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Joined 1 years ago

I don't think she's really talking to them or expecting them to suddenly admit what they are doing and change their actions. I feel like she's moreso talking to the American people. I know personally it at least gives me a modicum of hope to see that there are still people who will stand up for what's right and call them out on the floor of Congress. It's certainly better than living in a world where no one challenges them anyway.

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It's interesting that they would choose to blur them if it's that sensitive considering blurring things isn't actually destructive and if you were to figure out the settings they used to blur then you can easily apply the opposite effect to unblur the image. To be truly destructive they should use black boxes over faces.

And regardless of the method they use it really shouldn't take long to do either.

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Paywall link + no context given as to what actually occurred other than someone claiming that they are being silenced. That very well may be true but without more context I can't make that determination. It may also well be true that the claims by the DoJ are true and that the narrator of this article is an unreliable narrator.

If you want me to think or feel a particular way then don't lock the article behind a paywall and give actual context so that I can come to my own conclusions.

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That is one of the most disgusting websites I've ever seen. If you're reading this please don't click the link.

"The researchers found that Sky was also reminiscent of other Hollywood stars, including Anne Hathaway and Keri Russell. The analysis of Sky often rated Hathaway and Russell as being even more similar to the AI than Johansson."

The only reason plant based meats haven't been way cheaper than animal meat the entire time is because of how heavily subsidized the animal agriculture industry is. Without the government literally single handedly propping up the industry it wouldn't be a viable way to make money.

I agree that those people need to understand her point the most and that they likely won't even if they did hear it unedited but even the people who are already on her side like myself still need to hear it. Not because we don't already understand what she's saying but because it shows that we haven't given up yet.

As someone that has used ad blockers for just about as long as I have been able to, I would like to think that this is true. However, I'm not entirely sure that it is. I've heard that a surprising percentage of people just don't even know that ad blockers exist. If that's the case then they may be very well aware of what is happening. (Using made up numbers for the sake of argument since I don't have real numbers) Like if only 5% of users use ad blockers and doubling the number of ads they show only brings that to 10% then it is certainly worth it financially. I doubt that if you were to graph that curve it would be linear - there is certainly a point where you inundate users with so many ads that even non-technical people will start learning about ad blockers. Regardless of what the real numbers are, I would be very surprised if they are making decisions this big without at least being aware of what those numbers might be. And if they can make a small amount of money indefinitely but they have evidence to suggest that they can make even more money also indefinitely then the financial motivation is obvious. Not all infinities are the same size.

Same. Just did it today. I've also been on reddit since the beginning and I'm done.

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How many of the reddit users are bots?

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You should still be able to view and comment on beehaw as normal so you don't have to miss those communities. Defederation is a one way street. So it's just like doesn't exist as far as beehaw is concerned. We can't have any impact on their vote counts from their perspective, they won't see our comments regardless of the instance it's posted on, they can't visit any communities from, etc. But unless defederates from beehaw we will still be able to view, vote on, comment on, etc anything from beehaw as normal. It's just that you are less likely to get any sort of interaction so you are disincentivized from doing so. Technically we could still comment on a beehaw post and anyone from or any other instance that hasn't defederates with us would still be able to see and reply to that comment.

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Good video covering the incident in detail

I don't even want to win any fight anymore. I don't want to use Reddit regardless of what they do with the API anymore. The API changes and the way that they have reacted to the backlash is just the straw that broke the camel's back. And even if they revert all of the changes it's too late to take back the way they've acted.

Makes sense. What a ridiculous statement to have made to begin with though.

(Not who you replied to) I think they might be more concerned about the possibility of Trump being in power than the litigation being shelved as a result.

Thank you. That's about what I suspected. And an email may not technically be a paywall but imo if they're going to sell it or even just use it to spam me with shit that's just another form of payment. I could make a fake email address or something but honestly I'm not going to go through all of that for what seems like a clearly shitty article from that parts that I can see.

Apart from everything else that has been mentioned I would add that a very real factor is that every instance to my knowledge has a donation button which cannot be removed without forking the project that goes directly to the devs. Plenty of people in this post are saying things like "Wow, glad they cleared that up! I'll definitely be giving them money" and very likely don't have the full context. Assuming Lemmy does continue to grow exponentially it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that these devs will probably receive a large amount of money in donations from people who may not all be okay with supporting them if they were more informed. So spreading the truth about the devs and not taking their pitiful denial as absolute truth is important even if you believe in the project as a whole.

Out of curiosity, what communities are you subscribed to that entirely consist of posts that are marked nsfw that aren't porn? Not saying you aren't having that experience but I just can't think of a any communities like that that I've come across. Certainly there will be some posts like that but losing entire communities by disabling nsfw in public?

The survey isn't about the "niche" subset of the population that is religious. It is about the composition of the entire population. Not a subset of the population so that isn't relevant.

Edit: to be clear, I understand that there may be some niche subsets within this survey that may not be represented because there are only 20 people in the US that believe in that weird religion, but again, that has nothing to do with the larger, non-niche subsets which are absolutely represented with enough accuracy to draw statically significant conclusions with a sample size of 1000

Agreed. It's literally just them saying "there are a lot of new users and theoretically they could all be bots, therefore they are all bots".

Thanks! That's very understandable. The most important thing is definitely having fun, I agree. If you ever do want some advice the offer's there anyway! Or if you want to just play for fun sometime I'd be happy to do that too. We could use some fun alternative types of handicaps if you'd like as well. Or if we get enough people we could set up a game of rengo as well. In any case, like I said I'm just happy to see others playing Go :)

That's a fair point. I have never seen it done from a video before specifically, but I am positive that it is a technique which is theoretically possible given that there is enough data in the image. Obviously if the image was grainy to begin with then it doesn't matter what you do to it, you won't get anything better than the original. And regardless of how the file is exported, as long as you can take a screenshot of the video afterwards and there is enough definition in the image I don't see how this technique couldn't be applied.

Edit: and to be clear, I don't know what specific transformation(s) are traditionally used in video editing. For all I know it could be a long list of transformations that are all coded to happen with the click of a button to make it more difficult to unblur. But even that isn't entirely safe. There is just literally no reason to not use a black box/elipse or whatever in cases where the data is actually sensitive.

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I'd also add that I wish Spotify paid the musicians better. Even relative to other platforms Spotify is pretty bad about that. Of course if you want to support the musician it's always better to buy merch and music and stuff directly from them, but that isn't really an excuse for streaming platforms to pay them so poorly. And I'm not suggesting that Spotify should just give the musician everything of course. They should get their cut too. But perhaps something even slightly more reasonable would be appreciated.

Thanks for the link. It cleared up a slight misunderstanding that I had as well.

I'm around 1 dan on OGS in Go if you ever want lessons too. I'm a bit rusty since I moved earlier this year and started a new job so I haven't had the time to play, but it's nice to see other Go players here.

1 more... users can still post on beehaw communities but only other users will be able to see and interact with those posts. You're probably seeing people post on the same beehaw communities that they subbed to either without realizing that they are defederates or not understanding what that means. It will basically always be better now to find somewhere else to post if you want to reach a wider audience now. So instead of using the beehaw gaming community it would be better to use a one for example. That being said, since is the largest instance at the moment, even posting on a beehaw community and only reaching other users who happen to be subscribed to that defederated beehaw community (or who browse all) will still probably reach a wider audience than someone in beehaw posting to other beehaw users for example.

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