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By "removed" I mean they clearly photoshopped Mick out of this photo. I have no problem with Motley Crue continuing on without him (other than Vince Neil being fucking awful). But take some new photos with the current band for fucks sake. Shopping a longtime band mate out is disrespectful, shitty, and mildly infuriating. Especially since he retired due to a painful and crippling disease.

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You say that like it's a bad thing!

I seen that tour too. Alice was fucking awesome. So glad I got to see him. Was going to see him on the Frankenstein tour but it got canceled. They were playing with Judas Priest as well, which would have been fucking awesome. I never got to see Priest, but real happy I got to see Alice. Guy still puts up a great show.

For Motley Crue... Yeah Vince is fucking awful. Lol skipped every other word because he was out of breath and mumbled the rest. The YouTube videos just don't do justice to how bad he is live. I thought Mick Mars was pretty good though. He could still shred on the guitar, which is amazing with the pain he played through.

Since they are restoring deleted comments purging your content isn't doing much more. What a scum bag company. Lol

I think I will wait a bit to try and delete mine. Hopefully they get tired of cat and mouse delete game.

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Windows 7 was peak Microsoft fwiw. Interface wise at least.

Right here I reckon. Reddit is pretty well covered here.

I quit going to movies when they started blaring loud obnoxious commercials under the guise of "entertainment" prior to the movies supposed start time. Going to a movie used to be a social thing you did with friends, but now with them blasting that shit at you at a volume that makes talking impossible what the fuck is even the point? The fact that ticket prices are climbing to this level with this kind of jack assery is ludicrous. And don't get me started on the 20-30 minutes of previews they show after a movies supposed start time. Just fuck this shit.

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People HAVE used them to quit successfully though. You can keep lowering the nicotine levels on them slowly in a similar manner as the nicotine gum and patches and it tends to be cheaper.

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For what it's worth, I got this while browsing their catalog in my music app. All the music under the pic was with Mick.

Aren't there vape companies owned by tobacco companies? I know Vuse is. Tobacco has been on decline for a while now and lot of them are pivoting into other areas.

As toxic as Reddit is, it is a huge wealth of information if you can search and parse it. It also encourages small niche topics that wouldn't get any attention without a huge audience to draw from. If Reddit is no longer going to feed that role, I hope SOMEPLACE becomes that kind of place in the future. If it's the Fediverse nothing stops instances from creating smaller communities within it. Could be best of both worlds. Or it could ruin it. I guess I don't know.

Reminded me of this.

Don't worry, they are going to integrate all the features from inbox into Gmail. Any day now.

I loved my fold 3, but the screen just doesn't feel like it was very durable. And the screen protector that is on them only lasts about a year. Getting it replaced was a major pain in the ass since the nearest place that put them on was 3 hours away. And both times they fucked it up and got annoying air bubbles. I finally took it off, but I guess that is a good way to get that black bar going up the middle.

I got a decent deal to trade it in for an s23u I guess. Not going to lie, I DO miss that big screen... But just didn't feel very comfortable with the tech.

Well shit, guess I made some assumptions. Kind of kills even the mild fury.

Did Vince lose weight? He looks a lot better in this photo vs their last tour. Good for him if he did.

I find the results to be cleaner and more relevant at least. With Kagi the relevant link is usually first or second link (like Google used to be) and the same search on Google I sometimes have to scroll down about 3-4 pages till I get to something relevant. Worse some of the ads Google is pushing to the top are misleading or completely contrary to what I'm looking for.

Kagi allowing me to ban domains (bye bye pinterest) and boost others has also been pretty helpful.

In China or the US?

Tiktok users are actively seeking that type of content, where with YouTube shorts they are trying to push the stuff on people that aren't interested in it (if they were, they'd be on tiktok). That's my take on what they're saying. Seems a reasonable take.

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It can vary depending on the area you are in and the demand. I haven't gone in for a few years and am now getting email with a promotion which would pay out $700 for all the donations for the month. It's a little tempting to be honest. After I get through the first month I think it was about $70 a week with various promotions designed to encourage you to come in twice a week for the whole month.

I was told the trolls stayed at Reddit. This one is such a low effort too. Try harder, troll better.

I mean... At least the people using TikTok WANT to see that type of content. At least they know their audience and aren't trying to push their garbage on me.

I wouldn't try to argue that TikTok is not a shitty company (they are!), but personally most of their bullshit doesn't affect me since they are an uninstalled app. YouTube trying to push this shitty format on me on the other hand is aggravating.

Mark Rober did a good YouTube video on this.

Some narrators really elevate a book and make it a better, richer experience. Even if they get AI narrators to sound natural, I don't see how they can capture the emotions of a good book. Be a hard pass for me too.